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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. It was also one of the best damned RPGs ever made. <3 DQ8
  2. I got my 360 for Xmas. Also bought Viva Pinata (fun little game; imagine if they took gardening from Harvest Moon and fleshed it out into its own title), Final Fantasy XI (wanted to get back into it), Gears of War (no brainer), and got Geometry Wars and Lumines Live from the XBLA. My Xmas = awesome I didn't realize that Gears was only 45 bucks at Best Buy until I went and got it tonight. Total, wonderful surprise. Next stop, Lost Planet.
  3. Secret of Evermore > Secret of Mana
  4. Wait until you play it. It's a great game.
  5. Circuit City also has a deal where you get an Xbox 360 premium system, an extra wireless controller, and Gears of War for $500.
  6. A little prettier than the other versions. But if you wanna play online, you have to pony up $10 a month to Sega, regardless if you're paying for Xbox Live or not. That, my friends, is what is called a SHIT DEAL.
  7. I played Fight Night for the first time tonight. OH MY GOD. Unbelievable. Graphically, it's some of the best visuals I've ever seen; characters cut and bruise visibly, and the slow motion replays of punches show face-rippling glory. Gameplay wise, it is absolutely incredible. It's easy enough to pick up and mess around with, but it's deep as hell. I'm kind of reminded of the old WCW/NWO and WWF games on the N64 in that there was always a way to escape or counter a move. It's the same in Fight Night. You can walk around the ring, duck, block, dodge, and you have light jabs and slow heavy punches. This game is all about situational strategy. It's a great example of focusing on your opponent's tendencies and reacting accordingly. So for example, playing my friend tonight, he bloodied up the ride side of my character's face pretty badly in the first round, and it was weak to attack. So he was focusing in on that side in the following rounds. I, in turn, used a high right-side block to counter is punches, and it opened him up to some huge shots from me, allowing me to win a couple rounds in a row. It's a wonderful game of give and take, and it's very very intelligently designed. I had no interest in it before tonight; now I am picking this up ASAP.
  8. More SH5 info, courtesy of Famitsu
  9. Here's a stat for you: I don't. Now get your fanboy shit out of this thread. The rest of your post was fine. Here's a stat for you: Fanboys ignore everything that was said, if it contains anything other than praise for their system of choice. Re-read what I said. "It seems to me that, in a lot of cases..." So, welcome to school. Reading comprehension helps, doesn't it? You're completely dodging what I said. There's no need for a "broader Wii60 thread". That is an incredibly dumb idea. Maybe we should combine the PSP and DS thread? That would be great. Two machines that have no relation other than that they play video games for people to talk about. After all, most PSP owners are eventually going to buy a DS and express their desire for one. No, dude. You said to get the fanboy out of the thread, because I suggested we actually make it about something that is being, quite virally, marketed as the superior choice. The Wii60 combination. You said nothing else, so there wasn't anything for me to dodge. And PSP/DS? It's pretty much entirely one or the other. Relatively few people have or want both. Wii60? Since MS suggested it, it's been catching on. An increasing number of gamers want both, for both the choice of games and the difference in playstyles. Just like PC gaming is different from Console gaming. Hell, go take a look at other message boards. Once you get past your own apparent flaming fanboyism, you'll see that there's as much good faith coming from the Wii camp toward the 360, as there is good faith coming from the 360 camp for the Wii(minus the shots at how "kiddy" Nintendo is). And both camps point and laugh at Sony's short-bus riding spawn. So, just because -you- don't want a Wii, doesn't mean that, oh, say.. 4 million other 360 owners wouldn't enjoy one. Just from current numbers. When I was waiting in line for my Wii on launch day, more than half the people in line already had a 360. That alone speaks volumes about the appeal. Now, if you will kindly stop being an anal ostrich, you'd see that I'm also praising the 360, and I'm someone who was quite firmly a Nintendo fanboy. Please just shutup. I can't stand anymore of your corporate cock-wrangling.
  10. Here's a stat for you: I don't. Now get your fanboy shit out of this thread. The rest of your post was fine. Here's a stat for you: Fanboys ignore everything that was said, if it contains anything other than praise for their system of choice. Re-read what I said. "It seems to me that, in a lot of cases..." So, welcome to school. Reading comprehension helps, doesn't it? You're completely dodging what I said. There's no need for a "broader Wii60 thread". That is an incredibly dumb idea. Maybe we should combine the PSP and DS thread? That would be great. Two machines that have no relation other than that they play video games for people to talk about. After all, most PSP owners are eventually going to buy a DS and express their desire for one.
  11. Here's a stat for you: I don't. Now get your fanboy shit out of this thread. The rest of your post was fine.
  12. You might wanna play FFXII for the PS2 first as Revenant Wings is a semi-sequel.
  13. If you buy a 360 at Toys R Us this holiday season, you get a $100 TRU gift card. Does this require a coupon? Edit: Nevermind, I found the deal at CAG. Holy shit, I'm going to pick that up tomorrow or Saturday then. Edit #2: And thanks Yeah, hot deal. You could just buy the tard pack (Core version) and get a free HD. Not bad, unless you absolutely must have the component cables and/or wireless controller. Viva Pinata is a Rare (as in Rareware) game that is a sort of pet simulator (kind of like Nintendogs, I guess) in which you take care of colorful little creatures that are living breathing pinatas. I hear the game is delightful (though I haven't played it yet). And if you're looking for more good deals, Viva Pinata is $29.99 today only (12-21) at Best Buy. Oblivion has already won numerous GOTY awards, though I'm sure most people know about it. Essentially, it's a huge-ass first person RPG that rivals MMOs in size and scope (though it is an offline only game). Lost Planet is coming in a January, and it's a 3rd person shooter from Capcom that has some really clever game design. It also looks graphically phenomenal. Fight Night Round 3 is another very pretty game, and it's very accessible even if you don't like boxing or sports games. If you want something traditional, FFXI is out for the 360 (though they've stopped producing it; still, the game has viability left as there will be one more expansion for it sometime soon). That's also a good deal; it comes with the game and all 3 expansions for $30 and a month free. On XBLA, there's almost no limit to the fun you could have. Lumines Live, with online head to head play, Geometry Wars, etc. There's also a new game out on XBLA called Assault Heroes that's getting great reviews. It basically plays exactly like Geometry Wars, but it's a 2 player co-op game that has levels and missions. The art design is a lot like the Halo games in that it's has a futuristic military theme, only it's played from a top-down isometric perspective.
  14. New Phoenix Wright in January, and the best DS of them all, Age of Empires, which is quite simply the most fun I've had with a game in a long time.
  15. Seconded. That's what the 360 has over its competitors right now, and one of the reasons it's so attractive to me.
  16. Top 5 reasons to own a 360: -Viva Pinata -Gears of War -Lost Planet -Xbox Live Arcade -Oblivion
  17. If you buy a 360 at Toys R Us this holiday season, you get a $100 TRU gift card.
  18. Too subtle? Something like that. I mean, I love the DS as much as the next guy, but...well...
  19. No, I suspect that he is using a binary poison. The poison in in the food, but so is the antidote. As long as Paladin-01 keeps eating the food from his neighbor, the poison won't kill him. Stop eating, and he dies. Very clever, and fiendish. We've got to keep the bus over 50 mph!
  20. Wait...did you just Describe AoE:DS as Strategy RPG? Did they really do that much genre changing to it when they brought it to the system? Yes, it is a turn-based SRPG. But it's so awesome. There's still an emphasis on building towns and buildings and researching technology. For example, if you train a villager (the only unit that can build) and have him construct a church, you can then train Monks. Monks are able to heal units and convert enemies to your side. Also, having a church allows you to research religious abilities, like making Monks have higher defense, etc. You also have resource management in that you need to build mills and farms as well as gold mines (on their appropriate map locations when you see a vein of gold or a field of wheat) in order to collect materials to build the aforementioned structures. It's such a deep and rewarding game. Last night I was playing as the French, and the English were laying siege to my town. I trained up a group of Paladins, and then on their turn moved them around the town and took out the enemy troops gathered near the front gate. Such an awesome game; best game on the DS, IMO.
  21. I only use it to see if hot chicks in my classes have boyfriends :3
  22. I just want to let everyone know that in the past 24 hours I have discovered that Age of Empires DS is the best game for the system. It's also the best SRPG I've pretty much ever played (yes, even better than Advance Wars). Wish I had bought it earlier. 20 bucks well spent.
  23. Fanboy? Hardly. I call shit on all three sides when I see it. lol
  24. It actually makes perfect sense. The article you linked to only states that the rumors are criculating on Japanese forums and blogs. It also says that the rumor suggests that the new version would be released in Japan in 2007; nowhere else. Seeing how hot the DS lite is there (Nintendo can't even produce enough to fill demand), another redesigned DS would sell godly numbers of units. [insert "It Prints Money!" gif here] From a business standpoint (and ESPECIALLY after the recent DQ9 announcement), releasing a new DS lite model in Japan is good business. Stop being a Nintendo fanboy and shutup with this crap.
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