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Posts posted by jmr

  1. jmr: Weird... for both mattoco and I, it limited us to 630 rounds. But you seem to have been allowed more, and both numbers are still significantly under the 741 available battles they seem to quote. :?
    I put what little knowledge I gained from my statistics course to use, and it seems 666 is the total number of possible matchups for a set of 37 songs. 741 is the number of possible pairs from a set of 39. So, unless they plan on adding two more songs, we're done voting.
    Okay, I think I know what's up. All of a sudden, they're letting me judge more rounds... but there's a new track in there: "High" by Pistol Day Parade! I bet they disqualified someone else and replaced them or something, so now there are more battles available.
    I noticed that too. I though it was weird for me to be 200+ battles in and seeing new songs for the first time.
  2. On a different note, when I went with a friend to the locally owned game store he works at, I noticed that the font used for the OCR logo is the same as an SNES game's logo...but I've forgotten which game unfortunately. =(
    It was most likely an Arkanoid game. Probably this one.

    Back on topic... Sadly, I've never seen any OCR gear in this area. Been thinking about buying some OCR threads for myself for quite some time now, though. Maybe when I'm not completely flat busted broke.

  3. There's even extra space for a sixth module next to the ReMix Roulette! :razz:
    Except in cases where the remix title is too long, and the Roulette module's width is extended to compensate.

    By the way, it looks kind of odd when that happens. Maybe set the width of the R.R.R. module to 2x the width of the other modules. All that's (currently) there is white space, so unless you have other plans, there'd be no loss.

    edit: Then again, maybe that's not a good idea... especially given what the page looks like on lower resolutions.

    I'm just being nit-picky now :razz:: give the Russian ReMix Roulette an icon like the rest of the sections, too. An extremely small version of this, perhaps:


    edit: mockup with crappy icon:


  4. I guess I fall into category 2. I tend to download more new remixes from games and artists I recognize. (and when the torrents come out, I just get everything that I missed.)

    That being said, some of my favorite remixes on this site are from games that I've never played and by artists that I'm not familiar with.

    I kinda miss VGDJ and it's weekly clips of the latest remixes. Back when it was active, I was closer to a 'category 1 listener'; I'd listen to the previews and determine whether or not I wanted to download a particular remix.

  5. Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project [NES, Konami 1991]

    Song: 'Theme of Half Shell'

    Composers: Yuichi Sakakura, Tomoya Tomita, Kouzou Nakamura


    NSF; track 11


    YouTube; starts at 5:25

    As much as I searched, I couldn't find a single midi version of this track. Instead, here's a MIDI conversion of the NSF track. Apart from some of the nasty pitch bends, it's a half decent conversion. It's useless for anyone to directly 'rip' from, though; the tempo is set at 30. :razz:

  6. I just tried it out.

    Like others in this thread have pointed out, the timing of the blocks didn't always correspond with the music. There were certain sections of songs that I tried that lined up significantly better than what's shown in the youtube video. At times, it was like the in-game sound effects were like an extra percussion track, but it usually it only lasted for a few seconds at a time.

    It did a fairly good job determining the movement of the 'road', though. I tried this remix, and when I hit the section at 3:40, it was like a frickin' roller coaster.

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