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Everything posted by vega12
Also, radiation levels in Tokyo have risen to 23 times the normal levels according to one report. That is still of no immediate danger, but shows that in the event of a real catastrophe at the reactors, even a couple hundred kilometers might not be far enough. Hopefully that is just my over-reacting imagination though.
To play: drums (and I wish piano) To listen: piano, cello, oboe, electric bass
Thanks a lot! It makes me really happy to know that I one of my songs can bring enjoyment to others ^^. I just hope that you don't get too disappointed by the rest of my music; it tends to go downhill the further back in time you go
First time posting any music I've made on OCR in many years. I've been keeping at computer music for these past years, but at a very slow, recreational pace. Nevertheless, I think I've gotten to a point where some of the stuff I make it getting closer to being, I guess, presentable music in a sense. Here is my most recent song. It is an orchestral song that I made in FL studio using a couple soundfonts (it's how I started making music and the only way I've learned so far ). Let me know what you think of it if you have any opinion to share. Getting high quality sound isn't something I've really striven for very much, but I won't shy away from comments on that aspect as I do know I could improve a lot in that area too. Link to Google doc folder If you don't want to download to listen, you can stream it from my site at: https://sites.google.com/site/projecteutopia/home/music
That is perfectly safe to use (assuming it doesn't do anything it doesn't advertise ...). All it does is check for new replays, and moves them to an achieve folder to save them permanently. You can then search and look at various stats pulled from the replays.
Yes, the GSL is pretty fun to watch. It's almost round of 16 now too, so the quality of the games should be going up too soon. And Tasteless + Artosis is a good casting combo. As for the Zerg fast expand, remember that while having a 2nd hatchery means increased production from the extra larva (queens also help in this regard), by having all units spawn at the hatchery the zerg player always has to balance making drones and making army units. So if you leave the zerg alone and they are allowed to power drones, they will have a monster economy. So small things like pushing with a small army to force the zerg to build more army units than they would like and maybe some spine crawlers will help stop their drone count from growing too fast. Whenever you have a chance to put pressure on a zerg player, you always should. Of course, don't get carried away with pressure and throw units away, but pressure leads to a weaker zerg economy. This is why early 2 gate pressure is so popular, and also why it is going to be nerfed in the next patch a bit.
QFT Not only do battles not take place in a vacuum, but people tend to forget that in order to get a unit, you must invest both time and resources into the tech for it. Time and money you might not be able to invest in it for other more pressing reasons. It's not as simple as, see x, build y. Sure, if you get into a battle, say PvT and they have a big bio ball you might go, "wow, a psi storm right now would be great!". And yeah, right now any unit would be great. The point is you only have so much you can do at a given time, and part of the strategy comes from deciding what you absolutely need now, and what you would just like to have. So yeah, be careful about getting stuck in the 'counter' mentality. That being said, knowledge about which units are, I guess, strong against others can guide your decisions and/or unit compositions in this way. It's just important to realize that for every unit you want to make, there is usually a heavy gas and time investment required that can leave you vulnerable. Colossus might rock in PvP, but getting the Robo Bay, Robo Support Bay, range upgrade, and a single Colossus costs 700 gas. That's a lot of gas! And a lot of time to wait on the bay, support bay, then the Colossus. Sure, you are probably going to get observers anyway, so the first 100 gas can be written off, but the rest is a heavy cost. And it might turn out that you can cut the Colossus from your tech for the moment, getting instead a bigger army, and push to do damage now, instead of waiting for Colossus tech to finish. It might even give you the map control and army dominance to expand. Whether or not this strategy is viable is a question that would have to be answered through experience, but it's a good example of the sheer cost can it take to get something. (could you tell that I main Protoss??)
While yes, cost for cost Corruptors beat BCs, that doesn't always make them a good choice against them. Corruptors can't attack ground, so putting too much money into Corruptors can cripple your ground army. If you are going Brood Lords, it can be justified, but that is an if. So if you're building Corruptors to combat BCs, you have to be very careful to not over-invest. In general though, BCs have a relatively weak air attack (compared to ground) so Terrans can use Vikings, which serve the additional purposes of mobile scouting and giving sight range to siege tanks, and Protoss I think can go Void Ray, but I'd have to test that to make sure. If you already have templar tech, feedbacking the BCs can do some good damage to soften them up. But make sure you use the templar beyond just the feedback, as 150 gas for on the order of 200 damage can be quite the investment. Thankfully, storm works wonders against a bio ball. And if archons weren't slowed by marauders, they'd be good against the bio ball too.
Cracklings (adrenal gland upgraded zerglings) attack considerably slower than their BW counterparts, but normal lings have comparable attack rates. But one difference is that in SC2 there is more unit clumping, so lings can't get inside a group of, for example, infantry, to maximize damage output like they could before. This unit clumping also means that lings die to splash damage much worse than in BW. In BW, enough lings could run in, surround tanks, and take them out, but in SC2 the lings all evaporate to one round of tank shots. The next patch apparently is going to be changing siege mode damage from flat 50 damage, to 35 (+15 armored), so units like zealots and zerglings might fare better than they do now.
One thing people don't seem to realize now is that workers in SC2 are much better at fending off lings than they were in BW. A handful of probes supplementing even 1 zealot makes very early ling harass weak. The only thing it usually accomplishes is takes away a bit of mining time. Of course, if they target fire probes you have to be ready to micro the targeted probe away, because that could hurt. Of course, I think that was just like 10 pool or something I faced, and 6 pool is a little different. But still, probes are tough Oh yeah, and after pushing out with zealots and taking down their expansion, I then pulled back, expanded myself, and came back with an even more overwhelming force for the win. It's easy to throw away an advantage pushing too hard, so after I get a lead, I tend to pull back, macro up, and play safe until I can turn the small advantage into a big one.
The 1/1/1 build is still popular I think, but lately when I play against Terran I tend to almost always encounter an marine marauder timing push. And very often, I end up losing to it . I am trying to see if I can get away with zero or no sentries in my games, because they are so gas heavy that they really delay other tech. Of course if I got 2 or 3 sentries I could just forcefield my ramp to cut their MM force in two and defend like that, and I might have to end up doing that, but I still want to try doing it sentry-less. Also, I've seen a lot of Terran players when playing against Zerg to favor reaper openings now. They allow the Terran player to put pressure on, and they save up enough minerals to get a relatively quick expansion that the Zerg can't attack because of the reaper pressure. Believe it or not, a 5 rax reaper opening was used to great effect in the recent IEM finals, so the 1/1/1 build in TvP and TvZ is still used and totally a strong build, but lately from my experience the Terran players seem to be favoring more aggressive openings.
There are tons of sites out there that host replays. You should be able to just Google "SC2 replays" and pick one.
The number next to the badge thing is your achievement count. Each achievement you get is worth something like 10, 15, or 20 points each. The ladder points you have is, theoretically a rating of your skill that can be used for comparison across your whole league from what I understand.
1) vega#864 :: US server 2) Diamond 320 points, 91st in division 3) MSN information in profile
Of course. I wouldn't be surprised if you find a decent amount of interest in one such tournament.
Do you prefer live music or studio recorded music?
vega12 replied to atmuh's topic in General Discussion
Both can be good or bad. It really depends on how it's done. A good band that can get the live mixing and balance down well is really awesome! But there are sometimes balancing issues where one instrument is dominating or almost inaudible, and the crowd can also be a factor. For studio music, a well mixed, properly mastered track played on a good system (very important) is also an amazing thing. But some people don't have a very good system for playing recorded music, and sometimes the mastering can be pretty badly done (like the masses of CDs that have undergone dynamic range compression to extreme extents in the ongoing loudness war). Since I've gotten a pretty good pair of headphones, I've actually started picking up on weird distortion things in my MP3s that, after looking at the original wave from CD in GoldWave, I can clearly see actual clipping at the moment I hear the distortion. Somewhat of an extreme sounding example, but in the music I have it's something I find too common. -
Honestly, for now anything is fine. Take it one step at a time. Just pick units that you like or something and with experience you will get a better sense of what to use. Since you're Protoss, you can just stick with Zealot+Stalker for now. Sentries require good micro and game-sense to use force fields well, but Zealot and Stalker is fairly well balanced starting force and you with Zealot leg upgrades they are pretty strong too. If you feel comfortable with it feel free to go Sentries too. Just be careful because they cost a lot of gas and cut back on the number of Stalkers you can afford. After that, if you have the time/resources, you can try to transition into Robo Bay units (Immortal and/or Colossus) because they don't have any special abilities either, and you can get also Observers for detection. But feel free to mix it up! If you want to give it a shot, Zealot / Templar is another potentially strong unit composition for the mid-game, as is Stalker / Phoenix. More micro intensive and dependent on careful timings, but at the Bronze level you can have fun with that too. If you are feeling cheesy (not recommended ) you can go Void Ray. EDIT: Whatever you do choose to go, make sure you don't spread your tech too thin. That's my only advice. For the midgame, try to focus on just one of the 3 tech branches (Stargate, Citadel, Robo Bay). You might want to go Robo for one observer, but that's a huge investment for just one observer (300 gas I believe?), so if you can avoid going without detection it is recommended for the early mid-game.
Learn how to macro well, and you will be able to beat low level players with almost any unit composition. Focus on: Constant worker production Keep money low Don't get supply blocked Those are the most fundamental things you can learn to do well. Sure, it might not always be ideal to be always building workers for certain timing attacks or other carefully designed builds, but in general it is a good thing to do. Even when your base is over-saturated, you will be able to transfer the extra workers to your next expansion so it will be up and running economically as soon as possible. For Protoss, you have the additional macro mechanic of chrono boost. If you get good at making sure you are using that and keeping Nexus energy low, then that will also help give you an edge. As to what to use it on, Probes is an obvious one, but really optimal usage is far from being known, so as long as you are using it on something you feel is good (Probes, Gateways/Warpgates, critical upgrades), don't fret about that. If you get these 3 things down, you will be surprised how the optimal build orders for a given strategy often just fall out. For strategy, I recommend for each match up (PvP, PvT, PvZ), you come up with a basic outline of what you want to do and stick to that for now. Pick something that you just want to do or you feel is your style. As you get more familiar with it, you will naturally come up with good build orders and you will learn all the offensive and defensive timings through experience. If you start to see it really not working, only then should you try to see what other strategies can offer. You will be quite surprised at how versatile you can make a single strategy and often you won't need to make any large deviations from it. Furthermore, once you get to know your strategy really well, you will be very familiar with what it is good at dealing with, so you will also know what things give you difficulty and therefore can scout more intelligently. Scouting isn't so awesome if you don't know what to look for (besides seeing cheese). If you just scout and think, "well if I see terran go MMM, I'll get zealot/sentry into templar tech, but if terran goes mech, I'll go blink stalker into phoenix", that can work pretty well, but if you haven't worked out each strategy in depth, you won't be very good at executing either. Also, if you get too focused on the counter game, you might end up spreading your tech too much and as a result have a much weaker army. In conclusion, get good at macro, and for now focus on one game plan for each match up. EDIT: Oh yeah, avoid queuing anything up as much as possible. For example, if you have a Probe queued, but are supply blocked and at 50 minerals, cancelling the Probe right now will let you build the Pylon right now instead of waiting around for the extra 50 minerals to come in. I think I would even include this in the above list as a fundamental thing to concentrate on.
Welcome to the Jungle I found easiest with just a medic marine ball, supplemented with some tanks. At your base you have like 4 tanks and a few turrets and maybe a bunker for defense, then your medic marine ball runs with SCVs while you pick up the gas. Stimmed marines will rape any incoming air and ground units. I'm not sure how you got in a situation where that many scouts and void rays came at the same time though, as I never had that many in brutal. Well, maybe I did but with stimmed marines you take them out as they come so fast that you never see their numbers get that high. Mech is supposed to be strong there, but without lots of SCVs to heal or a bunch of science vessels to heal, they will get shut down quickly. Goliaths aren't as strong against air as they were in SC1 because they shoot waaaay slower. And yeah right now I'm in platinum cause I went 5-0 in placement. I made it into diamond in each phase of beta so once I finish up the campaign achievements and get to laddering, I won't be surprised if I get placed there again too.
In multiplayer MMM can be very strong, but you have to have very good control because it's easy to lose your mass of marines due to the natural clumping of units. Protoss can use range upgraded colossus, or lay a blanket of psi storms, Zerg can throw banelings at you and when you are fungal growthed by their infestors it is impossible to run away, and TvT is mostly tank/viking wars with marauder supplements nowadays. But again, if you can protect your marines well, it is definitely very strong.
As long as the immortal has shields up, it will take at most 10 damage from an individual attack. So tanks and marauders do decreased damage to their shields. Also, immortals do crazy damage to armored units, like the tank and marauder, so they are not a good choice. As long as you have a balanced army, you should be okay to focus the immortals down with stimmed marines or something. And as mentioned, ghosts are very good to mix in with your army when fighting Protoss for their EMP ability. 100 shield damage to everything in the blast radius is pretty awesome for weakening the whole army, immortal hardened shield included. Marauders can do the job too if you have the numbers.
Yeah, LAN is probably the biggest issue with it that looks doubtful for being addressed. Region locking will be looked into they say. Internet activation for single player isn't anything that's new though, as I believe Steam does basically the same thing. But qualms aside... I just can't wait to start the campaign! Only about 2 more hours until the US digital version can be activated.
I hope you're not just going to ignore the above-expectations, well-balanced, fun multi-player experience, and the, what promises to be a very engrossing, single player experience because of some qualms you have with Bnet 2? Blizzard has already said they are going to be addressing some of the issues that the community has brought up regarding the state of Bnet. Chat channels will be added. Possible solutions to the problem of cross realm play will be addressed. Whether LAN will be getting added or not is uncertain, but at the very least there is going to be a tournament version that has LAN capabilities for the eSports community, which actually gives hope for a crack version in the future for LAN-ing it up with buddies anyway ^^. Also, there are some problems with the way map publishing and custom map releases works, but again, they are looking into that too. Remember that this is still beta, and even once the game is out, Blizzard will probably keep working on getting everything as good as they possibly can, especially because there are two more expansions in the works. But even these issues aside, if you just use Battle.net to play some quick multi-player games against people of similar skill levels, then it is quite sufficient in it's beta state. I just hope that you really aren't going to dismiss SC2 based on your issues with the beta version of Bnet 2.0 and/or your dislike of Activision Blizzard. In my case, even the single player alone would make it worth the purchase for me.
Maybe this time around they will offer the option to pick a handedness when you start a new game file? I believe they said they couldn't do it for Twilight Princess without mirroring the entire game, but maybe they learned their lesson from that?