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Everything posted by jessthemullet

  1. I logged in for the first time in years because someone was trying to access my account. I looked around, and was glad to see that you still make an appearance here now and then. Even if it's only your traditonal 'twas post.

  2. I've been playing it on and off the past couple nights. There's a good map/guide out there, but it's nowhere near a complete walkthrough. I don't have it bookmarked on this computer, but I'll post it when I get home. Once you get the grail and the cartridge to translate the glyphs, it's somewhat easier, since you can always warp out and save if you're going to die. I'm still stuck on the first level, but I enjoy the game. I'll play for a while, get stuck, get mad, quit, and then come back in 10 minutes to try and figure it out again.
  3. Holy Crap. This is an awesome song. It's very, very well done and the quality of it is amazing.
  4. Wow. Just wow. The vocals in this gave me chills the first time I heard it. Very good song.
  5. This is a great remix. It's very well done, and the instrumentation sounds magnificent. I was expecting an orchestral mix, but this went beyond what I was expecting. Good stuff.
  6. A very good take on the original. Short, but the original wasn't very long, so it's understandable. All in all, I like the song. If you haven't played this game, I'd recommend the game, also.
  7. This song is awesome. The lyrics are well written, the music is better than lots of professional stuff, and overall the song just blows your socks off. A new personal favorite, and recommended to all.
  8. I love this song. It's awesome. It's got kind of spoken word, yet almost singing vocals that blow me away. This song is great, and I would (and have) recommend it to all my friends.
  9. I love it. It's hilarious in an absurd sort of way. One wouldn't associate the mario tune with a porn soundtrack. I'll never think of that song the same.
  10. A challenging but beatable enemy is Spekkio from Chrono Trigger. He matches you in strength, though he has stronger spells. Even with your levels maxed out, he can still stomp you. Although, he beatable when you first meet him.
  11. I like it, but I am having trouble recognizing what the original songs were. I should know right off the top of my head, but I haven't played it for a few months. The flow of the piece is awesome. Good stuff.
  12. Usually, when something is out of tune, it bugs the hell out of me. And most times, I'm the only one around who notices it. However, in this case, the odd (bad?) intonation seems to add to the mood of the piece. As opposed to making it suck, like out of key/bad sounding stuff usually does. It gives the piece a very distinct mood, and I love it. EDIT: After hearing it a few times, it's almost addicting to hear the way the strings play. The more I hear it, the more I think that it's intentionally tuned that way. It's a new favorite of mine.
  13. It's been a treat to hear this song as it has come along. Now, in it's final form, it's awesome. I love it. There's more skill in three measures of this piece than I have in my entire body. Good stuff.
  14. Great mix. The guitar is perfect. A little bass might be needed, but I can never tell with the headphones I've got on right now. Anyways, I think it's an awesome mix.
  15. Yet another good electronica song by Gecko Yamori. I haven't heard the original, but it's still a very good song. The choir fits in perfectly the way he uses it. All in all, it's a great mix.
  16. Star Salzman never ceases to amaze me. Just when I think he's outdone himself, he goes and does it again. This is a very good mix. In fact, it's one of the best here as far as originality goes. Top-notch work yet again by Star.
  17. Sweet mix. It's not one of those songs that drag on and on. It stays upbeat and interesting until the song ends. Leaving you feeling "aw man, it's over?" This is instantly a classic in my mind, and it'll be a favorite of mine for quite a while. This mix is featured in a flash movie made by one of SGX's fans. You can find a link to it on his page: http://www.supergreenx.com.
  18. I've got to admit that the tune is catchy. I love the tune, and though I'm not big on racial slurrs, I do like the song. Yes, it is a touchy subject, but all in all, the song rocks. The tune get stuck in your head for days at a time. Good stuff, and that about sums it up.
  19. I love this mix. It's one of my favorite techno songs, ever. It's a great rave song. Good beat, good melody, and a tribute to a great game. Darkesword, you've done it again with a high-quality mix.
  20. I think it's great that some of the actual composers are coming (and mixing) here. That shows that this page is really growing. The song is awesome. Need I say more?
  21. whoah. This an awesome arrangement. I've heard the cutman theme many a time, but this is one of the best renditions I've ever heard. Powerful music by McVaffe.
  22. I agree. Some of the older mixes on this site get overlooked. Good stuff.
  23. Good mix. I haven't heard the source material, but that doesn't make it any less of a cool song. Great mix. keep it up.
  24. I like it. Duck-ish is a pretty good description of the main synth. It's a very silly, happy tune, and I like it. Definately going for some retro stylings here and there. Overall, I think it's a good mix.
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