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Everything posted by GameOver

  1. I have used this song as my cell phone ring tune for a long time and it's just perfect. It starts out with that noise and it makes you go, "whoa my phone's ringing!" One of the best remixes on OCR, too bad Tefnek hasn't been that active. And now for the obligatory question: "Tefnek, will you go to MAGFest?"
  2. Thanks for all the positive comments! We really appreciate it. A lot of people have asked me about the ending. I guess it sounds like any random White Zombie song. Light's Out was inspired by a totally different rock song though, but that's a secret. My idol Ralphis has a crush on me, that's pretty cool! I think maybe he sounds a little bit like Geoff Tate.
  3. My (very random) MAGFest pics: http://s256.photobucket.com/albums/hh185/heathenwomb/MAGFest%208/ Good to see you, guys!
  4. I'm there! Plane ticket booked. See you guys. /Wire.
  5. Game Over is looking for a new vocalist! We have two new songs just waiting to have vocals added to them and we were hoping we might find someone within the vg music community. For those of you who haven't heard of us, Game Over is a metal/rock band that does video game music covers. We have some songs posted on the site (Punch out cover "Little Mac's Confession" and Zelda cover "Hyrule's Angel" to mention two). We don't have any preferences regarding sound or style, really, we're just looking for a good vocalist. If you have home equipment for recording, that would be a plus. Just send us some samples of you singing and we should be able to determine whether you are the right person for the band. Game Over really want to become more active. We think we have something great going on with these new songs. If you want to try, or know any good singers, PM me or email us on: gameover (AT) nintendometal (DOT) com. (I don't know if there's a separate board for collaborations. In that case I apologize and ask you to move this thread.)
  6. I'm gonna go as a geisha this year. I was given a yukata a few years ago.
  7. Not only is this song awesome, but Mazedude is omg cute!
  8. We have had people complain about low kbps. I keep getting emails from people who want wavs. Also, the issues you're talking about derive from recording more than anything. Mastering was done by a pro, for money. But ok, then: Music is music is music. SABBAT FOR THE WIN!!! Edit: Show me one other "remix" on this site with 40 tracks of which only 2 were sequenced with better quality than this and then MAYBE I shall shut up.
  9. I just realized the part at 3:07 - 3:17 was taken from the last stage of the game! Completely forgot. Kinda cool, for a really long time I thought I wrote that part myself. Also, I find it kind of funny that people are discussing sound quality so seriously considering our songs always seem to be so long they need to be in 128 kbps to fit on this site. (If you don't know what mp3 conversion will do at that rate, ask Mr MAGFest for a very educational lecture on the topic. )
  10. Thanks a lot! I'll definitely use one of those. It's actually for a video game song, sort of. We need more help so if you or anyone else would find this fun - feel free to PM me. Otherwise, thanks again!
  11. We're in the process of writing a Japanese song lyric. Quite the challenge! We're stuck on one line and would very much appreciate any help we can get. Here's what we want to say: "You know what the best thing is?" (or something to that effect) in 6 syllables. Any suggestions? (It doesn't have to be an exact translation.)
  12. This is hands down the best vocal remix out there. I bet the guys over at OverLooked ReMiX are pretty proud of being the first site to post this song. It's got everything a vocal mix should have (although in my opinion the backrub thing at the end kinda ruins the epic mood of the song). I sooo wish that I was the one who had created this remix. That's it, I quit!
  13. Yay, I just bought a plane ticket! MAGFest here I come! Also, I'm going to do my best to try to attend FAGFest. I'm going to stay at the MAGHouse for about 3 weeks after that.
  14. I'm sorry but we're going to have to reject you 'cause you suck at sucking at writing reviews. :no:
  15. Agreed. Shael, I'll drink to you and Ivy on the 6th!
  16. That's not QUITE how it happened. It was more like: An evil bitch forced a poor guy to sing cheesy lyrics to a perfectly good piece of music. Just because she had a vision. Someone, put a price on her head! Also, speaking of Music of my Groin. How many of you have heard that song live - in Shael's apartment in New York? *rubs knuckle against chest* I have! (omg)
  17. Oh no, I've got competition! People say she even looks like me (or I look like her if you like). Great song and keep up the good work! Mr. Dream: I really enjoyed that story about the chemistry teacher! /Wire.
  18. This remix is one of my favorites. When someone asks if I could recommend anything on OCR, I usually mention this hilarious hilbilly mix. How do you know it was Bubba and not Bobba?
  19. I think much of it is in your head. It sounds different, yes, but it's not a "huge difference" and some people think the sound quality on NESperado is a lot better than on Nintendo Metal. As I said, real drums and 20 tracks for each song produce more frequencies below 30 Hz which leads to more noise. But, take the rhythm guitars for example, they sound a lot more like guitars on this new CD than on Nintendo Metal (unless you really like the sound of SoundBlaster Live).
  20. Blablabla... production quality blablabla... The remixing scene has changed quite a bit since I started rearranging vg music. Sound quality seems to be the most important thing these days. Anyway, our previous release was mixed and mastered (note: not recorded) in a million dollar studio, while this album was made entirely in home studios. Plus these new arrangements have twice as many channels and real drums, which requires a lot more complicated work.
  21. Hehe, I wish that was me! But it's not. It's our enchanting guest vocalist Alexandra:
  22. When I convert from 24-bit to 16-bit it feels like all the hours I've spent on EQ have been in vain. It sounds muffled and "bassy", like the sound is coming from a can. All the nice, high frequencies are cut off. I have listened to the songs on a CD and on the computer, it's the same. I export to pcm wav and of course I use dithering. Sample rate is 44.1 and I have chosen stereo interleaved. What's wrong? Is this the way it should be? I use Cubase SX 2.2.0. (Please help Game Over to finish our new demo! )
  23. Haha, yeah, that's actually quite funny. The reason why this happened was because, when I wrote the lyrics, I had the original melody in mind. Try singing it with the right pronuniciation for Goliath - it works fine! But then Christine, who came up with the vocal melodies, said: "I can make a much better melody!" and I said: "Go ahead!" But then of course, Goliath didn't fit in anymore...
  24. But basically the standalone version can do exactly the same as the plugin, right? Only it's a little easier to work with the plugin on single tracks.
  25. Hmm, there's one thing I don't get. I thought T-Racks and Ozone were mastering tools, for the final stereo mix. I've heard the compressor in each tool is great, but can I use them on single tracks (such as guitar or bass) as well? In that case, I think I will.
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