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Everything posted by Koelsch1

  1. Some people are saying that Zelda is just recycling the same thing over and over. Collect items, go through dungeons, beat bosses, kill Ganon... I say they put everything in space! And you fly a ship called Epona. That would totally kick ass! Or not. But really, I cant WAIT till I get to play this. I cant afford a Wii right now, so Im waiting for the GC release.
  2. Gamespot makes me laugh. Apparently "its the same old Zelda" I find Matt's comment extreamly odd. Dungeons, heart pieces, items... what do you expect? But wait... I thought they didnt like Majora's Mask because it was "Too different" And remember the GTA series? What was that they said about it being the same game over and over? I also have some legit concerns that Jeffs large size and his self described laziness may have played a factor in him not liking the idea of having to swing his arms around to use the Wiimote. But I expected this from the same site that gave Mario Kart 64 a rating of, you guessed it, a 6.4 LMFAO
  3. So how long does it really take to get accross Hyrule feild? And I always thought Link should play the Lute. It would fit in wall with the time period.
  4. Guys, please dont forget, CONTACT INFORMATION
  5. Ok, put me down for Earthbound.
  6. Im kind of interested in this project, but I dont want to sign up because Im not sure if I can commit the time to working on anything at the moment. I dont know, Ill take a look at some of the source material. But Im available to play sax that anyone may need.
  7. Hush Child. Katie: I care DEEPLY for this project, mostly because I care even MORE deeply for the game and its music, as opposed to the 'art' of remixing. However, I do not care much, if at all about the people on it. (excluding you, because I love you forever and always). Not to say that I dislike them, or feel that their contributions are invalid, but if it comes down to brass tacks, i'll point to the first page of this thread, and say: "Hey, I said from the get-go that this project's for me, not you, or for OCR." And you basically all agreed to be my sexy (?) music slaves. So, That's where we stand. I'm pretty sure I didn't perpetuate any illusions that I'm not a contrary, selfish, elitist, bastard. So, don't go running around like I pulled a rug out from under you. I really dont get it. Why are you even on OCR?
  8. awsome arrangment. Too bad the sound quality is holding it back. Its very well written.
  9. The 11 candidates were nominated by members of the panel, and a percentage of those actually wanted to be considered for the spot. If we think a mixer or an active member in the community is suitable, we'll contact them, not the other way around. Draw whatever conclusions from this that you wish. Im guessing you guys arnt going to tell us who the other candidates where.
  10. I hope you're a lot better judge than a remixer. FLMC3 was omgwtflol. I don't have doubts about Pixietricks since she's a classical trained musician. Then again, I don't go to the WIP forum anymore and rarely listen to any new mixes (I'm sure FLMC 3 was supposed to be a joke or something, right??) Actually I'm curious as to how the 11 people were selected. Do the judges contact the people that seem like good candidates, or do people who want to be judges PM the panel? Regardless, I don't think I'd be a good edition for the following reasons (although I asked DJP for the position a few years ago): 1) I don't like the people running this site (or most of the other users even). 2) I'm not that interested in videogame music anymore. 3) My reviews/critiques tend to be unusually harsh, unpredictable, and different from most other peoples'. 4) I don't have nearly enough free time as what's required to go through every submission on time. 5) I don't think I could keep my sanity for very long listening to that much amateur (mostly n00b sounding or completely sh*tty) music. Besides I'm sure no one cares what I think about judging, or the panel, or the new members. Quite frankly, I'm not really that interested anymore since I don't have the time or interest to download every new mix here. I have some vague plans to start submitting mixes here again, so it would be in my best interest to know everyone's judging style (the same thing for every other remixer here). Anyway, congratulations and good luck Pixietricks and BGC. I hope you guys help make this a better site through your contributions. DarkeSword said campaigning for a spot on the judges panel is the quickest way to not get on it.
  11. But if you dont like remixes, or remixing in general, WHY ARE YOU HEADING UP A SITE PROJECT?
  12. I have heard of big giant circles. But I only recognize the name beacause its a name that is kind of catchy. I had no idea he was big enough to be a judge. As for Pixie... My first thought was "Wait, isnt she already a judge?"
  13. Whos Pixitricks? Some noob?
  14. Not that this helps other people in assessing my attitude, but I am not concerned with your patronage. You are a troll. Troll? Just pointing out the fact that you are dissing remixing and dissing the judges. You pretty much said that remixing is pointless and tallentless.
  15. Wow. If that is your attitude, then I have completely lost interest in ever listening to this project when it is completed. If you dont have the time and dedication to head up a project, maybe you shouldnt?
  16. What? Your taking someone elses music and re-arranging it. And Im guessing that most of the people in this project arnt going to stray too far from the source material. Thats like a weekends work for any competent composer. The reason this album is taking so long is because the guy heading up this project has such a horrible attitude about things. Hes all like "I dont care, whenever it gets done. Dont worry if you go several months without contacting me, or updating me on your progress. Ill wait as long as you need" Stop being such a wimp, and take control.
  17. Your right. Miles Davis and John Coltrane where talentless hacks. I just find it amusing that you think it takes 5 years to write an album. John Coltrane used to release 2 or 3 albums a year. BTW, the Beatles where like the Backsteet Boys of the 60s.
  18. Back in the day, jazz musicians would write and record entire albums in a single session.
  19. I still dont understand how this "super mix" thing is going to work.
  20. You think the N word is bad, check out what happens when you play the track bacwards. http://www.home.no/koelsch1vgm/zyko-N4L-reverse.mp3 Thats right. Clear as day, Zyko yells out HUGE TESTICLES!
  21. No offense, but this project sounds like a really bad idea. Why would you mix remixes together?
  22. Keyboard solo is a bit too much. Too many notes.
  23. Oh no Xenon. I know you can play with better tone control than that.
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