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Everything posted by joe_cam

  1. Man... wish I knew about this. I need to come here more frequently... I'd love to go (if it's ok and all) but I don't have the gas money to make it. I've been out of work with a messed up foot recently and I've been broke as hell. If anybody is going through PA down 81S (or even the turnpike) or you know where Wilkes Barre is and might be somewhere near it. I'm bored. If not, have fun you crazy kids. Somebody hug D-Rux and Moguta for me.
  2. The more I think about it, the more I agree the title could use some work... Heineken of My Groin?
  3. Nice to see something so unique and different. Very awesome mix and very innovative... And it's a GREAT REMIX TOO! You'd think something like this would come across as gimmicky, but musically it stands on it's own as something very well put together and arranged. Plus I felt I HAD to come check out the song after seeing Oji and DJP tweet about it, then get an email from OCR and then get an email from Facebook saying I got a message from OCR about it on there. I'm still not signing up for Digg though. But wait...didn't somebody already do a remix with an alcoholic beverage? Something about a Drugstore selling Sparks?
  4. God, AE makes me wet.
  5. I response to what you asked me on AIM (since you aren't online)

    Yes. but at a later date closer to release. We'll chat about it.

  6. The lack of one single title means this isn't a quality product? You seriously need to drop this issue and shut up already. Don't buy the game if your one single game isn't on here. But in the meantime, quit shitting on a product that the majority of us actually like and feel is worth the money. The only thing you're doing here is making yourself look like an ignorant fool and a total asshole. I've never seen somebody make it a point to whine as much as they could over the omission of one single game on a compilation disc. I also love that you call Sega games pitiful. I'm personally quite interested in getting my hands on MADWORLD, not to mention how awesome the new House of the Dead is. But wait, neither of them have Sonic 3 & Knuckles on them, so they're obviously utter shit. I'm done arguing with a brick wall. I gotta stop feeding the trolls.
  7. Man, there's some fucked up people (person) on these boards... At least there's also a good amount of sane people (everybody else) as well. Whinybitchbitch's favorite game on here or not, this collection was totally worth the $30. Good to play so many games I missed the first time around by not owning a Genesis. Pretty easy to 1000/1000 the achievements too.
  8. hahaha, you are a funny motherfucker.
  9. Wow JCvgluvr, you are going absolutey batshit insane that S3&K isn't included yet you're calling ME a fanboy? What am I a fanboy about? Value? I wasn't a Sega boy growing up. I was a Super Nintendo owner. I do not have a hard on for Sonic 3 & Knuckles like you do. If there is a fanboy here, you definitely fit the bill. I see this as a massive collection of some pretty good games (and some not) for a damn good price. That is reason enough for me to have bought the game and enjoyed it. If somebody refuses to buy this over the omission of one game, they're the overdramatic fanboy who needs to chill the fuck out. By the way, to kill your dream a little more: The widescreen sucks...the bordered full screen looks better. also, it's ONE ACHIEVEMENT PER GAME, if they even get one. Chill out, calm down and shut the fuck up.
  10. I can't believe some of you are bitching about this game. There's 49 games on here for $30. Jesus Christ so there's one game YOU wanted that isn't on here, fuckin deal with it. Play one of the other 49. If you want Sonic 3 & Knuckles so bad, buy a Genesis and play it, in the meantime just enjoy what they released and realize that it's an AMAZING collection at an even MORE amazing value. God knows if they release a 2nd Collection people will bitch that they're just milking their franchises and it should've all been on the first release... Some people are just never content.
  11. Shit son... you got a nice little project building up here. I wish I could get half those guitar guys on my projects. I guess I don't bribe them with enough blowjobs. Can't wait for this one, even though I can't beat even half of the robot stages yet...
  12. Shit son, how didn't I know about this thread? This'll be a big list. Make offers, dont' lowball me or I'll kick you in the dick. XBOX 360 Ass Creed: Collectors Edition Beowulf Gears of War Collectors Edition (Does not have plastic slipcover) Hail to the Chimp Kameo Lost Planet Collectors Edition Madden 07 Hall of Fame Edition Mass Effect Bonus Disc (NOT THE GAME) Perfect Dark Zero Collector's Edition Scene It? (either game itself or full bundle with the controllers) Sega Superstars Tennis Test Drive Unlimited Viking Viva Pinata Party Animals XBOX Bard's Tale Max Payne Stake Star Wars KOTOR Star Wars KOTOR II True Cime: New York City Collectors Edition (doesnt' have plastic slip cover) PS2 Activision Anthology Atari Anthology Beyond Good & Evil Champions of Norrath Champions: Return to Arms Chaos Legion Contra: Shattered Soldier Crimson Tears Dark Cloud Dark Cloud 2 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Disgaea Dual Hearts Falling Stars Genesis Collection Grand Theft Auto Double Pack Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories La Pucelle Tactics Mad Maestro Mark of Kri Maximo Maximo 2 Mortal Kombat Deception Collector's Edition (Sub Zero) Neo Contra Nightmare of Druaga Persona 3 SEALED (better be an AWESOME fucking offer if you want this) Ratchet & Clank Going Commando Rise of the Kasai Sega Superstars (EYETOY GAME) Shinobi Silent Hill 2 Sopranos Collector's Edition Suikoden III Suikoden IV Suikoden V Swashbucklers Wild ARMs: Alter Code F Xenosaga PS1 3Xtreme Ape Escape Blast Chamber Bust a Groove Crash Bandicoot (pretty scratched) Crash Bandicoot 2 Crash Bandicoot 3 (no manual) Crash Team Racing (pretty scratched) Darkstone Dragon Quest IV (JP Import) ECW Anarchy Rules Frogger Gex Gran Turismo Gran Turismo 2 Namco Museum 3 Puzzle Star Sweep RC Helicopter Syphon Filter Syphon Filter 2 Tall Infinity Tekken 3 Xenogears (Manual is messed up) Also, if you're ballsy, you can make an offer on Valkyrie Profile, but if it's under triple digits, keep it to yourself. GAME BOY ADVANCE (all are FULL PACKAGE) Final Fantasy I & II Final Fantasy IV Klonoa Mario Golf Sword of Mana Wario Ware NINTENDO DS Another Code (European import of Trace Memory) Disgaea DS Elite Beat Agents Feel the Magic Legend of Stafi 4 (JP Import) Magical Starsign Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 Metroid Prime Pinball Scurge Hive WII Dewey's Adventure Mario Strikers Charged Sonic and the Secret Rings PS3 Dark Kingdom: Untold Legends Genji Surf's Up PSP Daxter (normal case, greatest hits game) Exit 2 (JP Import) Go Sudoku Infected Lumines Riviera GAMECUBE 1080 Snowboarding Auto Modelista Battalion Wars Disney Extreme Skate Adventure Eternal Darkness (disc was 'buffed', plays but looks noticably not good) Fight Night Round 2 Future Tactics Gadget Racers (European Import) Geist Intellivision Lives Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Mario Power Tennis Mario Superstar Baseball PN03 Resident Evil 0 (disc looks like shit) Ribbit King Sonic Adventure DX SSX On Tour Swingerz Golf X-Men Legends X-Men Legends II PLAYERS GUIDES Conker's Bad Fur Day Def Jam Fight For NY Devil May Cry Eternal Darkness Fable Final Fantasy X F-Zero GX Gladius Sega Dreamcast Collection Super Paper Mario Super Smash Bros Melee Viewtiful Joe Chrono Trigger Official Nintendo Player's Guide. Not in the best shape, but fuck, it's from 1995... PM me if you're interested in anything. I'm willing to listen to pretty much any reasonable offers. Buyer pays for shipping, obviously.
  13. Holy shit, Jose IS Vin Diesel. I think we found Jose's cosplay for next year... Now that people recognize me, I should just grow my hair out long (I'll look like a dark haired hulk hogan with my hairline) and grow a massive beard. I'll also dress up in spandex. Nobody will have a clue who I am.
  14. Next year I'm just wearing a T-Shirt that says "JOE CAM" Sadly, I don't think I need it considering no less than a dozen people I didn't know came up to me and recognized me before I even had a name tag.
  15. I would seriously just make your own Gamertag and get your own Live membership. Swapping hard drives for online and offline, remembering two tags and everything else just seems like too much trouble for 6 months of online. If you want your own unique tag with a fresh slate when it comes to achievements, just make a new gamertag and forget his exists. It's only a few months. If his membership was paid until like fall 2010, that'd be one thing, but I say it's just not worth the hassle.
  16. If he's mentioned it's been freezing up at all, it may be close to a RRoD. But have no fear, the unit is covered for THREE YEARS from the manufacture date (check the label on the unit for that date). But thats a bridge to cross if you get there. At the very least, chances are you can take some of those games and either sell or trade them for stuff you want, or maybe now would be a good time to talk to you fine folks about the wonders of a site called GOOZEX. I'm adding that to my sig now...
  17. Last Wemnant is exclusive to 360, not sure if it's any good, haven't had a chance to try it yet. Infinite Undiscovery is incredibly underwhelming, but if you can find it cheap, it's not too bad. Lost Odyssey is the shit. Big time awesome. You can rename the gamertag, but all the achievements are still going to be there. You can delete whatever saves you want since they're all stored locally on your hard drive, but you can't delete achievements or game history. If you're concerned about it, just pick up an Xbox Live membership. Just so you know, you can use a Silver Xbox Live Membership and still be able to download stuff and browse the marketplace and keep track of achievements. The Gold Membership's main benefit is playing against other people online. If you don't plan on playing multiplayer online, you don't really need a gold membership. Even still, you can find cheap bundles out there that offer the membership, arcade titles and other stuff. I think there's a bundle out now for $70 that includes a year membership, the Xbox Chat Pad and a game (dont' remember which one). There's plenty of options if you want the gold membership. Again, that $400 figure is just something I threw out there. Ithink it'd be a fair price for everythign you're getting, but feel free to talk it over with him. As for the hard drive, I sold a 20GB a few months back for like $50 on eBay, but again, with 60GB being the new standard, they're probably worth more around $30 or so. Not sure. Check eBay for price estimates (check the completed listings)
  18. Most of the games aren't worth entirely too much, it looks like only CoD 5, Bad Company, Farcry 2 and GRID may be worth anything substantial, though the others can probably go for around $20 new depending on the title. CoD 4 may still be $30+ Used controllers are worth about $30-40 depending on condition. Headsets and faceplates arent' worth anything much at all, unless they are collector's faceplates. Headsets only matter if they're wireless. Hard drives are dropping in price because 60GB is the new standard. Why are there two anyways? If you plan to download much, sell them and upgrade to a 60 or 120GB. System value depends. Is it an older model? Refurbed? Any problems with it? Does it have an HDMI port? As for the LIVE membership, the paid membership is locked to the profile it was used on. You can always pay to change the gamertag to smething that YOU want, but you can't transfer the membership. Not sure how the formatting goes... as far as I konw, you would just format and then recover the gamertag and it's all good. As for game recommendations, what games do you like? Fallout 3 is my front runner for best game on the system. Rock Band is a must. If you're into RPGs, grab Lost Odyssey (dropped to $30 recently) and Tales of Vesperia. Mass Effect dropped to $20 as well. Gears of War series is fun and I LOVE Burnout Paradise. Did you guys settle on a price or is that what this thread is for? I'd say $400 would be a good price considering everythign is used. I'm just throwing that figure out there though, so don't take my quote as gospel.
  19. My Rock Band setup was the shit because I had so many songs. But seriously, it was there for 3 days and you fuckers couldn't get me ONE achievement? Worthless. I walked in the game room like three times. Spent the rest of the time drunk, rapping and serving hot dogs.
  20. THEY HAVE A FUCKING GAME ROOM???? Who else knew of this??
  21. This whole situation pisses me off. I've been reading EGM for most of the 19 years and 11 months it's been around. What the hell is going ot happen wtih the 20th anniversary issue?? There's been word it might still release as an online only release, but it's still some bullshit. At the very least, EGM DESERVES a farewell magazine, not just a fucking cliffhanger. EDIT: One more thing after re-reading this thread a little more. Game Informer can suck a dick. The EB/GameStop merge is what forced GMR to die and now Game Informer is the big magazine still in game stores. it's incredibly biased against anything Nintendo, it heavily favors anything that involves shooting and I generally disagree with a good 90% of their review scores. That was one of the few magazines I used to get each month back when I still gave a shit about shopping at GameStop that I hated to get. I couldn't stomach it anymore and I hope the day comes soon that GameStop and it's horrible magazine both go away forever. I'll take GameStop over that joke of a magazine. (and please, don't ask me for examples of their bias because I really dont care enough to get into an arguement on whether or not I should hate them. I'm allowed my opinion.)
  22. Anybody who gets to hug Joe Cam on their honeymoon and scream their love for weiners did it right. End of story. I finally had my Post MAG Crash. Slept 14 hours last night. Totally screwed up my sleep pattern since I go back to work tomorrow night, but I gotta be in Philly tomorrow morning. I'm so screwed. Man, I want a Hot Dog now...
  23. Oh my god that's so fuckin great. I can't believe how much MORE vulgar I am when intoxicated. Also, bragging about how massive both inches of your cock are will never not be funny to me.
  24. Aw shit. Drunken rapping mp3 has appeared! FUCKIN EARFBOWND MOTHERFUCKER! Josh "Zen Albatross" Kopstein - Phat Chip Hop Beetz Joe "Joe Cam" Cammisa - Drunken hollering Alex "A_Rival" Esquivel - Drunken freestyling Steve "D-Rux" King - Sober whiteness Really wish there was more crowd noise in the mix. I know the crowd was louder than that and it kind of makes it seem like there were only like a dozen people in the room. Note to self: Don't be AS drunk next year if rapping again.
  25. Good god this image needs to be sent to IHOP for consideration in their advertising campaigns. Great pics Starla. Nice to see the triple gay backrub there as well as the asshole punch to devon. This is making PMD so much more severe.
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