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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. Good thing most people in normal queue are too stupid to do that!
  2. That was all Clover, dude.
  3. It's not just Mega Man, either. Ace Attorney fans are pissed because they won't localize the second Investigations title, due to 'lack of interest in the series'. Monster Hunter fans hate them because they barely support the series in North America and have only brought over a couple of the games. Devil May Cry fans hate them because of DmC. MvC fans hate them because they announced Ultimate MvC3 when the original has only been out...what, five months now? Darkstalkers fans hate them because they still won't do a Darkstalkers 4. I'm sure there's more I'm missing, but they're gently poking a lot of fanbases, while stomping all over the Mega Man one.
  4. Spoilers ahead: The choice on the right is the good ending, that's the one I chose. The one of the left gives you the 'The End' achievement instead of 'The Beginning', and is the bad one. From how it's been explained to me, the choice in the final level doesn't have any real impact on which ending you get.
  5. Just beat it myself, gonna start on New Game Plus later. Guess I'm gonna go for the bad ending this time.
  6. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/talon-mechanics-preview Can we say 'Thornmail'?
  7. Exactly what I've been waiting on. Can't wait to play this, it looks awesome, and the narrator seems like he'll be a load of fun to listen to.
  8. I think it's snot! Why he's dripping snot, who knows.
  9. Who is that supposed to be to the the left of shooty girl? Rumble? Trist?
  10. They said he wouldn't be in the store until a few hours after the servers went up. They plan on doing this for all new champions, making sure their servers are stable after a patch before letting people buy them.
  11. I think the idea is it's supposed to be terrible. Y'know, like Friday.
  12. I grinned. You guys remember Rebecca Black, right? :U
  13. He was more fun when he could drop more than two turrets.
  14. Won't happen. I glanced at Riot's forums (*shudder*) and it's nothing but people bitching about it.
  15. http://kotaku.com/5827657/league-of-legends-gets-new-fast+paced-game-mode-map/gallery/1 Oh shit. Can't wait to see how this turns out.
  16. Nice, summery tune for a nice beach resort.
  17. Grandia's been my favorite RPG and one of my favorite games period from the moment I first played it. This is terrible news to hear.
  18. You left out Gen I's best design. Every gen has good designs and bad ones. I don't see how people can say that they're getting worse with every gen when there's winners and losers in both.
  19. GALIO BUFFS HOOOOOOOO! About time.
  20. http://www.siliconera.com/2011/07/21/leaked-soulcalibur-v-screens-reveal-ivy-and-a-new-character-zwei/ Loving Ivy's design this time. Miles above that mess we got with her in SCIV.
  21. Removing the slow from it, IIRC. I think they want to change it from a slow to a haste on the user? There's a red post from...Morello, I think, where he talks about how they plan on redoing jungling as a whole. I'll see if I can find it. Anyone want to take bets on Wukong's skins? I can almost guarantee we'll get a Dragonball based one.
  22. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/gameplay-preview-wukong-monkey-king Shaco + Garen = Monkey? Can't wait for him!
  23. So Universe is canceled, this is canceled, Mega Man himself didn't even get to show up in MvC3. Geez, spiteful much, Capcom?
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