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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. Tried HoN. Didn't like it. I should be used to this kind of thing by now, but...geez, it's still depressing as hell.
  2. Just played Cho'gath for the first time. Sorc Shoes/RoA/Abyssal/Hourglass/Deathcap/Atma's. Went 16/5/20 and could 2v1 any two members of the opposing team. ...we still lost because our Riven died twenty times, yelling LAAAAAAG every single death. I think this is the most discouraged I've ever been with the game. SO bloody depressing when crap like that happens.
  3. http://imgur.com/a/JAQP0 New skins in the Riven patch. Totally gonna start playing Malzahar again, holy crap.
  4. The enemy team is Akali, Rumble, Renekton, Tryndamere, and Kennen. Your champ's Q is now useless. Now what?
  5. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/37189/Nintendo_Shares_Drop_5_Following_PreTGS_Announcements.php Figures. Apparently Monster Hunter fans are pissed as hell about Monster Hunter 4 being on 3DS and having platforming elements, too.
  6. I was actually in the closed beta for that, but when I saw how horrible their champion design was, I decided against installing it.
  7. Don't get too used to that. Eve's remake is coming up soon, according to Shurelia. Also: Riven skins! Crimson Elite Riven and what I'm assuming is supposed to be a weird Marth reference? I can kind of see it.
  8. Human, monkey, close enough. On that note, I just tried Shaco for the first time ever. ...let's never speak of this night again! EDIT No AP at all? That rules out everyone in the game except for...Talon, Xin, and Garen, doesn't it? Everyone else has at least one AP ratio on one of their skills. Probably forgetting someone obvious now...
  9. What about Shaco? I'd say Talon, but he's probably pushing it a bit. Same for Shen. Master Yi and Wukong? EDIT: Go ahead and add my name to the list. DexVandar in game. I'm not the best player around, but I'm far from the worst!
  10. They changed Riven's art. http://riot-web-static.s3.amazonaws.com/images/news/Sept%202011%20Temp/Riven_Splash_0.jpg MUCH better.
  11. Listened to a few tracks, loved them, bought the album.
  12. I've seen AD Annie work before, she's got enough range on her autoattack to make it work, but...yeesh, that build.
  13. It's bad, but I think Lux's original art is still worse.
  14. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/mechanics-preview-riven-shattered-exile Wow, Riven seems like she'll be pretty fun. I haven't felt this excited about a new champion in a while, hope she's as neat as she seems.
  15. I played a bunch of ranked games when I first hit 30. ...lemme tell you, playing ranked when you first hit 30 is NOT a good time to play ranked. When you hit 30 for the first time, you don't know shit about the game, even if you think you do. Those first ten matches in ranked, where you get double ELO loss and gains? Losing all ten of those hurts something awful..
  16. Just finished a game as Mundo where I maxed out my farm. I was able to go where I pleased, which was right up to their inner towers and inhibs and knock them down with little problems. EDIT: Assuming that's Arctic Warfare Caitlyn. Do I like that skin enough to buy an actual magazine? I didn't even realize those things still existed.
  17. Is Final Crisis still canon in the new DCU, though? That's what's giving me the biggest headache about the relaunch: What exactly is and isn't being held over?
  18. I disagree. Spoiler: I don't like that they seem to be setting up Darkseid as the Justice League's first major villian. After his send off in Final Crisis, bringing him back the way they seem to be just seems cheap to me. :/
  19. Annoys me too, but we're getting a Batwoman ongoing, so I got over it. http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2011/08/27/the-justice-society/ I'm a bit worried about what's going to happen to them, myself.
  20. The stealth update and the changes to his skills are going to make him quite strong, I think. Have you seen them yet? Shurelia previewed them on the forums a while back.
  21. I've got like, twenty books from this thing on my pull list. Can't wait for Wednesday.
  22. The rest does matter. The fact that most of the mana items in the game are defensive items makes him an absolute pain to deal with. I can honestly say he's one of my most hated mages to mid against. (Especially since every time I play against a Ryze he always has that damnass Uncle Sam skin.)
  23. They nerfed the hell out of Turtle Stance this last patch, just to try and keep him out of lane. He's not meant for laning, but with Turtle he can basically lane forever with no problems.
  24. Well, she's pretty 'eh' as a support now, but damn she can cause some damage between Starcall and Infuse.
  25. I just tried the new Soraka. Holy crap Starcall is SO GOOD now.
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