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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. http://www.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-sneak-peek-%E2%80%93-wukong-monkey-king OH SNAP. Wonder if this is the hero who fights with multiple clones that they mentioned on the forums a while back?
  2. Miss Fortune, Cass, Nunu, Karma and Udyr here. Trying to learn Mundo, but I suck at aiming his cleavers. Trying Leona out, she seems really solid! With all the bitching the community is doing about her though, I suspect she's going to get some damage buffs.
  3. It's a simple, strong theme for a great character. Though, that being said, it works a bit better in game. His VA came across as pretty strong, and listening to him speaking over this theme was always awesome to hear.
  4. 7200+ lanterns, actually.
  5. Hyadain's Street Fighter
  6. Wasn't the whole point of Marvel when they first started doing superhero stuff way back then, was that their characters were highly flawed and supposed to be like real people?
  7. Y'know...Miss Elizabeth DID turn against Randy Savage at one point. Who did she betray him for? Ric Flair. The Four Horsemen. How curious.
  8. Nintendo's in a bit of a spot? Did I miss something?
  9. I got this. Psychic is weak to Dark and Ghost (and Bug for that matter) because all three are common fears people have. It's hard to concentrate when you're afraid of something, right? Fighting beats Dark because Fighting types are supposed to be heroic, straight up fighters, while Dark types are underhanded and fight with cheap tactics. Who always wins in stories? The hero. Dark beats Ghost because, well...have you ever tried to scare the darkness? Next!
  10. Have you ever tried to punch a bird?
  11. Depressing as hell news. They were pretty weak during the Xbox years, but Viva Pinata and Nuts and Bolts were both fantastic. Sucks that they didn't sell, but that's modern gaming for you. Oh well. We'll always have the memories. :/
  12. Yes, but Okamiden is. Nintendo has nothing to do with it other than it being on their system.
  13. I'm really hoping it doesn't turn out too bad, it's a fun concept for a game.
  14. I still don't see why people say Mega Man would be a Samus clone. Other than the charge shot, there would be no similarities in their moves. I mean, Mewtwo had a charge shot and he wasn't considered to be another Samus, right?
  15. Brain Age. Big Brain Academy. Chibi-Robo. Geist. Wario Ware. Nintendogs.
  16. Pit had a sequel on Game Boy. And Metaknight has been on GCN, GBA, and DS, not to mention the Kirby anime.
  17. I think Ness'll still be around, as a really hard to unlock character, maybe? He'll use his own versions of Fire and Thunder, share Magnet, and have Flash instead of Freeze. He'll also use his own standards attacks like he had in Melee, keeping the bat and yoyo while Lucas gets the rope snake. Or maybe, they plan on retooling his moveset completely, giving him moves that he actually used in Earthbound, instead of taking them from Paula?
  18. Juese. Seriously, though, I think Simon would be best. More iconic than the others, IMO.
  19. ...Alice? Who?
  20. Didn't one of the updates say there'd be a way to upgrade your characters in Adventure Mode? Maybe the coins tie into that somehow?
  21. Damn, I thought this was gonna be a thread about Hideki Naganuma.
  22. Hm. DS icon...Brain Age music under My Music... Giant scary floating head from Brain Age confirmed as playable.
  23. Ps2 emulator?!?!?!
  24. Edit: Derp. Fixed link.
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