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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. It's patching tommorrow. They delayed it a day to work out some issues. Speaking of... Caitlyn's getting a new skin tommorrow! I'm so glad that a champion that never gets a new skin is getting one, and not champions who get one every other patch like Leblanc, Udyr, Sona, Cassiopeia, Urgot, Trundle, and Irelia!
  2. I just went up against what might be the most annoying team in the game. Kassadin, Soraka, Nidalee, Mundo, and LeBlanc. Two heals (Three if you count Mundo's ult), three silences, three built in Flashes (and of course each one of them had the actual spell)... My team was Olaf, Kayle, Veigar, Tryndamere, and Kat, and there was NOTHING we could do. Every time we tried to initiate a team fight they'd just mass silence us and run off, then come back and start it on their terms. Good grief, I never want to go through that mess again. D:
  3. Fun fact that a lot of people don't know: In both normal and ranked games, the order your team appears on the side of the screen during champion select is based on your elo. I'm glad that more people don't realize it, because there's been a couple times I've been paired up with people saying shit like "I'm higher than you on the list, my elo is higher so shut up and do as I say!"
  4. True, but given the amount of time it takes to hit 30, one would assume people would have a grip on how to play the game and build their characters. On another note...Xerath as a jungler? That would be awesome if he's able to do it.
  5. What kind of system did Halo 2 have?
  6. No they don't. You still run into stupid things like Warmog's on Cho, and Ashe/Cait/MF who rush Phantom Dancers as their first item, and so on, and so forth.
  7. I would if the Stone Bros. were in Dominion. :U It was a joke. Ha ha.
  8. Screw that. I have to figure out where to start my jungle path at.
  9. I need to give Morgana a try in Domionion. Her ult seems like it would be great for defending.
  10. Don't waste your money on dodge runes if you don't have them yet. Last I checked, they still plan on removing dodge as a stat from the game (Which is why they took it from Nid's cougar form and why they're working on changing Sivir's passive.)
  11. Yay Dominion. I'm ranked now, so I can stop worrying about that and spend the rest of the night cappin' points.
  12. I know all about elo hell, trust me. :U It's one of the reasons I stopped doing ranked during season one.
  13. So, my past eight games have all been ranked. Decided that I think I'm good enough now do decently enough at solo queue. Plus, they reset elo, so I figured why now? Total blank slate for my stats. Four wins, four losses. Ugh. Every time I pick up a win, the next game goes horribly and we lose it. I'm starting to doubt I'll be getting a decent elo this season. Funnily, three of my wins were with Caitlyn. Guess I'll try to stick with her the next two games so I get placed at a decent rank.
  14. Haven't played it, but I have the soundtrack sitting on my hard drive. It's AWESOME. virt did a fantastic job with it.
  15. Not like anyone buys Oracle's anyway. :U That being said, I want the Hextech Sweeper item to find it's way into Summoner's Rift. I've shut down SO many Akali players that weren't expecting it in Dominion.
  16. This is from July, and just a prototype, so it might not be exactly like this when it's made official. Still, it's an interesting moveset for him. I like that Expunge is his ultimate now. EDIT: A couple other things I had forgot about the stealth changes. Shaco, Akali, and Leblanc wouldn't count as stealth anymore, they'd be 'invisibility' and not affected by the changes. They also want to remove Oracle's, which would make sense.
  17. Bleck and Tensei are right. Stealth is permanent until you get in a certain distance of enemy champs. This is a couple months old, but it's what Shurelia said was currently in development for Eve. Most likely it's changed by now, but this she should look something like this when the rework hits: I hope they go through with these for her, it seems like a really fun skillset. I think I posted the prototype Twitch changes earlier in the thread?
  18. People know what Oracle is, they're just too cheap to buy it cause it delays their ONE BUILD THAT THEY CAN'T DEVIATE FROM NO MATTER WHAT.
  19. Dominion beta is open for today. If you're interested, hurry and go play while it's unlocked!
  20. Passive: You can't kill him near minions. Q: Does a lot of damage. W: Gives someone a mini-Sunfire Cape. E: One-shots a minion wave. R: BWA HA HA HA HA HA
  21. Normal draft mode is staying. This is awesome news. I love draft mode, but I dislike ranked, so this is great of Riot to finally do.
  22. Well...if I'm going to tank in normal (Which is all I play), I'm not going to play a champ who's ZOMG THE BEST in his role, but rather someone I find fun and I like the playstyle of. Ranked is a different story, but I'm going to assume that most people playing normal games are going to feel the same way. Amumu's playstyle, while highly effective, is....boring. Turn your W on, flash in, ult, then walk around tapping E. Shen on the other hand, is constantly dashing around and throwing out Qs. Plus, Shen has cooler skins, totally.
  23. Anyone that plays Shen has to do this at least once: 1) Wait for your jungler to almost have the blue golem or red lizard dead. 2) Use ult on jungler. 3) Last hit it with Q. 4) /laugh 5) Shadow Dash through the wall and run off into the night. I did that to a friend once and his reaction was priceless. Also Shen's damage is pretty good now since his buffs last patch. Not as OMG AMAZING as Amumu, but then again, who's damage is?
  24. YEEEEEEEEEEAH! Damnit Xin, why do you have to be so cool with your popped collar and awesome horse and all? EDIT: Riven buffs are being hotfixed in with today's downtime. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1255698 Pretty nice, though I was hoping for a bit more range on her Broken Wings and her shield roll.
  25. TIME FOR A DISPLAY OF TRUE SKILL. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
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