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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. That was Xbox. There were two on PS2 like that...Diaster Report and Raw Danger.
  2. No. What we have in Diamond/Pearl is good enough. A full Pokemon MMO would suck, let's not push our luck.
  3. Releasing anything notable in September would be silly. I doubt even Nintendo is brave enough to attempt to go head-to-head with Halo 3's release. Tecmo Bowl had all the player's names changed.
  4. Huh...last pic, Mr. Blobby. He's got me thinking...will he be playable? An original character in Smash Bros? Could be neat.
  5. This thread amuses me. --Dexie
  6. I have a feeling tommorrow's Japan Time update is going to be something big. --Dexie
  7. Speaking of...anyone want to take bets on how long before we get a live action GI Joe movie?
  8. They give you a third of whatever the game sells for used. So an game worth $18 dollars used will net you $6 bucks, and whatnot.
  9. Because most Wii games so far have been done by lazy developers trying to make a quick cash-in. Ubisoft, I'm looking at you.
  10. http://www.bioware.com/bioware_info/press_releases/2007_06_21_Sonic_DS/ Wait, WHAT? O_o Bioware? Doing a SONIC game? An RPG at that? Did the world just flip upside down or something? I'm confused here...
  11. I approve of this idea. EDIT: Not going to include Epona's Song for Malon?
  12. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01025/
  13. Won't happen. The boxing ring stage is going to belong to Little Mac, I would hope.
  14. Because he's done music for Nintendo before, maybe?
  15. Kirby can fly, but they fixed that for SSB/Melee, no?
  16. Armjoe! This is awesomely bad.
  17. In the Pokemon Special/Adventures manga, Red's Pikachu creates a Substitute, then reshapes it into a surfboard to use the attack.
  18. Seconded. Highly seconded.
  19. Three versions of LttP...SNES, GBA, Wii. Four versions of OoT...N64, Wii, the two GCN bonus discs. Two DKC2...SNES and Wii. I could go on, but eh. Really, it's a matter of convience. It was easier to grab the GBA version of LttP rather than dig out my SNES every time I wanted to play, and it's easier to grab my classic controller and boot up my Wii than stare down at the GBA (Or rather, DS) screen.
  20. Why shouldn't it be possible? It comes with a light ball equipped, too. XP
  21. It's got ten different stadiums that each have their own challenge. Beating all ten unlocks a second round for all of them that's even harder. http://serebii.net/battle/colosseum.shtml Between that and the character customization, and the ability to purchase some of the rare items in D/P, I'd say it's worth a buy. I'll be getting it, at least. Can't be worse than the GCN titles. EDIT: And you can get a Surfing, Volt Tackling Pikachu.
  22. Pft. Surf!
  23. ...we still need to learn Pikachu's Final Smash, don't we?
  24. Hopefully doing something about the utterly rediculous trades that litter it.
  25. So, I hate this version of the Safari Zone and don't want to waste any more time on it. Anyone have a Skorpi and a Carnivine they'd be willing to trade? I have most of the starters, fossils, and about half of all pokemon total, so make me an offer, if you're willing to trade with me here. :/
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