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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. This isn't a very good hack. There's some interesting class changes, but mainly it's just being hard for the sake of being hard. There's a Let's Play of the hack going on over on the Something Awful forums, and it's pretty painful to see just what the you have to deal with in this.
  2. Been playing this stupid game almost since it released, and I finally, FINALLY got my first pentakill. I am exceedingly pleased with myself. (It was with Fiora on Murderbridge.) (Shut up, it still counts.)
  3. Peroppafu is amazing and will be going in my team.
  4. I try not to rag on names too much, but Honedge is kind of a lame name. Hope he evolves into a badass haunted suit of armor. That'd be pretty cool.
  6. ARAM is a ton of fun. Until you get stuck with someone like Poppy. Why is Poppy still in the game, again?
  7. You can. Hold tab to bring up the scoreboard, then on the right side you'll find buttons to mute people.
  8. Don't forget the Trauma Center series!
  9. The ultimate skin for Udyr is pretty damn awesome though. Makes me wish he wasn't so outclassed by the other junglers.
  10. I was probably thinking of the multiplayer only ones.
  11. It's not. It's just a collection of...five minigames, I think?
  12. Tell that to the Mega 64 guys.
  13. Not that I'm a big fan of sports games myself, but how easy is it to go out and find two teams of people to play football or baseball? Or maybe some people live in a big city that doesn't have a public baseball field or football field or whatever?
  14. You're going to compare six games in a series being released over the course of eight years on a single console to four games being released over the course of two years on two different systems? When two of those games are completely different than the other two (3D platformer vs. 2D platformer), whereas the six Halo games are all FPS? That's really stretching it, dude.
  15. Mario, I'll give you, but how the crap are Zelda, Metroid, Wario Ware, and the rest becoming the Nintendo's FIFA or whatever when those games usually get one, maybe two installments per system? It's not like they're being pushed out every single year like CoD/FIFA/Madden or whatever, and for the most part they make sure to make each new installment of those different than the last.
  16. Y'know, now that I stop and think about it...what other 3D platformers have had multiplayer as a major selling point of the game? And not as a side mode or anything, but as part of the main, actual game?
  17. You don't have to be original and new to be fun and of high quality.
  18. Pokemon Trainer styled Brothers character that switches his type between Hammer, Boomerang, and Fire.
  19. I don't see how most of those characters are gimmicky are all.
  20. All I play anymore is ARAMs. Sometimes Dominion, but mostly ARAMs. Summoner's Rift? What's that?
  21. But Galaxy wasn't in the style of Sunshine, and Sunshine wasn't really in the style of 64, other than the three games each having a big hub area. So you kind of lose me when you say that 3D Land/World isn't in the same style of those three games, when those three don't really share the same style themselves.
  22. Colors and Generations say hi.
  23. I don't get why people are saying that the new Mario isn't a 'true' 3D Mario or whatever. It's Mario and it's in 3D. The game looks solid and fun as hell from the trailer. What's the issue here?
  24. The Tekken team is working on Smash Brothers, that's why. Also Pac-Man crossed over into Mario Kart before. Nintendo and Namco have worked on arcade tech before as well. The two companies have a pretty good relationship.
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