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Everything posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. Definitely. I think the relative controls help make the game. I've only tried playing twice, on different days, and I was doing a lot better with the controls the second time around. I was controlling it almost as fluidly as the regular game. Even so, it was still working my brain a lot harder to do it.
  2. Yeah, there weren't enough large tracts of land. ... What? I like admiring the sights on horseback in TP! Seriously, I can appreciate the feeling they were going for with the open, empty ocean, but still... it was too empty. Nothing to admire, nothing to help the time pass. That's a problem with oceans in generally, actually, but having more islands, and larger ones, viewable all the way from the horizon would have made it a lot more tolerable. Incorporating the large distances into some kind of strategy for something would have also helped.
  3. In general, I prefer playing "nimble." In fighting games, that means I prefer characters that, while perhaps aren't the fastest, are agile and respond immediately. I tend to fight in a way that sometimes gets me into bad situations, and being nimble means that my quick reaction times can sometimes get me out before the hurt comes down. In addition, I like to have options available to me. If I can switch between playstyles in the middle of a match without having to change characters/weapons/etc., that is ideal. I often change how I play in the middle of a match based on what is and isn't working against my opponent, but I also do it just to keep my opponent off-balance. The more options I have, the more ways I can screw with my opponent's mind. Specifics: Fighting - I'll go with characters that have effective short and mid-range attacks and are also quite nimble. Characters which have a variety of different attack methods are ideal; individual attack potency is less important to me than being able to strike from most any position whenever I want. Options options options. FPS - I tend to gravitate toward the mid-range automatic weapons; they don't have the best accuracy or power, but the balance between the two is good for me; they're particularly suitable for me because they are good in almost any situation. I try to use cover whenever possible and not charge in like a maniac, but I will do that sometimes if my opponent(s) aren't aware of me initially. Also, I love bouncing grenades around rooms, corners, and just generally sowing chaos with them whenever possible. RTS - I am very methodical about how I proceed. I generally won't move out of an area until it is secured, and I won't attack unless I have a large enough army to do significant damage in my intended target zone. I don't quite turtle, but I won't move out without good reason. I don't take risks very often. I also build a very diverse army so that I have few weaknesses to any specific type of attack. I prefer having either fast units or slow, hardy units; mid-range units just don't have either the speed or durability I like. I'll try to have the speedy units distract my enemy until I can set up my heavy units, and then let them pound the enemy while my speedy units attempt to keep the opponent away from them.
  4. Dammiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. If this was just a few weeks later I'd totally be in. As it stands, that's right about when my team's design project report is due to be finished and delivered to the AIAA. Plus finals. Damn you, finals! Next time be nicer to me, schedule? Please?
  5. Unfortunately, I have just found out that I only have the first disk for the game with me at the moment. The second is currently about 400 miles away, so I'm unable to install it. Damn.
  6. I might be game for this. I'll see how my schedule looks as it approaches.
  7. THE RESULTS ARE IN! 1st Place: Poets by Random Hajile Runners-Up: To be Broken by TheHands Here's the vote spread: Poets by Random Hajile - 8 To be Broken by TheHands - 6 Two Sides to a Coin by TCSyd - 4 I think this round was pretty good. I hope to see more quality entries like these in future competitions. Speaking of which, yes, the January 2010 Freeform competition is OPEN for submissions! Good luck, everyone!
  8. Trieason, the competitions begin every other month; each one spans the better part of two months when you take into account both the submission and the voting stages. Submissions run during the first month, voting during the second. I'll let you submit that poem in the next Freeform/Poetry (Freeform starts in January, Poetry in May) competition if you'd like. Speaking of voting, you've got the rest of today and tomorrow to vote! I'm NOT extending the voting period if I can help it, so I want to see more votes!
  9. Yesssssssss. This is going to be... ... wait for it, wait for it... Classy.
  10. We of the OCR forums endorse this fully. Fully.
  11. Wow. Flippin' sweet. I love it!
  12. Ah, I love senior design. It makes me forget the rest of the world exists, including this thread. Well, now that I'm actually back again, time to get rolling on another voting phase! We have three entries this time around, so I'm hoping I get at least 6 votes from people! *glare* Two Sides to a Coin by TCSyd Poets by Random Hajile To be Broken by TheHands Voters, place your votes... now! EDIT: Forgot to mention, you have until the end of the month to vote! But don't delay, or else you'll forget and I'll be very upset!
  13. Ooooh, different style. I like!
  14. If I'm not mistaken, I think he said around the beginning of last week that he was sick (during the Desert Bus interview). So it wouldn't surprise me if he's still suffering from the remnants of it.
  15. Seeing as how we've only got 3 entries right now, the submission period has been extended by a week! Maybe by then I'll have enough time to crank something out myself...?
  16. So totally going to work this! ... Right after the semester is over and I hand in my team's design project midterm report, anyway. I'll probably just review every song that comes up on my playlist while I'm actively listening to music.
  17. I wish I could take part in it. As it stands, my design project leaves me with barely enough time to sleep at night, let alone write. I hope to do some poetry for this month during Thanksgiving Break, though.
  18. Well, it took forever, but THE (FREEFORM) RESULTS ARE (FINALLY) IN! 1st Place: .rogerG by SoulinEther Runners-Up: The Unknown by HalcyonSpirit, and The Mind's Prison by wouldntyouliketoknow Here's the vote spread: .rogerG by SoulinEther - 5 The Unknown by HalcyonSpirit - 3 The Mind's Prison by wouldntyouliketoknow - 3 Way of the Samurai by Zipp - 2 7 lbs. by TheHands - 2 All-in-all, not a bad batch of entries. I just wish more people had voted. As for the September competition, everyone who entered will be allowed to resubmit their entry, unmodified, in the next qualifying round.
  19. Oh, what to do, what to do... Aside from myself, there's been no votes. I'm sad. Disappointed, even. I guess I can only blame myself for not keeping things organized these past two competitions, but still... I think I'll call the Short Story competition from July as done and tally the few votes that I've gotten. As for the Freeform competition... We'll see. I think I'll just nullify this round and let everyone resubmit their pieces in the next round they're qualified for. Some input on this would be nice, of course. But do not fear, I refuse to let this competition die! This month is Poetry month! THE NOVEMBER 2009 POETRY COMPETITION HAS BEGUN! I'll see about getting notifications out sometime in the next day or two.
  20. Yup, it was as awesome as I expected. Insta-playlisted.
  21. Omgomgomgomgomg. I was just wondering earlier today when the next set would come out! I'm gonna listen to this after class tomorrow. This is gonna be sweeeeeeeet.
  22. Ego? No, I think it was sheer ignorance, willful or otherwise, that was the root cause of it. But either way, I'm not complaining about the actual critiques I received during the session. I've taken them to heart and plan on heavily revising the story to make it better (it helps that I already knew it wasn't written very well in the first place). But out of the half-hour it was being reviewed, maybe five minutes contained any actual critique that pertained to my story. The rest was just willful bashing of the genre and some of the completely legitimate and creatively acceptable choices I made in the story. That's what has me so angry.
  23. C'mon people... so I messed up a round, that doesn't mean you all have to disappear! Vote already! In other news, I had to write a piece of fiction for one of my classes. The class reviewed it today. Let's just say that not only was their comments unfair toward my piece in general, they were downright insulting toward both my work and creative writing in general. There's something to be said about a Creative Writing class that can't accept any actual creative writing beyond what their preconceived notions and biases have them believe. For fuck's sake, it wasn't even far out in left field, either! Needless to say, I'm still fuming. Maybe I'll let you guys look at it once I'm done cleaning it up.
  24. Aaaaand naturally, I get so caught up with work that I forget to update the competition status. Real quick: Long story short (ba-dum-tsh!), we're in the voting period. Really we've been in the voting period since the 9th, but since I'm such a disorganized person I forgot to mention it. So voting's open until the end of the month. Please vote! Paradiso by Straziante Aura Weapon by neblix Thinker by Random Hajile Vote now! Voting open until November 1st!
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