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Everything posted by Rayza

  1. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original song, but wanted to practice some different techniques and such. This is sorta progressive house I guess. For a contest on Remix Galaxy.. http://www.box.net/shared/tejlgdnp2e
  2. Good to hear man.. I tried to keep it concise but still took almost 20 minutes heh.. Glad to hear you're still into making music too
  3. I made a screencast of my mix session for another site/competition and posted it to youtube if anyone is interested. Nothing too heavy, just a brief look at some of the techniques I use.. Part 1: Part 2:
  4. This is a remix I did for a RemixGalaxy.com contest. They give you all the stems of a song and you can make whatever you want out of it. Grand prize is $3800 worth of audio gear. Just did a dancey/house upbeat typical my style. Nothing mind blowing but I think it's a pretty solid remix.. For comparison theres a button on the right that says "Play the original track". This is the original track: http://www.remixgalaxy.com/modules/contest/detail.php?id=11 My remix is here: http://www.remixgalaxy.com/modules/contest/entry.php?id=228 Just hit the play button. Also, if you like it and would like to vote for me, hit the vote button and enter your email. It will send you a confirmation link, and done. Otherwise just enjoy (I hope) the remix. Also if you'd like the 320kbps link: http://www.box.net/shared/2lridjmavl Thanks..
  5. Get Teena Marie on the vocals and its gold. Sounds great man. Perhaps a little over compressed for me, but love the arrangement.
  6. Did this for the final round of a little music tournament.. Had to take the acapella and make a new tune, 3:30 or under.. Won it BTW.. Hope you enjoy.. http://www.box.net/shared/t3gm3neloz
  7. This is a remix I did for a tournament style compo. They give you the "accapella" (which still had tons of drums and synths on it) and you can remix it in any style. Has to be 2:30 or under. Odd source for a compo, but it turned out ok I think.. http://www.box.net/shared/s8993gl71p
  8. For the environment.. Lets turn more tracks green..
  9. Just read a good article on why Google should slow down on this OS.. http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/11/google-chrome-os-2/
  10. I think it's just a mistake on Jade's part. Mine should be a regular WIP.
  11. I can dig that.. Sista..
  12. Thanks Jade.. I hope to obsess you more with wild arms songs..
  13. Flying.. I love making solo's go that way.
  14. Happy Birthday, love to double up on a trance tune with you sometime.. Run a train on that biatch..
  15. Sonik Elektronik http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01181/ LT: Fixed.
  16. I apologize for Auroras profane exit..
  17. 3 ... weeks.... A contest of patience..
  18. Happy Birthday D.. I'm a better person because of OCR..
  19. 2 weeks since the deadline..
  20. I predicted that, for a $400 phone prize, most of the heavyweights come out. I'm interested to see the entry list..
  21. Submitted final with a box.net link in the email. If you wanted a direct attachment to the email let me know and I'll re-sub. Box link is usually solid though. Had fun, good luck to all!
  22. Using Cubase SX3 and some plugins, a few instances of ReFX Nexus and Vanguard. Thanks for the comments so far everyone..
  23. Well I haven't contributed anything for a while so I throw my hat in the ring. WIP is at: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24205
  24. For the contest. Nothing has been eq'd yet. Basic and no ending yet.. http://www.box.net/shared/443ro9yqcc
  25. Great potential for sure, as for posted to the site I would doubt it. Too short and repetitive. It builds a groove, very nicely I might add, but then stays there. Yes house is a groove, and Jack built a house on that groove, BUT for OCR I'd say it needs a tad more. The instruments sound like a game tune got grooved up, swing templated lets say. As in they don't sound like modern (or oldschool if you're going for that) house sounds. If you love the lead, leave it but it could be either be funkier, dirtier, electro-ier or what have you.. Good shit overall, needs a touch..
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