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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. Heard this one back as a WIP in mid-late 2007, and sang it live with Taucer at M6. Glad to see it finished, and finally posted. ...Too bad it has the signature Melodyne artifacts that I've come to associate with Brad's vocal processings... =[
  2. Okay... Honestly... I don't really know what to say... I, too, am a percussion guy, as I am about to start my 5th year of instructing marching bands and drumlines... I'm also very familiar with the source. On that, I'm relatively disappointed in this ReMix. Let me remind you that chromatic percussion is also percussion, in the same boat as auxiliary percussion. It's a hard-to-use source, but I wouldn't call the source a "song" so much as "audio texture". Doug, I love you to death, bro, but in my opinion, this isn't a song remix as much as an extrapolation on rhythmic audio texture. Something like this would have been REALLY great as an amelodic interlude between two other CT pieces, or a percussion break in the middle of one, but not a submission on its own.
  3. Well, then... Be happy with it. The whole "I just focus on the music, not the sound" bit just lost you any slight semblance of credibility that you had.
  4. It's *my* site. Your subdomain.
  5. I've been waiting for an update on this ever since Brad uploaded it to my server... ... ...I saw the updated posts and got really excited, and now I'm just bummed.
  6. In addition to my hosting at escariot.net, I am now pleased to announce that I can create as many accounts as required under http://www.conjamspace.com/ Unlimited Storage Space Unlimited Bandwidth Direct Linking No Ads No cost to you.
  7. The word I got was "Some kind of keytar synth thing hacked up to do his thing [bouncy synth]"
  8. Well, JamSpace now has a website (with unlimited bandwidth), so if you want to do like... albums... That would be the place to host stuff..
  9. Ugh... AnSo... PLEASE let me know when you're going to release something that's going to spike bandwidth like this. =P Every time I glance at the bw logs... (every two weeks or so), something new comes up, and it scares the crap out of me until I figure out what it is... EDIT: Good stuff. =D
  10. Haha... My tall Asian ass blocking the view of Jay just as he's ripping out a crazy awesome bass solo. Adjusting the drumkit levels. And what? video of me tweaking the mixer?! >_> This video leads me to believe that there's an audio recording somewhere on my box...
  11. EDIT: Dammit... I need to learn to read.
  12. WOW. So I had no idea that bLiNd was bLiNd when you stopped him to take a picture. Otherwise, I wouldn't have hopped into the picture and made a total ass of myself... That's uh... Good stuff.
  13. Here's a big 'ol "What the fuck?!" Maybe you should consider crediting the artists behind this one.
  14. Danke. I wish I hadn't fouled up the next to last note, though... I like how quickly norg jumped down my throat for it. Also, not uploaded to YouTube... a messup of I Am: http://escariot.conjamspace.com/IAm-dammit!.avi
  15. One more quartet video to plug:
  16. 1) The problem with that is that the sound guys, the concert staffers, etc. need a break every once in a while. 2) The bands need time to clear off the stage and re-set. If you have DJ's up there and loud music and people jumping about, it's going to be next to impossible to communicate. 3) The concert attendees could also use a break... grab water, use the restroom, etc. So the only way to make that work would be to make each performer a part of the full concert line-up, which will make the concerts last 12 hours each. And nobody has the stamina for that. It's a good idea, but sometimes you have to step back and look at it from a logistics standpoint. 4) Why does everyone feel that going straight to Brendan is the best idea to get something booked? There are department heads for this kind of thing. If you nag Brendan, you'll either get one of two responses... 1) Ok. (Brendan pokes Dom, Dom gets to you) 2) Talk to Dom (Dom gets to you). The latter of which will be the less annoying option in general. If you don't know how to get ahold of Dom directly, I'd be the next person to get ahold of, then I'll get ahold of Dom. If you have feedback or ideas for JamSpace specifically, or music ideas in general, please register on the JamSpace forums (http://www.conjamspace.com/smforum) and post your ideas. We'd love ideas / feedback, and forums are the best way to keep everything centralized. Forum link again: http://www.conjamspace.com/smforum
  17. Shoot me a PM, or an IM. Are we still talking about the Bondies?
  18. So uh... We have a JamSpace forum (and temp website soon): http://www.conjamspace.com/smforum That is going to turn into the central hub for all JamSpace planning and talk. Anybody that wants to join feel free. That will be where all of the most up-to-date information is posted/stored, since there are a lot of communities around that are interested.
  19. I've been watching Andrea Vadrucci do drumming videos for a while now... First started when I caught his drumming to Dream Theater video, and started watching from then on... He's got some good stuff... I personally don't like his setup, but it works for him, so yeah...
  20. I have the whole gameboy dying clip here: http://www.escariot.net/JamSpace/2009/MP3/ZenAlbatross_03.mp3
  21. Kizyr - I... can't remember who this was: OCR-HDR08.jpg looks like BGC v. OA
  22. TAGFest Videos: Full tag: Modified tag (end). norg cheering. Me and Brad celebrating in the back:
  23. They are on my girlfriend's memory card. As soon as I feel like bugging her, she'll send them, and I'll compress and upload.
  24. To officialize what q-pa said about the JS events... Past: JamSpace @ M6 was a fully-experimental freeform jam room. JamSpace (Club Otaku) @ Otakon 15 was us experimenting with a bit more structure and formality (waivers and signups). Otakon took it REALLY well, and we had some amazing jams going on (not quite as amazing as when an OCR crew gets up on stage). JamSpace @ M7 : We applied the structure from the OtaExperiment, and went slightly overboard with events, and lost a bit of the open jam spirit of JamSpace. Future: JamSpace @ M8 : The plan is to have a third music room (We're going to have to fight for it's purpose). This will free up JamSpace to fullfill it's purpose and it's name... To be a place JUST for jams. (Clarification on the 24h thing: We have been, and always will be closed for Main Concerts) EDIT: In response to Wes' post about toning down in terms of shenanigans. The worst things I heard (I talked to the Dorsai) was that 1 person called 911 from a hotel room, and the ambulance came and took someone away, but that was a food allergy reaction... A con-goer, but not related to the con. and one quick visit from the police, nothing major, and one girl got carried out of the concert room. I haven't yet heard of any vandalism that occurred. I think the Bondies left a big enough impression on the MAGers that we decided not to be remembered like that.
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