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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. The studies I've seen around have found that it's dependent on the person, in other words, video games aren't going to suddenly turn you into a killer that is mega out of touch with reality, unless you're already pretty screwed up and out of touch with reality in the first place.

    Really the only thing that seems to have some backing one way or another is video games (and tv, and an overactive busy environment in general) are not good for anyone under the age of 4 or so because it makes them have trouble focusing on things when they get older and stuff.

    This basically.

    They already have psych problems in the first place. I find the idea that Halo per say pushed him to going on a killing spree incredulous. Rather his parents denying him something he wanted coupled with him knowing where I firearm was.

    A previous employer of mine shared the idea that video games are evil and ruin little kids. I've always been around them and my little brothers play them tons. It really isn't a big deal unless they are getting in the way of things that the person needs to be doing. (i.e. studying, working, helping their family, etc.)

    Violence in video games takes a back sit for detriment in comparison to how addictive a game is. MMORPGs would be pretty harmless if they could be played in moderation. Speaking from experience here. The problem is they can't be. They're too addictive and they end up taking over real life responsibilities.

  2. What an insane and tragic story. Chalk one up to anti-video game activists it's cases like this that will turn the tides.

    The thing I find interesting is that Halo 3 isn't that violent by comparison to what's out there. Yeah people are getting killed in it but the violence isn't that brutal compared to some of the other franchises. The game play is quite addictive though.

  3. Senn px 100's are awesome for the money, but if you're trying to block out noise and be in your own little world they aren't what you're looking for.

    I have tried several pair of Bose. Do. Not. Buy. Them. Not even close to worth the money.

    If you're really willing to pay 200 dollars, you can get a phenomenal pair of in ear isolation headphones from Etymotic Research for that kind of money that I'm sure you won't be disappointed in. I have a pair and they are as close to reference as I've ever heard for in ear headphones and I've tried more than a few.

    I bought ER's flagship pair about 2 years ago. I think you can get them for around 180 dollars now. I paid more then.

    Trust me, you put those in your ears you will hear absolutely nothing but your music. Someone could shout at you sitting right next to you and they would be a mime to you.

    Punch in Etymotic Research on Google and look around some.

  4. Also, Flare, I don't expect you to understand because I have met a grand total of one person who understood what I meant by that.

    Well, don't worry. I didn't come to any conclusions, just so you know. It seemed quite apparent that, that was one of your life and living philosophies and there's much more to it than those few lines of text.

    It's good. I didn't put you in a cottage cheese container and get out a marker.

  5. What are you buffoons talking about? Don't you know why Asians all have buckteeth?

    It's all that rice. They get on the toilet and when they grunt they always press their tongue hard against the back of their two front teeth.

    You, ain't going to get the liquids in China. No siry'.

  6. Umm... Wow. There's only a few remixes of this genre that I like. This is officially one of them. The guitar work is very well structured. Love the turn it takes at 3:15.

    I like finding good songs/remixes like this and putting them on for sound rather than the game sound, while I troll through Ninja Gaiden II killing all. This is perfect for that. Yep, I could definitely slay fiends to this.

    In fact, I think I shall. Great job Neko.

    Edit: p.s. I agree with Vinnie in regards to the battle theme. I always thought it was a little under bar my self when held up against the rest of the CT soundtrack. Even, more kudos to Neko for that because his translation of the battle theme is stupendous.

  7. So. Damn. Good. Yet another phenomenal mix by DarkeSword.

    I noticed about half way into it that I was compulsively tapping my foot. I really like this one and I can tell it's only going to grow on me.

    I thought it was very creative where it went at 2:10 and even more awesome how it leads back in at 3:00. More piano work might have been cool but I wouldn't dare say there is a lack thereof. I also liked the cutesy outro. Great job.

    Loving it.

  8. I'm also fairly new here. I ,too, have downloaded here for a long time, but now I'm just figuring out the forum and I got to say it's a bit more confusing than other forums, but I'll get used to it, No worries.

    I think I'm going to go to the request threads now XD

    Hello, and welcome to the forums.

    If you haven't read the first post or 3 in this thread please do so, it should clear up a few things. If they don't, feel free to ask a question! There are plenty of people here to help.

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