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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. The whole "Humans are assholes" theme is quite common in science fiction, and pretty much any story where humans aren't the only characters (and even in some where they are). Lord of the Rings, for example. Humans failed to destroy the one ring and thus made things worse for everyone involved. This happens alot.

    It's true, it is very common for writers to make humans neurotic and selfish. The writers of 'Mass Effect' did this somewhat too.

  2. Long time downloader, first time poster.

    I found out about OCRemix by going to my local laser tag arena, where they played some amazing remixes, so I thought I'd give it a try. About two years later, and I'm now posting in the forums.

    I'm not a remixer, as I really don't have the technology to do that, but I would be willing to review a bit.

    Hope I can fit in here!

    <( ^ . ^ )>

    Welcome to the community.

    Yes, reviews are appreciated don't hesitate to comment on the remixes you download.

  3. It's really just remembered by a vast amount of people for how good it was in it's time. Same goes for most older games. If a game corresponds with a nice time in your childhood or the good o'le days it makes you like it even more.

    For example I'll always remember Ninja Gaiden Black as one of the best games ever made even though Ninja Gaiden II trumps it in nearly every way. Black just reminds me of a time in my life when things were fun and easy with my bachelor buddies, so it gets extra merit in my score card.

  4. Thanks, Garian; Something tells me that he won't be checking his PMs here, but an e-mail would work if I need to contact him :P... I was more or less curious about it, that's all. He did make some pretty sweet music while he was here, and I was just curious if he was still writing stuff anywhere, is all.

    By the way, his Iceman remix on R:TS was pretty sweet; Not OC standards, mind you - but it had it's own charm to it.

    Basically all his remixes are great.

  5. Sooo... you moved this to a thread where people are supposed to introduce themselves but are never replied to?

    That's productive.

    People are replied to in this thread. This is where you say hello.

    Imagine how many spam threads there would be if every new comer was allowed to make their own, "I'm new, what's up?" thread. Do read the first few posts of this thread as they will definitely help.

    Hi, Seleuco. Hope you enjoy us!

  6. 1 was so overrated. What the fuck was up with the screen going blurry every time someone hit you or even worse if you blocked the hit the screen would still blur. I own it and still haven't won it because that so bloody annoying.

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