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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. I'm not a huge fan of over the top blood and gore in video games per say, however; I agree that it has a strange appeal in Ninja Gaiden II and I'm a huge fan of the game. As long as the dynamics of Ryu's viciousness aren't altered by the blue essence (rather than the blood) I think it will be a positive change.

    In any case I'm anticipating Sigma II earnestly.

  2. I can understand people hating on the movie, that's fine. Sure, it could be better in every sense of story and plot. But I have to say though, that the first film probably wouldn't have even been made. They had a hard enough time convincing a movie studio to do it until Spielberg backed it Let's not start getting into Spielberg's ideas and directing post Minority Report okay? Yeah, I've enjoyed pretty much all of his movies, even Crystal Skull.

    Minority Report was mediocre and I couldn't finish Crystal Skull. Or course I'm just one guy.

  3. It's not quite appropriate for this forum (because, god bless you music lovers and your basic integrity) - but I did a write up about MJ's death on my so-called-"blog", where it certainly fits with the fake attitudes regarding the subject. Call it my eulogy for the man.

    If you want the link, let me know.

    Of course I want the link.

  4. I mainly use just a point and shoot Sony DSC-T5. I bought my Mom a Canon S5-IS for her birthday(last year I think), and I use that for fun from time to time.

    I'm looking to get the Canon Rebel XSi or the Canon Rebel T1i.

    I have a Canon Rebel that is a model or two old. I think you'll like one of those quite nicely. They take awesome pictures.

  5. I think people were a lot more violent before video games.

    You should probably substantiate that a little with a broader comment. As it stands it just looks like you're a fanatic on the opposite scale, "Video games are like a good multivitamin, if you don't play you're worse off!"

    Persons have always been violent.

    Someone should argue that video games are sensitizing us. : D

    To what? The real thing? Fat fucking chance. I don't care how much gore you see or enact in a video game it doesn't prepare you for war.

    Or do you mean something else? I don't say that to belittle. I admit I would prefer someone release steam in a video game than going bat shit crazy and releasing it in real life.

  6. This should also be researched in greater depth, and stuff. I am personally interested in the effect of video games hollistically on a person. Not to say I don't want to see video games sold anymore, but it's something that a knowledge-seeking society ought to look into.

    It's getting to be such a massive industry now what with dinosaur companies like Sony and Microsoft involved. I wouldn't be surprised if you see research like what you mentioned taking place in the near future.

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