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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. If you have the money then buy a PS3, if you're strapped buy a Wii. I don't own one but I borrowed my friends and it is what's currently hooked up in my room. It seems very nice and as stated about quite powerful. The 360 is what I own and the PS3 controller is taking some getting used to. As we all know though, it is by no means low quality.

  2. The thing that bugs me about Smash Brothers is that it has all this random shit that can happen in the game that alters the match (items, crazy arenas) yet I am told the tourney level players just cut all that off and play the most boring levels (Final Destination).

    Bug you as it may, they do so because it makes the game balanced. It's another element of SSB that makes it awesome. If you want to get serious and compete you can. If you want to fool around; that's also an option.

    It seems to me that they are basically stripping out the feature that makes the game unique compared to other fighting games.

    But the catch is they get to decide to do that. It's entirely optional. If you don't like that approach to the game you don't have to play that approach to the game. Personally, I do like it.

    Basically it's genius.

  3. Huh? Darke, what are you doing with that hammer? Wait, noWAIT AUUUGGGHHHH!!! My Knee!!! I won't be able to walk for months! What the f-wa... no, NO, NOT MY-

    Lmao. Shit like that is funnier after you've been axed.

    Darke might be harsh sometimes but he's fair enough.

  4. Games similar to smash bros:

    Digimon: Rumble Arena

    Digimon: Rumble Arena 2

    Small Arms

    Iron Phoenix


    All of which (to my knowledge) have done horribly. Smash Bros isn't fun because it's a good or balanced game, it's good because people like the characters attached to it. I realize some people will flame me for that, but honestly sit and think about whether you would play smash bros if it had a generic cast.

    You're so full of it. As reign already pointed out: Impeccable character control.

    To be even more honest with you; I don't really give a fuck about the Nintendo characters. Honestly I think I would enjoy the game more if it was exactly the same controls and gameplay but a more mature setting and character cast. In other words if I could play as Street Fighter characters under the same play system I would like it more. More than both SSB and the current Street Fighters.

    The most competitive gameplay I've ever engaged in was Super Smash Bros. Melee. The thing that is so awesome about that game is that you can't button mash and win against someone even moderately practiced. You get rewarded for blocking attacks if your opponent is close, not punished. (see street fighter for the opposite) Finally, the combo system is very very simple and yet at the same time as complex as you are able to reflex.

    Basically, bite me. You're totally wrong.

  5. The sonic franchise has gone downhill for certain.

    Not only did it cost 9 dollars but I think Sega has made their target market 9 year olds.



    Sonic has gone downhill since, well, pretty much when he was put to 3D. Yeah, the first one was kind of cool, but everything after that is just another step into the waters of failure.

    And this.

  6. THAT IS BECAUSEEEEEE Smash Brothers is more of a party game than a fighting game. It's got unbalances, uneven match-ups, all kinds of bananas.

    What does this even mean? It has unbalances if you want them. (i.e. levels that have random occurrences, turn on items, etc.) And why are you saying it isn't a fighting game? Couldn't agree less with you on that.

    Melee was no less of a fighting game than strike III or SFIV. I'll lean slightly to your point if you're talking about Brawl and only because the designers put tripping in it. (Which is completely retarded) It's still a fighting game though.

  7. The reason why big developers are less likely to take risks is because production budgets are absolutely enormous now. Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to even create a model, texture, rig and set of animations that most people here would dump on for looking unreleastic? It's really, REALLY hard. Even for an independent studio. I'm actually starting one myself (more on that in a few months) and it just reinforces the notion that it's really very difficult to make games.

    Understandable. I don't pretend to understand all the details and expenses as well as you do. The thing is though is it doesn't necessarily have to be realistic. It just needs to be fun...

  8. For me, Mass Effect is probably my top game in terms of realistic graphics, heck maybe even for this generation of consoles (at least until the sequel comes out :razz:). But that's my viewpoint only, and I'm not going to call anyone out for disagreeing. Could the game be just as good without the hyper realistic graphics? Probably, might not have as much impact.

    I agree in not a few ways. Mass Effect has been (for me) one of the funnest play through of this decade. Graphics, game play, writing, and even the soundtrack had depth. A fairly open ended game as well considering it has some of the vitals of a shooter.

  9. As for people's comments on the games people want - most game developers are content now to put out games that are half-assed in some respects since gamers have shown the inclination to buy them enough so that it's economically maximal for the companies. The only people to blame here are the consumers who're willing to purchase those games.

    Your gradient may be true to the general public, i don't know; but I can tell you that concerning myself and my brothers and immediate friends, it's not. We thoroughly examine a game before we make a purchase.

    The only way we don't is if the purchase is cheaper than a rental. As far as buying games new, doesn't happen. And I think I'm speaking for a lot of people on this. New games are a risky buy unless you've played it at a friend house or etc. and you know that you want it. The industry is more like that now than ever before.

    Basically I don't agree. I think people are realizing that many of the titles are just spam. Which makes sense because many of them are.

  10. More seriously, I think developpers have realized they were running around in circle.

    But since the idea-mill is dry, they're trying to innovate with hardware.

    Some of the developers may realize it but the companies producing the games sure don't seem to.

    The tech today allows for many, many, many more possibilities for a game than 10 or 12 years ago. The idea-mill should be in overdrive.

  11. I think the economic crisis would be the leading cause for the changes, but I don't feel bad at all if some one can't pull their head out of their @$z and build a game worth playing, they shouldn't sell anything :P. I would consider myself a hard core gamer and I would say the gaming industry is failing us. Most of the games I end up enjoying are the low budget games built for gaming's sake(most downloadable Arcade games). There is a few games I plan on buying but very few(NG sigma 2, Uncharted 2, FF13.) I mean what happened to ripping off good ideas and making a little coin? Why hasn't some one jacked the Smash Bros fighting style and applied it somwhere else? Yet you see hundreds of 2D Fighting games being produced(Street Fighter, Doa, Blazblue, Mortal Combat, Soul Calibur, tekken, Virtua Fighter, ). Not that I am saying 2D doesn't have a place I think the gaming industry is too hung up on 3D playing fields. Also wtf is the zombie craze can't somone think of the next big thing yet I mean how my weird viral strains can there be that turn people into flesh craving morons?

    This. Basically this.

    The people creating games need to get creative about player feed back. They just aren't asking us what we want most of the time. They're just spamming games trying to make a profit. I especially agree with the notion that no one has attempted a Smash Bros. picturesque multiplayer style fighting game. (In my opinion Square Enix could easily pull it off)

    The zombies: Seriously. Reign is right. Some people might like zombies in ever damn game they play -- To each their own. Some of us on the other hand don't. Can't we fight a normal and/or original enemy for a fucking change? Killing Geth in 'Mass Effect' was awesome good clean fun.

    Hey, Gaming Industry! Stop thinking solely about getting another dollar and asks the gamers what they're into.

    I so rarely find a title I'm interested in anymore and just in case you think I've given up the hobby, think again. I'm just going back to the good stuff that has replay and things like Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the PS3.

  12. I went with the wii for my first nextgen console and I think I did the right thing because I don't know if I could have played it much after the 360 and the ps3. I have all 3 consoles. I play the 360 the most, and hate it the most at the same time, a love/hate relationship. Love the games hate the console and controllers :P.

    Bias fuck... lol

    PS3 has it's disadvantages all the same. :P Plus it's more pricey.

    Can't argue with the blue ray ability though.

    Edit: Btw; I completely agree that the PS3 and XBox crush the Wii. The Wii just isn't my style of gaming.

  13. Glad you found us. Spread the word.

    By the way... you know it's mandatory to mail djp a 12 pack of high quality beer when you join the community right? No...really it's true. He has a couple warehouses full already and he gets drunk off his ass every night trying to get rid of it all.

  14. You know.

    While it says a lot about those self-appointed moral guardians that many of them seem to think violence is acceptable as long as the stuff that leaks out when you cut a living creature in half isn't red...

    ...it also says a lot about gamers that they're prepared to completely write off a game that they would otherwise really enjoy just because the stuff that leaks out when you cut a living creature in half isn't red.

    Good point -- But have you seen NGII. It's far and away the most graphic violence in a video game I've ever seen. In fact I would speculate part of the reason they are reducing the amount of blood is because in some parts of the game there was so much of it that it lagged the X Box.

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