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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. If you consider getting all the possible achievements 100% then it really gets ridiculous. That would just turn playing video games into a big chore.
  2. Oh fuck no. I would get sick of attempting that way too fast. I have a brother who's like that and it bugs me. I'll see him playing after he's won the game twice already and be like, "Bloody freaking hell dude! PLAY A DIFFERENT FUCKING GAME ALREADY!!
  3. Who cares if a new genre is made if that's what it takes for someone to create something new that has a good sound. Girls Aloud comes to mind. They are some weird hybrid genre that has a catchy sound and immense replay. I agree though and Country Music is no exception. There's a gazillion sub-genres just like their is with metal.
  4. Not all of it is about someones dog dieing or how terrible the breakup is going. Some of it is just about dancing or cruising around on a back road with your friends getting drunk. (pretty damn good music material if you've ever actually done it) See, now this is the kind of vitriol I was looking for. The thing about it is, you aren't going to find any Taylor Swift on my mp3 player, that much is true. But when her songs come on the radio I'm like... Ya know, she's got game. She does a lot of her own writing or at least she did on her first album. (which is probably her best one in my opinion) I imagine she gets a fuckton of help now. Honestly I think her songs are memorable and the writing is really impressive for someone her age. Like I said, you won't catch me standing in line to buy her next album but I'm not going to scoff at her talent either because I think she's found a cool niche and she's got an intriguing style.
  5. I'm curious how much of it we have in the OCR community. Every genre has its following and it's critics but it seems like country music gets a lot of unnecessary hate. It's true, just like any other genre most of it sucks harder than a Bangkok whore. Some of it though is really good as well. Maybe you're not the type who's going to be joining into a line dance at Billy Bob's shindig while the band plays the banjo and fiddle, but you gotta admit that country music has some incredibly talented lyricists. The truth is I haven't seen a whole lot of resentment towards Country Music online and not on OCR, but in every work place I've been in (back when I could still find work places) people decry it instantly if they catch you listening to it or heaven forbid you turn the radio on to a country station for a change-up. For my part, well, I admit it isn't my favorite type of music. Generally speaking I'll take a hard rock or a top 100 or whatever, station over country but I would feel a little remiss if I didn't say that on the occasion I do listen to country I hear a lot of genius in some of it. Thought I'd open up a little discussion on it. Do you like/dislike Country Music? Somewhere in between like me maybe? And why?
  6. Meat cakes will make your stomach her just from looking at them. Happy b-day dudes.
  7. I like Japan because that is where samurai are from and it's basically common knowledge that samurai are freakin' awesome.
  8. We doing unbirthday celebrations now?
  9. Absolutely. Happy name day Arek.
  10. Quiet Riot - Metal Health Great jam pretty much all the time.
  11. I like Quantum of Solace. It's a badass bond film.
  12. Sorry. I was really just joshing around.
  13. Honestly (and I stated it much earlier in this thread) my first impression of her video was that a bunch of kids with a lot of resources on their hands were fooling around. It's something that happens everyday just not in the way she did it. Maybe she'll become the next Paris Hilton wherein she is a celebrity just for the sake of being a celebrity and she'll get free drinks and payed thousands of dollars to attend specific night clubs. She's still 13 though so for the nonce, "Haters gonna hate..." Anyways, I agree with Jimmy.
  14. Because people on OCR are always very understanding and genteel.
  15. Well that blows. Isn't there a sale going on those at Best Buy? Just kidding.
  16. See, I never had that problem. There was always a handful of people willing to play when I was infatuated with Smash Bros. That tends to breed a lot of competition and that may be part of the reason Brawl felt a bit off to me. It was rare to even see someone playing single player mode. I think Brawl is a good game but as a successor it was a little disenchanting.
  17. Brawl really isn't such a bad game. The problem is, it just makes you want to play Melee. Even if you have already played Melee to the bone, it just makes you want to play it instead. Basically yeah, as a successor it really isn't an improvement. What makes it worse is that it easily could have been. The structure and mechanics were already there. All they needed to do is add graphics, some stages, a few characters and viola; a perfect sequel.
  18. You forgot to mention tripping. So, so lame. Whatever dolt thought up that idea needs to get as far away from designing video games as humanly possible and stay there for two eternities.
  19. Not only is that a lawl title but this is actually a pretty groovy jam that I did not have.
  20. It definitely felt slower. Not sure if it was that exactly, but it was too busy. Yes, way better. This was probably my biggest complaint about the game. Yes. I did.
  21. I've been going through my remix stash the last couple evenings while I browse and what have you, because I'm at a friends house and he wanted to hear some cool remixes. So I'm just listening to old favorites and giving some I don't recognize immediately another listen - Giving my friend a little crash course one what OCR is about so to speak. He's diggin' what you guys do. While I was doing this I couldn't help cracking a smile or giving a little chuckle on occasion at a few of the song titles that I saw. Some just because it's a funny title but others were amusing because of how they appeared in the folder with the name of the video game they are from in front of them and/or "OC_ReMix" after the title. I realize that those factors were likely taken into consideration by the remixers when they named them but still... In any case, here's a few that amused me: A Nightmare Before Kefka - Anyone who has played the game this is from needs no explanation why this wry title is amusing, Kefka is always amusing. If that isn't enough to convince you to smile on its own though, hearing the tune along with the title will. Fury_of_the_Furries_FurryintheForest - Read it out loud slowly. ...Think you got it down? Ok, now say it five times fast. What_Hath_Thou_Done_with_This_OC_Remix - Well!? What have you done with this OCRemix! I gotta admit, I'm kinda curious if this was done on purpose. Tickle My Wily - Ohh, get your mind out of the gutter you pervert, it's only a name. I said nothing of the sort. This is good wholesome video game music and has nothing to do with debauchery. I know there are many more. What remix titles (or song titles in general) strike your funny bone?
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