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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. The thing about that type of playing I have to wonder when I see it is - How are you suppose to know if they even mess up? It doesn't sound to me like they are playing anything in particular, just shredding away not knowing what they will do next. I'm not saying it isn't killer good playing. It just doesn't take my breath away.
  2. I don't really like the concept of the Green Lantern compared to some of my favorite comic heroes. He just seems, I don't know.. way too cheesy. I like Ryan Reynolds though. I'm sure I'll watch this but definitely not in theaters. Edit: And this I agree with.
  3. I've heard it used here and there and it isn't a stupid phrase. Used in the right situation it can be fucking hilarious. I would be shocked if Nintendo actually thinks they can win this. It seems like it would be beneficial for them if people use it in the media and pop culture. Sorta like free advertising.
  4. More than likely. The thing is though, the combination of all these different genres doesn't have to sound like puke. Some of these guys just have some immense natural talent for sucking. Hell, even modern day country gets a lot of different stuff thrown into it. Does most of it suck? Yeah, maybe. But there is a lot of it that is fun to listen to as well.
  5. I'll admit that I like 1 or 2 songs from Hollywood Undead when I'm in the mood for rage rock; but the rest of those suck really, really, really bad.
  6. Oh my. I can't even pin what genre that is and I haven't seen suck like that in a long time. Seriously? As slow as things are around here and you're going to pull the, "I've seen this so it's old!" card?
  7. Jewel's most recent album. Pretty damn good actually.
  8. I've been into headphones for years now and I never pass up an opportunity to give something new that I see a listen. That said I don't buy every low end or mid priced headphone I see just to check it out because I've went through so many that I'm very content with my Sennheiser HD 590's. They sound just a little bit bright when they are fresh out of the box but they break in perfectly. I have a pair of HD 580's as well and I admit they sound close but the 590's have the tear drop style open air can that is so incredibly comfortable you can just forget they're on your head. If I'm serious about sitting down and enjoying my cans I plug them into a Cambridge Audio integrated amp. Sound card is a creative X-Fi, one that I would like to upgrade sometime in the near future. It was considered very nice when I got it but that was a long time ago and it's a bit obsolete. Works fine though. For going portable I always go for isolation headphones. If you're on a bus or somewhere noisy you can just go into your own little world of music. I've tried tons of them and I have yet to find some that made me want to replace my Etymotic Research ER-4. They've released newer better ones of course but mine are still in great shape so spending the money on an upgrade pair of the same brand isn't really justified and they simply sound phenomenal. I plug them into a Cowon D2 portable multimedia player. For the portables I've tried it has a pristine sound and it charges off of a mini USB which is very convenient for me. It will also play flac files which is nice if you're really into immaculate sound. Just throwing this out there: Has anyone else noticed what an incredible sound signature the PSP has? That blew my mind. It's a petty little reason of mine for why I would never buy a DS.
  9. What an incredible job guys. I've been coming back to this lately and I just wanted to say again how much I like it.
  10. Overall I love to hear them both. In reference to MegaMan then probably electric guitar.
  11. It's preference Salluz. Wtf? There are a zillion and 1 artists that I think are more talented than and would personally, rather listen to than Micheal Jackson.
  12. That is without a doubt the worst Ghetto Flame on comparisons I have ever seen. I think DarkeSword gave me a reprimand for this exact statement.
  13. As was mentioned in the write up, this has an old school OCR sound. I love that. I really enjoyed this and I hope we don't come to a point where simple yet fun and soothing stuff like this is rejected just because it isn't as complex as a lot of the new arrangements that come out. Great job. I'll be listening to it more.
  14. Seems to be a lot of piano arrangements about and that suites me just fine. I really enjoyed this.
  15. Definitely going to be missed. Don't forget to say hi.
  16. Happy birthday yo. Keep up the good work and enthusiasm.
  17. If they were trying to use accounts of real soldiers and simulate real missions/objectives I might be able to understand why this bitch is throwing a temper tantrum, but they're not. It isn't even like you play as the Taliban performing TERRORIST missions. If I understand correctly what they article was saying, it just allows you to play as a Taliban soldier in multi-player. It so doesn't matter.
  18. It seems Fox is at it again. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38740099/ns/technology_and_science-games/ Am I the only one that thinks this is making a mountain out of a mole hill?
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