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The Damned

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Status Updates posted by The Damned

  1. Spam account. betflick168.com is a gambling site.

  2. Wegototo.com is a South Korean online gambling site.

    Please nuke spam account. From orbit.

    It's the only way to be sure.

  3. Spam account. I mean.. come on, the profile's link is literally a site for selling spare vehicle parts.

  4. Spam account.


    Same name, same profile picture, and it's just spam for investing.

  5. Spam account.

    The website listed goes to a private Vietnamese armed security company.

    This account also appears on several other forums and sites with the same website and Vietnamese "interests" that is jsut a sales pitch for the security company.




    Please nuke spambot. From orbit.

    It's the only way to be sure.

  6. Spam account. Website is goes to a flash game.

  7. Yeah, so this is a spam account.

    While the name "jokertan" is used by several real accounts, mostly from Japan, there are a few that have the same lower-case spelling, and all tie together with a common signature link for instantonline-loan.com.

    They also share the same avatar pic of the Joker from Suicide Squad.

    https://stitchitintl.com/support-forum/activity/jokertan/  for example.
    https://www.ethicalhacker.net/members/jokertan/ same account, same blank content.
    https://spn.go.th/community/profile/jokertan/ here's one with the intact signature embedded with a link to that online loan site
    https://coalitionjournal2018.lmu.build/profile/jokertan/ oh look, the identical sig with link on a completely unrelated forum

    Please nuke spambot account.

  8. Well hello there, spam account!

    Osmile is a series of GPS trackers, sometimes used for keeping tabs on seniors that require more attention.

    It's also a line of soaker hose for lawn and gardens.

    Either way. Spam account.

  9. Spam account.


    Literally page after page of this account name across dozens of forums, all signed up within the last week.

  10. Wait, I can write on my own profile?


  11. Shit, long time, no see.

    Did you die and then come back? Are you a zombie? Vampire? Vampire zombie? Vambie? Zompire?

    1. GenericAsianGuy


      Good to see you again friend!

      I'm now the Generic Azompirasian Guy, just stare at my profile picture and imagine I'm saying "I'm baaaaack~"

      Feel free to let me know if you need any forums/site set up for any upcoming projects :)

  12. Arrow, dude, please. Post a pic of those sentai robots. Kissing, fighting, holding everyday objects, something!

    1. Arrow


      Sorry man, I've got a new job and I've been monstrously busy, with no time at work to barely take a break, and too tired when I get home to even look at the forums.  I'll take pictures as soon as I can.

  13. Wait, holy shit, you did music for Borderlands 2? Fuck me, how did I not know this until now?

    Son of Crawmerax was awesome, and that ambient music was one of the best parts!

  14. Hey, long time no see/talk to/hear from/interact with! Totalbiscuit nominated your work in "There Came An Echo" for his Best Soundtrack of 2015.


    And the result is...

    His accent is still kind of cool! Just kidding, "There Came An Echo" won! Congrats!

  15. OK, being able to put shitty pictures on top of my profile page is pointlessly fun.

  16. I just heard that you did some of the music for Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock Vs. The Son of Crawmerax (from Extra Remix).

    Seriously? BL2 is one of my favorite games ever.

  17. Name is win. Borderlands 2 ref = auto-victory.

  18. Shit. Was that yesterday?

  19. I see no reason why not.

    Unless you're an assassin, trying to lure me out with promises of remixes.

    In which case... I'm on to you.

  20. Uh, no, I never got any finalized song.

    Also, things are busy as hell around here until November. This isn't really a hiatus, but things are going to be slow until I can actually have a few days to catch up with everyone and make sure we're all on the same page.

    Sorry, but this album is happening.

  21. Regarding that file, it's almost exact the same as this one: http://www.zophar.net/music/gbs/pokemon-blue.html

    Slightly different background noise. That's it. Play that and add in a slight buzz/pop effect, a lot lower than the main notes. There you have it.

    And I'm glad someone else doesn't believe it. It's like trying to tell people that Obama isn't really a Muslim, or that eating pop rocks and cola isn't going to make your stomach explode, or any of the other stupid things people believe. It seems pointless, but if you can get one more person to think about it, it's worthwhile.

  22. Toss me and WillRock a sample or a WIP, and we'll see.

  23. Now stop being all "I don't have a 3DS... waaaaaaahhh" and such.

  24. Seriously, why did you guys let Jack back in? He gets more warnings from more mods than anyone else and multiple temp-bans, and yet he's still around... because?

    Or does having him around give you guys something to do on slow days? :)

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