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The Damned

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Status Updates posted by The Damned

  1. Nice "slightly less tall" sig. :nicework:

    I didn't know you could use that many enters in the sig box.

  2. haa haa, it's your birthday, now you're old!

  3. I just noticed that you have my quoted in your sig, from a spam thread from earlier this year.

    That, or you're calling me a spambot. :dstrbd:

  4. Then how did you get one? :lol:

  5. Hey, how come you have an Espeon avatar? Where is it? Are there others? I want one. Or is that a Judge thing?

    Oh, I bet it is. I bet you judges get alllll kinds of perks, like titles, and first dibs on cookies that DJP brings to all the secret Judge meetings.

    Great, now I want a cookie, too.

  6. Yes, anytime you have to do it, go ahead.

  7. You have a Pokémon Red/Blue overworld map-based sig. For that, I salute you.

  8. Haa haa, you're slightly older now! Maybe someday, we'll be able to send birthday cakes over TP/IP, and then you can download it to your moth, and then eat it. But by then, Google will have patented downloading cake, and make you pay for what used to be free.

  9. Dude, epic trollage in your threads. I'll play along with ya until everyone else gets it. Until then, epic troll is epic!

  10. You did the OCAD sigs? Nice. You make Level 99 look almost handsome.

  11. TOO LATE! More like, "Protodon't get what he wants", right? HAA HAA HAA!

    As for TheKrow, happy birthday. You're that much closer to outliving your enemies. But don't get too happy; they're also at that point as well. Might I suggest some sort of tripwire?

  12. I just realized this: your sig looks like a giant fire dong.


  13. You gotta understand, I was playing the original when it was new. Mouse support was limited back then, and most people never had sticks.

    I don't even know if I have the discs anymore.

  14. Oh yes, I played the hell out of Descent... years ago.

    Sadly, it's been so long since I've played, that I fear I am too out of practice. Also, my flightstick is long dead, and no one sells good ones anymore.

    I suppose I could jsut use the keyboard, but that feels soooo... pedestrian.

  15. Maybe you're developing some sort of morals or something. I'd go see a doctor about that soon. Might be a problem later.

  16. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27599

    "all i can think of are jokes and insensitive cynical observations"

    You think that's bad? I was going to post the original with spelling and punctuation correction.

  17. I'd hit up serebii.net for info on things like pokémon, their stats, attacks, and that sort of thing.

    Depending upon what it is you want to do, and what game it it, you could try out the contests, or hit up battle tower. Sadly, the majority of the good parts of the series are pre-Elite 4; everything else is either pointless exploring or trying to get the last bits of your dex filled out.

  18. That would be DragonAvenger. Sings, has tits, does musics, sometimes makes postcouts...

  19. Ha haa, you're slightly older today.

  20. Another Canadian? My god, we're multiplying like... like... beavers!

  21. gohito can suck my long, black* cock. It's filled with creamy goodness, all for his enjoyment.

    (*I may not actually be black, ask gohito's mom for details)

  22. Ha ha, Xenogears album comment fail.

  23. I just read your sig. I did, indeed, laugh, maybe even enough for someone else to hear.

  24. I just realized that the "pu" in your name could be pronounced as "poo" so that makes you "poo freak". All this time I've been saying it as "pee-you-freak".

    Also, haa haa, you're another year closer to old age and death.

  25. Clefairy! I have a Moon Stone for you!

    Wait, are we allowed to make terrible game-specific puns and jokes here?

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