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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Still. Can't. Play it. I hate you, game!
  2. Just popping in to see how it's going, and I gotta say I like the album title. Very appropriate. Still looking forward to it! Keep going!
  3. I don't know if I can stand it or not. I still can't get into a single game. Even when I do join one, it just crashes before it finishes loading. I'm going to go eat a bucket of ice cream now...
  4. I'm finding lots of threads on various game sites that speak of horrible experiences with the game-finding system. They really should have put out a single-player demo or at least a tutorial.
  5. How do the three species compare to each other?
  6. Anyone else get this? Or, for that matter, anyone else get it to work? I've waited up to 30 minutes to get into a game, only to have it crash and then go right to the "pre-order now" screen on Steam. I can only hope that this isn't even remotely how it will work in the final version. For those that have managed to play it, care to share your thoughts on it?
  7. If he can't even take the single effort of googling it first, and instead comes here and asks everyone to find it for him, then too bad. I looked up "super mario flash movie" and found the exact one he was talking about. It was the second result. It had a picture next to it, showing what it was about. It took five seconds to start watching it. The description even said it was a parody of the Matrix. He could have done it, but instead he decided to let others try for him. Fuck him and his laziness. Attitudes like that piss me off.
  8. Here, let me google that for you. Actually, no. I'm not going to. I just looked it up on google, and I found dozens of links to hundreds of Mario flash animations. The list on Newgrounds was full of them, with a preview to show you which ones were which. It took less then twenty seconds to find the ones you were looking for. I'm not even going to be polite about it. You could have easily looked it up in less time than it would have taken to post here and then wait for others to find it for you. It's a basic skill that even children can do. I have a 4 year old nephew that can use Youtube to watch videos about cats and LEGO, and he can't even spell yet. Seriously? You never thought to just... search for it?
  9. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32326 Sig is full of links to the same website.
  10. I'd hit up serebii.net for info on things like pokémon, their stats, attacks, and that sort of thing.

    Depending upon what it is you want to do, and what game it it, you could try out the contests, or hit up battle tower. Sadly, the majority of the good parts of the series are pre-Elite 4; everything else is either pointless exploring or trying to get the last bits of your dex filled out.

  11. I think I got most of the OCR on my friends list on Steam, but if I don't, I'll add anyone that plays L4D, first or second.
  12. OK, any way, back on topic... http://pokebeach.com/2010/01/secrets-to-be-revealed-on-next-weeks-pokemon-sunday In Japan, they have this weekly show called Pokémon Sunday, where they get a bunch of people and do random things... not important. What is important, though, is that the show is often the first public revealing of new games, shows, characters, toys, etc. This weeks episode had a video clip showing the director of the games, Junichi Masuda, showed a poster to the audience... and then they covered it up with a star symbol. They then announced that next weeks episode will reveal the whole thing. So one more week of hype and anticipation, I guess.
  13. Wow. OK, if this idea is going to go ahead, we should put it in Off-Topic, because that's something that only OCR members can get to, and the public in general can't. No sense in ruining the joke if one quick peek at the boards here can give it away. Maybe we should edit all these posts to cover it up.
  14. Quick, someone post a pic of a person holding a DS like a book right up against their face . Then we'll spread rumors around that's it's a way to create 3d images like those magic eye things that were popular years ago. People will try it, and then we can laugh at them.
  15. 3d glasses plug into the player, and they fold up and fit inside it a giant stylus. No, wait. The screens are the glasses. Yeah, baby.
  16. Hmmm... I guess that means no new DS later this year. That, or it will be on yet another version of the DS. Like... DSvR, the DS that hooks up a virtual glasses with earphones, making it like a portalbe Virtual Boy. Fuck yeah, Virtual Boy DS! Also, released for the end of 2010? I beat you it gets a delayed until mid-2011, and then ported over to whatever the next Nintendo portable is.
  17. Yes, it supposed to be completely trade-able at the beginning. This would actually make having custom teams a lot easier. Grab your DPPt game and breed whatever team you want, trade the eggs over to your HSSS game and then hatch them. Voila! Any team you want at the beginning of the game.
  18. I would like to think that in our modern society, we are free to decide how we waste our personal time without worrying about what others think.
  19. OK, so there's a bit of an issue with artwork at this point. Basically, we have had several different artists come in at different points, and they all did some nice work... but their individual styles and skill levels aren't matching well. I've also noticed that we don't really have a coherent overall style or subject. It's mostly different little clips of artwork scattered all over the place. I believe the issue with that is that we (and certainly myself, of course) were in what I like to call "OK, that's awesome and let's do it now and not look back" mode. So for now, I've locked the project board's artwork thread, and will be reconsidering the entire direction of the album's artwork. It might be a few days before there's any real decision made. I'd like to thank our artists for the work they have done so far. It's not your fault per se, so much is it is a lack of managing it better on my part.
  20. The thing is, HG and SS already do that. They have almost every pokémon in the series in the game. You can get Mewtwo, there's a Mew event, you can get Kyogre and Groudon after the Elite 4, people give you the Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh starters along the way... it's the most complete game so far. Not to mention that according to Nintendo's own statistics, DSi only makes up about 15% of total DS sells in the world. 15% is not something you can exactly base a shift in business with. There are more DS Lites then DS Phats, for god's sake. Maybe they could offset the cost by charging more for the game itself? Just go for it. Why would you chicken out? I'm 32, work with big, manly oil-field workers, and I've been playing it since it came out. I think you're old enough and manly enough to choose what games you want to play now. Ahhh, someone that knows his video game history... well done, young man. (I'm old enough to start calling people young man now)
  21. I don't think so... all of the extra content that the original Crystal had was carried over to HG and SS. It wouldn't make any sense to remake it with the exact same content as its predecessors. Even if they did add even more stuff to it, that would also be breaking the pattern; no remake has had a third version yet. Mind you, there's only two instances of remakes in the series so far, but still...
  22. As of December 3rd, 2011, Nintendo is giving away Victini over Nintendo WiFi. But this isn't just a regular Victini. No, it's the special movie-event one from Japan earlier this year. It learns three special attacks: Fusion Flare and Fusion Bolt from Zekrom and Reshiram, and the exclusive V-Create, Victini;s exclusive signature move. The event is only running until December 31st of this year, so you have about 4 weeks to get yours. OCR Pokémon Black/White Friend Codes (now in alphabetical order!) Arek the Absolute FC: 2537 3834 6962 Black version, Snivy Brushfire: 4684 8113 2107 - White, Black and White versions, Tepig and Oshawott Capa Langley: FC 2021 9027 6988, Black version, Tepig cobaltstarfire: FC 4384 1437 6617, White version, Oshawott Conan The Politician: FC 3396 2915 2288, White version, Tepig Cyril the Wolf: FC 1162 9043 6833, Black and White, Oshawott and Tepig halc: FC 0432 7610 1095, White, Snivy JackKieser FC: 4598 9629 6430 Black version, Snivy jmr: FC 3095 7068 9861, White version, Oshawott lunar-x: FC 5028 4743 9710, White Version, Oshawott Majin GeoDooD: FC 4684 8021 5282, Black version, Oshawott Mirby: FC 2752 0516 2286, White version, Oshawott NeoForte: FC 4255 2818 2257, White version ocre: FC 1034 0525 1399, White version, Oshawott Overdriven: FC 4598 8790 3763, Black version Overflow: FC 2451 3938 8275, White version, Tepig Schwaltzvald: FC 1119 9550 0224, Black version, freaky-looking Oshawott Soul Splint: FC 4298 2424 2564, White version, Oshawott Tensei: FC 3181 5449 6626, Black version The Damned: FC 2923 8368 2413, Black version, Tepig urdailywater: FC 5114 2740 0330, Black version, Oshawott wildfire FC: 0776 3966 5893, White version, Tepig Zergonaleash: FC 1549 4537 2910, White Version, Snivy
  23. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32258 Spambot. Sig is made up of links to exercise and fitness sites.
  24. Oh good, it's going ahead still. This and the Link's Awakening albums are ones I'm really looking forward to.
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