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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Hey, stop horning in on my territory! I'm The Damned, The Missingno Tracks director, and I approve of this challenge.
  2. Damn, I just shut down Steam after playing with Triad and a friend of his. Lousy timing on my part.
  3. Then when it overheats, the fire effects will be FUCKING AMAZING.
  4. Maybe you have, and none of us noticed until now. You're a sly one, Mister Xavier.
  5. I'm lazy and I have other things to do. This will just have to wait until Thursday or Friday. Saturday morning, tops.
  6. Now see what you've done? You've made bleck upset. That's like making a kitten cry, you bastard. I'll see you run off this site before the end of the week. And you had the balls to double post with the Nice Birthday pic... you soulless, heartless son of a bitch.(five bucks someone takes this post too seriously)
  7. Nah, it's just the roads coming into the city during the winter.
  8. OH GOD, I DO SOUND LIKE THAT! That does it, I'm getting a voice-ectomy next week. I think I need a better mic. That sounded terrible. And quiet.
  9. I was once in a 20 foot long cube truck driving outside of Winnipeg (the coldest, most god-forsaken city in Canada. That would be the end of the story right for Canadians. Brrrr, Winnipeg. For the rest of you, I'll give you the full version. The roads that night were icier than any I've been on before, and that's saying something for where I live. These roads were like super-polished death ice, covered with zero-grip super slick, with a layer of hatred-for-all-things-friction-related on top. The road into Winnipeg is very interesting, in that they have these massive, deep ditches on the side. Like, you could park small aircraft in them, and you wouldn't be able to tell unless you were looking right into them. These things are massive. And judging from the number of completely destroyed cars in them, deadly. The cube van we were in decided that it was tired of traveling in a straight line. Well, sort of. You see, at some point, as we were approaching Winnipeg, the van developed a sudden desire to turn to the left. But momentum made us continue going in the original direction. We were, about 20km/h under the usual speed limit, facing perpendicular to the direction of traffic while still traveling with it. The guy driving managed to steer it back in the right direction, but this only made the cube truck turn 180 degrees. We were now facing completely to the right while still traveling with traffic. This repeated a few time until we lost enough speed to get proper control, at which point we found the first exit off the highway and get into the city itself. Those ditches I mentioned before? We did this little ice ballet in the right-most lane, only ten feet from the ditch. If we had gone in, I don't think we would have survived. Momentum alone would have crushed the cab. There would have been no saving us, we would be dead. Still, I had to spend a night in Winnipeg during the winter, so I'm not sure which is the scarier of the two events... Another time was when I was pipe-lining up by Grand Cache in the winter. They put the pipe sections on large support pillars, and then weld the gas pipe together before they put it in the ground. You have sections of pipe that are literally miles long. This one section was going down a very large, very steep valley across a small river. To hold this mile and a half long section of pipe (I think it was 12 inch diameter pipe, with a 3/4 inch wall. Nothing too big, but still a lot of weight) in place, they tied the end at the top of the slope to a large caterpillar tractor with heavy metal rope. More than enough to hold it. OK, maybe not. Someone tried to drive their pick-up truck uphill in the ice-covered snow. This didn't work. Instead, they slid back and smashed into the front of the caterpillar tractor. This shocked the tractor enough that it made it slip a few feet downhill. When it stopped, the tension on the metal rope holding the pipe snapped (cold metal plus sudden force... go figure). Well, when this was happening, we were doing x-ray inspection about... half way down the slope, I think. It's a long way down. We can see the pipe shift, and we all stop what we're doing. I'm closest to the pipe, as I was wrapping x-ray film around it. As soon as I look up, it starts to slid downhill. I am only inches away from a giant metal snake a mile and a half long, traveling downhill and taking everything if catches with it. It was picking up speed fast. I automatically dropped onto one knee, rolled under the pipe between two support pillars, and practically leaped into the trees next to us. Just as I made it back on my feet, the entire pipeline dropped to the ground, making the deepest, bassiest thud I have ever heard, and watch as it streaks by me, ten feet away, faster than I can make out. The weld on this are thirty or so feet apart, and I can't see how many of them are going be me. It went down hill, across the river valley floor, and went partially uphill. The ice gave it no resistance, the steep slope gave it lots of potential energy, and the weight gave it inertia. It buried the bottom-most end about fifty feet into the other slope, roughly three hundred feet uphill. Work was canceled that day, we went back to the camp, and I watched some movies and got paid for it. Fuck yeah, physics!
  10. When you said "covers", I thought you meant music ones. You know, like a slightly different version of the music. For games that didn't exist. Man, that would have been both really hard and really interesting.
  11. If you did, there would be any number of people that would come in and tell you so in the most degrading, hurtful way possible. Someday, I'd like to have some sort of forum olympics. We take the best of our site and pit them against other sites. There would be calling people out of bullshit, flamewar-ing, PPR diatribes, and the fastest person to get banned from signing-up. I think we could take some serious medal.
  12. True, he did mention motion controls, not multi-platform titles. OCR: We read what we want to read.
  13. Yes, slapping people across the face (metaphorically and otherwise) is a great way to get people to do what you want. I use it as work all the time. Mind you, I am a pimp. You have to slap people to get things done in that line of work.
  14. Maybe everyone is busy with the eighteen million projects going on right now?
  15. Well, the trailer is levels above the ones for the Alien Vs. Predator series. If it's even half as good as it makes it to look, it will still be better than those two. Horrible movies, horrible.
  16. But a million people over a year's time... It does add up, and ever if it is only "a tiny amount", there's not much point in wasting it if you don't need to. /not an environmentalist
  17. uTorrent confirmed. I like that you can set it to shut down your computer once everything is completed, thus saving electricity. But you don't seed when that happens. But you also got all of the stuff you want. I guess it's a fine balance between saving money and seeding. Choose wisely.
  18. Mac seems very... culty. Not like crazy religious... actually, that might not be too far from the truth. Apple is like a bunch of people that so truly believe they are making something so incredible it will change the world, they don't see that they aren't doing anything that special. Hell, that iPad thing... sheesh. Kind of full of themselves. So I can see why you would make a comparison between Sony and Apple.
  19. No. It's the history of things that Sony does, showing that they have no respect for their customers: -All I want for Christmas is a PSP, and honestly believing that it would work -DVD and CD Rootkit; denying it, lying about it, and then saying it was for our own good -"You will work two or three jobs to get a PS3, and love it" when talking about the price tag -"Motion Control is a gimmick, and will never succeed" and then quickly making their own (the sixaxis), despite none of their closest developers having heard about it until that E3 -Shitty customer service, poor warranty adherence, etc. This ad just adds to the list of things that Sony does that shows how little they think of their customers. That's why I don't buy Sony stuff. You can buy all the Sony stuff you want, but I'm not bothering with them.
  20. Wow. I just finished watching that Youtube video, and... wow. That's the most dickass thing I have seen from Sony in a long time, and I still fondly remember the whole "PSP For X-Mas" fiasco. This kind of attitude is exactly why I don't buy anything from Sony. I don't want to be associated with that kind of behavior. I can look at the fanboys of anything and not be too bothered by it, but when it's the company that acts like that... that's just too much. I think I'll be continuing my plan of not buying any Sony systems for the next while, thank you very much. I'll buy a fucking NGage before I buy a PSP now. You know what the worst part was? The entire "Kevin Butler" series of ads was actually the best marketing Sony had in years. They were funny, they weren't condescending, and they didn't make them look like fucktards. Way to ruin the only good thing you had going for you.
  21. Oscillating fan! Yeah, so the Game Centers in Goldenrod and Celadon suck. It's just that stupid Voltrob Flip game. No slots. And apparently, you can't buy coins anymore. Yeah, no coins for the slots that aren't there anymore. Awesome job, Game Freak. Way to cave in to pressure.
  22. Actually, is this really an "IQ" test, or a memory test? You're not really applying any previous knowledge to solve a problem or trying to figure out a puzzle of some kind.
  23. GBA SPs are getting on in the years. You may very well have a screen that is starting to die. After all, LCD screens aren't going to last forever, and depending upon various factors (rate of use, namely hours active at a time and total, storage conditions like temperature, charging cycles, etc) could have helped the screen along t its eventual end. Luckily, Nintendo still does repairs on GBA SPs, and even if they cant or won't fix it, you can still pick them up for fairly cheap. Or get a DS or DS Lite.
  24. Unless you have some hyper-active felines, I think the cat idea is flawed by the fact that cats are inherently lazy. Maybe taping a laser pointer to their heads would fix that. One idea I saw was dangling it onto an oscillating fan. Not the blades, but just the metal or plastic frame of the fan. As it blows, it knocks the walker around a bit, creating steps. And as it moves left and right, that also knocks it around a bit, creating even more steps. The guy that posted this idea stated he gets about 25000 steps in a 24 hour period.
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