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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. No, I'm the Pokémon expert. I just happen to like Descent as well. /flightstick doesn't work anymore //Descent discs are missing in action
  2. Oh my god, you're right. Man it's been far too long sine I've played wither one.
  3. Both are in each version. You just get them at different points in the game. That's hardcore. He made it out of two GameBoy Advances taped together.
  4. OK, in case any of you forgot, or didn't know at all, Sunday, March 14th is the release date for Heart Gold and Soul Silver on the DS in the US. Canada, expect it slightly later, as usual. Maybe the 16th at the latest. Pre-orders did get a Lugia or Ho-oh statue, about five inches in height, but it's too late for you now, suckers. Enjoy your games!
  5. You guys made me feel tired after recording all that. And then you hurt my Canadian feelings with your cruel comments. So, I guess you only hurt 0.98 of my feelings. But still...
  6. I don;t know if it counts as engrish, but a friend recently received a gift from a family member who was recently overseas. China, to be exact. It's an iPod Touch knock-off, but with an awesome back. The back casing is from an actual iPod Touch, and has the logo and "16 GB" etched onto it. The factory sticker from the manufacturer says "2 GB". Complete piece of Chinese knock-off shit, but the fact they went through the trouble of using actual factory casing and then putting a sticker on the device showing two very different capacities... that's just awesome.
  7. Wrong. It's the Pyro-GX Merc variant from Mercenaries. Duh. Also, I'm seing lots of characters that may appear in video games, but aren't originally video game characters. Astro Boy, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, Iron Man, all of the LEGO stuff, and a few more. Should those even be counted? Since the image is already there, I guess it's pointless to mention it, but still...
  8. Cerrax did Out of Antidote, which is an awesome remix. Also, he may or may not have played a game of something with me... I can't remember. I think it was Unreal or something. He seemed nice enough. I guess he gets to have at least one more birthday now. Enjoy it while you can.
  9. I would bare your children if you did. You're a chick, though... right?
  10. You son of a bitch... that's an affront to humanity and fishanity. I think I died a bit after hearing that. The worst part is that I had Winamp on repeat, so it played three times before I noticed. That means you killed three bits of me. God damn it.
  11. HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET ONE? Seriously, I went in for one, and I never got an invite. Am sad and angry now.
  12. Batman Annual #18 had a story where Leonardo Da Vinci's assistant took on the guise of a bat, making him Batman during the Renaissance. Even though it was part of the Elseworlds series, I wonder if they will try to incorporate things like that into this story. Other past versions of Batman may end up being retconned to fit in with these stories. Damn, now I have to look up instances of past Batman characters.
  13. Nothing that would make Batman even cooler. But yeah, ancient Rome could have been good. I suspect that the lack of obscenely tall buildings would have been an issue for a guy known to jump off of them.
  14. One of my recent purchases has a new message that I didn't see before; namely, it says "battery discharging at __%". The thing is, I don't recall seeing this before, and the number drops rather quickly, at about one percent ever two or so minutes. It was fully charged up (at 99%) and when I checked, it stated that with in fifteen minutes of completing its charge, it was down to 85%. Looking it up, I see some formulas for discharge rates and some battery care tips, but nothing about is discharging is normal for a device. It constantly shows the battery losing a percentage point every few minutes. With the lowest settings on everything to conserve battery power, it shouldn't be doing much more than one percent per hour. I have to wonder if this is related to the new charger I got for it. Could it have somehow damaged the battery, or am I not understanding the difference between drain and discharge?
  15. You read that as condescending? It wasn't intended as condescending, since we all know each other fairly well and can usually tell when we're giving each other gentle pokes in the ribs, if you will. EDIT: Actually, reading over it again, it can come off that way. The first time I wrote, it didn't sound that way to me.
  16. Man, you guys sure are thin-skinned if that takes to get you riled up.
  17. Sephfire was one of the first people to join my project, and he was all awesome because of that. Also, he's a decent overall kind of guy. Or girl. Shit, I knew i should have written this stuff down. I think he/she is also some sort of wombat. Possibly a hyper-intelligent one (hyper-intelligent for wombats, that is). Either way, I suspect Sephfire can operate basic machines, including firearms. Everyone get him presents, or this hideous monstrosity of nature and science will surely gun us all down, one after the other. Then his kind will rule the Earth, resting his feet upon a stool made of our bones while sitting upon a throne made from our puny human skulls. Oh dude, I'm so imagining a firey little fuzzball with a gun sitting on a throne made of skulls, with a pissed off look on its face. That would be so awesome a picture. Someone make it for him, and he will surely spare us all.
  18. Oh good, someone replied to a comment made over two weeks ago. Thank you internet, I was getting worried there for a moment. Honestly? I think the fifth one is the one I want to read the most. Given, I will read them all, but that one looks the most interesting to me. I think it's because he's not in a complete costume. He's more like The Question, or perhaps The Spirit (god, that movie sucked...). I think it would be interesting to see how his world would be if he wasn't completely disguised.
  19. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10835 Just saying.
  20. Well, at least they actually did something with Diamond and Pearl. The promise of wifi events for DP was a big deal when the games came out, but they never did anything with it. Platinum came out and got the Secret Key event, but that was version exclusive. Man, they got to do better with gen five. They know that people are interested in this stuff, and they know they can do it, so why not just do it more often and stop the bullshit regional exclusion stuff.
  21. AH HA! In Europe right now, they are giving away a special Pichu, namely a shiny one, or as it's officially known "the Pikachu-Colored Pichu". This one is always Jolly (a good nature for it) and comes with an Everstone so it can't be evolved. This is important because for those of you that are planning to get Heart Gold/Soul Silver later this month, you can send it over to HG/SS and it will activate an event in Ilex Forest. The event is on Nintendo WiFi, so go to Mystery Gift and then select "WiFi Event". The option to download it will appear. It's supposed to be for Europe only, but it will download to any North American game. I know, because I just got mine. Turns out I got lucky with mine right off the bat. I checked its IVs, and it has 30 for Special Attack, 29 for Speed, and Might have Hidden Power Grass, which is great for taking down Ground types. It will appear on your game at level 30, so checking IVs shouldn't be too difficult right away. If you get a bad, just reset and ask the man at any Pokécenter counter to get it again. You can reset for IVs as much as you want, assuming you saved before talking to him. Just remember that it will always be Jolly and come with an Everstone. Get it now, because this is one of only a few times they've done this.
  22. Wait.. was the PS2 the one Sony was all "ten year lifespan" about? If so, they actually made one of their crazy claims for once. Good for you, Sony!
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles Why, so it it. But I still say "best" is subjective. So nahhhhhh!
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