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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Hmmm... Signed up today, first post today, link to "awesome" youtube video... So, what did you do on the video? I ask because it's certainly not awesome. The animation is basic. The story comes off like the draft script for a cookie cutter RPG. The only thing that isn't bad is the music, and that's done by someone else. No one would bother to promote this unless they were involved with it. Is it a friend's video? Maybe a family member? if not, then you have a rather under-developed sense of "awesome". Sorry, but I'm getting a very strong "shill" feeling from you.
  2. That... is so unexpected. I never heard of this before. Is that from the latest Iwata Asks?
  3. Sadly, nostalgia runs strong in this series, and it tends to blind a lot of people towards what the rest of the series has. Maybe 5th gen will be so awesome that all the retro-fanboys will take a look at it.
  4. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32431 Sig links go to a website about home businesses.
  5. You gotta understand, I was playing the original when it was new. Mouse support was limited back then, and most people never had sticks.

    I don't even know if I have the discs anymore.

  6. Oh yes, I played the hell out of Descent... years ago.

    Sadly, it's been so long since I've played, that I fear I am too out of practice. Also, my flightstick is long dead, and no one sells good ones anymore.

    I suppose I could jsut use the keyboard, but that feels soooo... pedestrian.

  7. Fun fact: take a 1st gen pokémon (say, a Pidgey) from Gold, give it an item, and then trade it over to Red. The data that the pokémon is made up of will include the data for the item. In Red it won't be there, but trade it back to Gold, and the item will still be attached! Why? Because pokémon actually have a lot of extra little bits of data in them. Most of it is for stats, moves and its item, and its personal info (like origin, date found, etc), but there is still a fair bit of "junk" data. They used this in the old games to determine if a pokémon from Red would be male or female and shiny or not when it was transferred over to Gold. They also used it to generate Hidden Power TMs on Abras when they were traded over. It even altered the data of the Abra so that you couldn't use it to get lots of Hidden Power TMs by trading it back and forth. It's entirely possible that they could do the same thing with current pokémon and just apply that junk data to the new game, making your old pokémon not only still viable, but maybe special or useful for whatever new features they will put in. Link, please? I'd love to see the stats on each one.
  8. The move from 2nd gen to 3rd gen was kind of odd. They redid the stat system, which included increasing IVs from 16 to 32. They also included Natures, which were a separate stat, and couldn't just be derived from the existing stats of a pokémon (like Hidden Power, gender and shininess was in 2nd gen). Also, there were issues with connecting the cables from the Color to the GBA. Apparently, they used different voltages for transferring data along the cable. But since the new games are going to be on the same system as the current games, and may even have access to the GBA games (even HH/SS have GBA slot support), I can't see any reason why there wouldn't be any way to trade/transfer from 4th gen. Unless they're going to completely retcon the series, and eveything, even the old pokémon, are being removed permanently. Nah, not that. Too big a change, and there are lots of favorites to be lost.
  9. No, the usual time difference between the Japanese release date and the rest of the world's release date is about six months. Factor in that this game is (tentatively) coming out for the end of this year, and then the release gap, that's about 16 or so months before we would get it. It's not like they can just hit the translation button and puff! There it is. Nor do they bother with simultaneous localization at Game Freak. Mario Sunshine has only a months difference between its Japan and US releases, but that was a rare instance. I honestly can't thin of any other games that had such close release dates in different regions.
  10. Updated first post to remove all the speculation, and out the actual info. Not that anyone will care... Any way, you can still get HG/SS. A lot of people think it's the best generation (a whole other argument, save it for somewhere else, please), and if you liked the GBA remakes of Red and Blue, then you might enjoy HG/SS. It has the most complete pokédex (as in, you can actually find the most pokémon without having to trade for them all). Something like 95% can be found in either game, with the rest being easily found by trading with other people. I plan to skip it, because I'm not too keen on yet another remake, and it doesn't really add anything I'm interested in. But you, you might like it. Besides, it will still take at least six months for the rest of the world to get it, so you'll have that much more time to play it. Also, an interesting quote from the director on the show from today: When the director is saying things like that, it might be worth something. Of course, past experience has taught us that companies like to hype their own stuff, so here's a grain of salt for you to take.
  11. You thin I'm extreme? Wow. You must not hang out on other sites much. There are people out there that make the FF7 fanboys look decent. Or are you picking on me right now? I can't tell. Old war injury, makes it hard to tell.
  12. Cynicism is a god-given right. If I can't complain about something I like, then I obviously don't like it. Besides, I like 3rd gen the most, so if anything, I'd only ignore the DS games, so there! Maybe the non-silhouette image will be so cool, it will destroy everyone's expectations. It will be this awesome thing of awesomeness and stuff. Children will cry, men and women will weep siliently, and the dead will spring up and say "daaaaaaaaym, that's awesome!" and then drop back into their coffins. Anyone else think it looks like the wolf from Coop's sig?
  13. OK, so Pokémon Sunday, the show that plays every Sunday morning on TV Tokyo, has aired and we have the following info: It's... Sonic the Werehog, after staving half to death. Yeeeeah... that's just great.
  14. Maybe you're developing some sort of morals or something. I'd go see a doctor about that soon. Might be a problem later.

  15. Actually... They have transparent LCD screen now, as the above video shows. Imagine if they could put that onto the controller. It would be weird at first, but it might be kind of cool. Put a motion tacking system in the controller (which we already have, and is the way everyone is going), and then make it so that when you hold it up to your eye and look at the TV, the screen on the controller shows you some hidden things, like stats or items or whatever. A little augmented reality in your video games, if you will. Gimmicky as hell, but it might be a cool idea if doe right.
  16. Maybe if you were to post links to said music, maybe through something like Youtube, so we could hear them.. ?No, that's a terrible song, and you should be ashamed for mentioning it. It's pure evil, forged by Hitler himself in the furnaces of hell.
  17. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27599

    "all i can think of are jokes and insensitive cynical observations"

    You think that's bad? I was going to post the original with spelling and punctuation correction.

  18. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32411 Durr...
  19. "How dare you fucking fags put my art to that shit? Final Fagtasy fucking sucks, and you ruined my talent and hard work by putting my superb lyrics to that shit. You all fucking fags, all of you!" Or something to that effect?
  20. But they said that this time it will change! IT WILL CHANGE! It will change... it will. Man, even I can't believe that.
  21. http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=7382 Vinyl Fantasy 7 seems to have been C&D'd by... no one? It's unlikely that it's Square-Enix, because they haven't axed other music projects, including OCR ones. If it was them, then why not make it known? They already have a reputation for shutting down stuff, so it wouldn't exactly harm their appearance any. Sounds like some bullshit is going on. By who, and for why... that's the question.
  22. A few more days and we should get some actual info. Pokémon Sunday will air this weekend, and they should be revealing new pokémon, or at least something. Hopefully, this isn't just some pointless filler game, and is actually worth the attention it's garnering.
  23. Beta version of not, this is not the way to show people what you've got. They should have waited longer and released a more stable, usable demo instead. This is killing my interest in the actual game. Is it too early to call this the "video game blunder of the year"? It's at least going to make the top ten lists. Depending upon what else goes on, I can see this being around number 6.
  24. I don't think those are OCRemixes. I kept all the old remixes that were removed, and I can't find those ones anywhere. So, unless they were removed before I started downloading the torrents and before OCRemoved started saving them, I doubt they are from here. EDIT: After checking on OCRemoved, no, neither of those two remixes are listed there. They aren't OCR.
  25. OK, so it seems that they patched multiplayer, because the demo reinstalled, and then I was able to get into a game in under thirty seconds. I do wish there was a way to decide which species you play as. It seem to be randomly determined. I hope the full games will have tutorials and maybe some single-player stuff. I know multiplayer online is the thing now, but come on, a little bit of story never hurt. It seems to be much more fast-paced than the previous games. I think the longest I lasted was about a minute. It also doesn't help that the patch seems to have reset my controls, and every time I tried to redo them, I was getting killed. Seeing how I only got to play as a marine, I can't comment about the alien or predator. Seriously, random species selection?
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