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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. True, but the whole "millions of colors" bit doesn't fit. Not to mention the timeframe. The difference between the Japanese and North American release dates for Link's Awakening is only a month or so. The release of Star Fox was Feb 21st, 1993, six months before. Why hint at something that had already come out months earlier? And thanks to just64helpin for the token reply.
  2. Years and years ago, about two years after I got my first GameBoy (the old grey brick, you all know it), I was snooping in my parents room for christmas presents. I found a GameBoy game, and was immediately disappointed to see it was... Link's Awakening. Yes, Link's Awakening. Wait. Stop right there, let me explain a few things first. One, that GameBoy was the first video game system I owned. We had bought some really old systems used, all from garage sales, we even rented a NES for the weekend a few times. But really, we didn't have a lot of video games. Two, we didn't have cable, so I never got to watch the old Zelda cartoon. Three, I had mostly stuck with Mega Man: Wily's Revenge and Tetris, because that was my entire collection at the time. Four, I was a stupid kid, and I didn't know any better. Thus, I never heard of Zelda before, and thought it was going to be a terrible game. I was wrong, and it's a favorite even to this day. Back to the point of this thread... There is an enemy in Link's Awakening (henceforth "LA" for brevity), namely the "Buzz Blob". It's a little wiggly tall thing, looks like this ? Yeah. If you had some Magic Powder, and sprinkled it on one of them, it would turn into a "Cukeman", namely this . Upon changing, it didn't attack you, but you could go up to it and talk with it. Each time you spoke to it, it would go through a set number of sentences, namely: On and off over the years, I've tried to think of what it meant. I thought maybe it was an easter egg, a hidden foreshadowing of Nintendo systems yet to come... except that nothing fits. If it was referring to upcoming hardware, than I can't think of which one it could be talking about. LA came out in 1993, three years after the SNES. It might be the N64,it came out in late 1996 in Japan. Even though Nintendo was interested in 3D graphics then ("Project Reality"), that only began in August of 1993, over a month after LA was released in Japan. The development time on LA had begun months earlier, so the timing doesn't fit. It couldn't possibly have been the Virtual boy, because it had two colors: eye-blistering red and black. Also, it wasn't released until two years later, and development didn't begin until 1994, months after LA was released. It also couldn't have been the GameBoy Color as that didn't do anything even remotely what the character said, not to mention that five year gap. It wasn't the Satellaview, because that was just an add-on for the SNES that delivered game data; it didn't upgrade or enhance the graphics in any way. The Super GameBoy is also out, for the same reasons. There's no way it could have been the GameCube or GameBoy Advance, as those were a decade or more away. So if it wasn't foreshadowing of a new Nintendo system, what was it? I then thought that it could have been hinting at someone else's hardware... Maybe Sega? But again, it doesn't fit. The Master System was already out years ago. The Genesis had been released a few years prior. It sure wasn't the Mega-CD, as again, it came out before. I also wasn't the GameGear, as that came out already. The only Sega consoles that might have be known about at the time could have been either the Nomad, the Saturn or the 32x. I thought that maybe it was supposed to be about the Playstation. As any good gamer knows (if not, GTFO noob ), the Playstation started out as a CD add-on for the SNES. Nintendo ended up axing the project after seeing that they would lose control over some of their game properties. This would almost fit perfectly... if not for the fact that Nintendo axed the deal in 1991, two years before the game came out. Then I looked up other systems. The 3DO came out after LA. I even thought it might have been the Apple Bandia Pippin! But no luck. Only some of the really obscure systems like the PC-FX and the Amiga CD32 are in the right timeframe, but they also don't fit the basic description. After all these years, I can only assume it was either just the development and/or localization team(s) putting random nonsense in, or that it was referring to work on new hardware that ended up being abandoned shortly after. TL;DR version: video game character says something, it drive me crazy for almost twenty years. Anyone have any ideas or theories that might explain it? I may have missed a list of canceled hardware somewhere, or maybe I didn't get some dates right. Have I overlooked something obvious? Maybe just a comment about how long it took to write this up? At the very least, give me a "cool story, bro".
  3. Maybe this isn't the best thread to talk about a completely unrelated album project...
  4. Talk to DJP. He decides when albums get released. I'm not suggesting any kind of petition or the like, but still...
  5. Ha ha, Xenogears album comment fail.

  6. It's true. The first batch of SS troops in Germany were also accomplished singers and musicians. How else do you think they won so many battles in the early parts of the war?
  7. I'm pretty sure the first one is Fist of The North Star, but the other two escape me.
  8. Not likely, now... Mr. Pretzel said that that time frame doesn't work. Boo hoo, I has a sad now.
  9. http://hellforge.gameriot.com/blogs/Hellforge/Left-4-Dead-2-Weapon-Effectiveness-vs-Tank Enjoy your hard evidence of what weapons will kill a tank quickly. Oddly enough, the most effective firearm is my old L4D1 stand-by, the assault rifle, at 24 seconds. Next up is the combat shotgun (which is weird, because on L4D1, they nerfed shotgun damage against the tank) at 26 seconds. The best melee weapon is the tonfa (aka nightstick, aka police baton) at 6 seconds. Damn, that's better than the more obvious ones like the machete or the katana, or even the fireaxe. Might be useful in future games, like in versus.
  10. What, it can't be both? That's pretty narrow-minded of you.
  11. You just got this now? Welcome to fifteen years ago for me. And then there are the people that noticed it thirty years ago, and forty years ago, and fifty... Nothing new, but I guess that since you did figure it out on your own, that's something. Cookie?
  12. http://www.legendofzeldaseries.com/main.php?page=fanmovie.html Long version short, Nintendo ordered them to take the movie down. Now, some of you are going to be all "fucking corparate bastards, telling people to take down fan-made stuff! EVIL RANT FUCK BITCH DSFJH:LD:SGG:LJLH:LIJL!" and so forth, but wait! Nintendo allowed them to distribute it all along, under the agreement that they stop as of today. So no, they didn't clamp down on it, they let it happen and then worked with the fans to allow a clean, ordered cease and desist. Also: Let's face it, that movie wasn't exactly making anything or anybody look good. Keeping Zelda unspoiled, indeed.
  13. This is a video game site, and not one of you thought of this? Fucking shame on all of you. Music? Weapon? Video game? None of you? No one?
  14. Go for it. There aren't enough Pokémon remixes here. Yet. (Dun dun duuuuun!)
  15. Wait, did he actually ever judge anything? I mean, did he ever do anything besides copy-paste the same old paragraph that ended with a big "no"?
  16. Stop stealing all of my spambot kills. Those are mine. MINE! So, how old are you, any ways?
  17. Looking to be April or May now. March 1st is looking to be bust, according to the Pretz himself.
  18. Mirrors Edge is pissing me off. I can go all the way through some eleborate jump/kick/flip/roll/ninja wall running Matrix shit, but then I get stopped dead by a jump across something. The game seems designed to punish you for not completing simple jumps. I once tried to make a jump over twenty times, all because my timing wasn't so fucking perfect that I could make the necessary combo. In the end, I just walked around until I found something to walk across. Repeat for almost every level. And the ones where you have to outrun a bunch of cops are frustrating as hell. There's one part where I have to run along a wall over a pit, and when I start to fall, i have to jump to the ledge... except that I barely make it every time, and then waste four seconds getting up. This gives both the cops behind me and the one coming towards me enough time to beat me into the floor. I can see what the game was going for, but parts of it just seem like they did no play testing outside of their own little group of people that had been playing it from the beginning. Only after hours and hours of practice can you really pull that shit off. Definitely not a forgiving game for first-time players.
  19. Someone on a game of Left 4 Dead 2 said I should be on the show. I can't remember who, or why, but they were somewhat insistent about it. Did you people not realize I shouldn't be given a soapbox to shout from? I say horrible things all the time.
  20. What? No Golden Sun? For shame. They used that pan pipe to great effect throughout the entire series.
  21. I thought providing a list of the other accounts it signed up for all in one day, across ten pages of Google searches, would be enough evidence.
  22. Coop delivers, again. He's like the resident... something... guy. Of stuff. The rest of you are alright, too. Enjoy your time off and the various foods that you should be stuffing yourself with!
  23. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31595 Joined about a brazillion website all in one day, and not a single post to speak of. http://www.google.ca/search?q=chrisrobinson07&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a I'm pretty sure he's a spambot.
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