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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Gar-Bear is pretty cool, overall. He's all this and that, and sometimes he's like PSHAAAAAAA and BOOM BOOM BOOM and then people die in front of him, but not me, 'cause Gars got my back, and I got his.
  2. Honestly, that looks better than I thought it would. It is about time Gamefreak got off their asses and started pushing the hardware a bit. Here's hoping they have a better plot this time. Now would be the time to start replacing the same old recycled "go to gyms, meet team of the week, defeat them, fight E4" writing we've had since Red and Green. Even RSE, with it's better plot isn't that much better.
  3. Fuck you. I was right in the middle of posting that when this piece of shit laptop fucked up again. It's going back tomorrow. I hate you now, because I was going to post that. We must now be enemies, like Zangoose and Seviper. You can choose which one you want to be.
  4. I would think first-hand experience with vengeance is a good way to learn about it. Think of it of a hands-on sort of thing. OK, that sounded kind of gross when you factor in the stripper bit.
  5. It would have been an attractive gay stripper. If the plagiarizer was a straight male, and I sent a lesbian (and thus gay) stripper to his house, would you complain about that? Would you? Are you that sexist? Wait, sexist? Or would that be anti-gay. Or anti-stripper. Fuck, hold on, I got to figure this one out first.
  6. I actually don't like poutine at all. I vaguely recall someone in a position of authority politely telling me not to do anything that possibly result in negative media coverage or lawsuits. I still maintain the gay stripper-gram is the way to go.
  7. I had a small trust fund set up for extreme harassment of people that stole OCRemixes, but I since used it to buy TVs and DS games. I suppose I could put something aside for the future.
  8. Wow... you really can weaponize music. I'll be on the phone with the UN if you need me.
  9. Oh wow, that's awesome. Yes, let's do that. Really. Do it.
  10. Except what makes them "hardcore" and "casual"? That's the key issue here. What makes anyone fit into either group? Playing to win isn't it, because there are those that play with a lot of skill but only like to goof around (for instance, some griefers. I've seen some people play like they were some sort of super-ninja, only to throw the match for the pure fun of it). Playing for fun isn't either, because there are people that like to play games, not for the enjoyment of it, but simply because they want to either say truthfully they played it, or they want to speedrun it, or they're completionists... Does not enjoying it make hem less hardcore and more casual? And yes, people like this do exist. Completionists are a sort of OCD, and speedrunners, while they might enjoy the game, aren't doing it for the sake of playing but for showing their skill at the game. I just can't find any real point to "hardcore" and "casual" labels, even if they are used in only the lightest of terms.
  11. I'm finding myself agreeing with pretty much everything Coop has said so far. These terms are made up by marketing groups and gamers that seek to differentiate others for personal bias. I've never believed in "hardcore" because it's total bullshit. No one can define hardcore to any solid, undeniable meaning. It changes based upon who you ask. Casual is just the same: it's a meaningless, self-imposed title that doesn't fit into any generally recognized definition. The best part (if you like seeing people act like robots) or worst part is that almost all of the people that strongly cling to these vague, wildly inaccurate terms do so simply because they heard them used at some point by someone else. they hardly ever came to such a conclusion by themselves. It's like they didn't even bother thinking about the basic concept before completely swallowing it.
  12. I just realized this: your sig looks like a giant fire dong.


  13. Fail! You have to open the top, where those GameCube thing are. Pry that open and then jam the cart in hard. You might have to push some of the computery stuff inside out of the way, but once you see sparks and it smokes a bit, the NES carts will run for a while. Like, half an hour at most. Turn it of every twenty minutes and it'll be fine.
  14. Come on, someone do this already. Do it or I'll start hurting people's feelings.
  15. You don't know that. No one does. That's the problem. You're speculating on a system that we don't know anything about. How can you even begin to think that it's risky or not when you barely even know what it's called? The fact that Nintendo sold almost three times as many PSPs with only a fourth or fifth of the "power" seems to show that people aren't that concerned with how many polygons it can push, so much as price and game library. The PSP may have some damn nice looking stuff on it, but it costs more, and that's a huge factor. The increase in processor power and memory drives the cost up. These cost increases get added tot he price tag at the store. That means you, me and everyone else in the world is going to go to a store and look at the price tags. Do I want one that will let my afford rent this month, or do I want one that will make me cut back on food so I have some place to live? Hmmm, let me think about that.
  16. I wanted to type that up myself, and I had links and charts and all kinds of stuff ready to go... but then I realized that it wasn't worth the effort. Thank you for saying what I wanted to, and in a better way. Read this, and then think about it. That was a few years ago, but the numbers are still pretty much line up that way.
  17. Hah, you mods/judges/admins (who are obviously all the same people) ninja-edited that page to correct the spelling, thus making yourselves look perfect in every way, while making those of us that discover your errors and bring them into the public eye look like silly people, running around making silly statements. We're on to you! You won't get away with this forever! One day, you'll slip up and then BAM! Hammer of justice time! OK, actually, I don't know what he's talking about either. I thought that he had a mislabeled MP3 file, but that's not the case. Roz, you been hitting that drink again? Baby, we asked you to stop that, it's hurting you something bad.
  18. Yeah, if the DSi had virtual GameBoy titles for download, that would have been awesome. Hell, throw some of the old NES and SNES games in as well, because we had the GBA pulling that off fairly well, and that was years ago.
  19. Considering it's not released yet, that's going to be an interesting listen.
  20. Remember when they announced the new pokémon games, and I was sure they were going to put them on the next DS system? I was disappointed to hear the the official word was "for the Nintendo DS". But according to someone on CVG, Game Freak has had the dev kit for the 3DS for some time. Officially, "3DS" is a placeholder name, something they jsut came up with recently. I wonder if the "DS" they mentioned the games being for are in fact for the 3DS. If the name at the time wasn't created yet, then Game Freak could have just used "DS" as a placeholder, or even just to not let the info of a new handheld out early. Game Freak did state that they were going to change a lot with gen 5. The 3DS may be the reason why. Of course, like someone already said, it may very well be a giant April Fools joke on everyone. If it were though, Nintendo must be in on it. If it was a fake announcement, they haven't sent any releases stating otherwise.
  21. Shame on all of you. He's all kinds of awesome and slightly less sexy than me. He's a god upon this site, and you ignore him. I choose to remember him for all the wonderful things he's done, even if I can't exactly recall what they were. I think there was a whale involved in one of them. Maybe a dolphin. The important thing is that he's 29 now. that means only a few more years until he's too old to be bothered with anything fun anymore, and becomes a grumpy old man.
  22. And I pants-gasmed when I listened to it. Yes, pants-gasmed. It's that good.
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