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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Really? Because I found them to not affect it at all. Maybe you just had really shitty ones or you put them on wrong or something. Mine work great.
  2. I get the entire point behind the whole "let's get ready to rumble" clip, but it comes off kind of long, and kind of clichéd. If you must use it, maybe shorten it a bit. There's got to be other sample of that guy saying the same basic thing, or you could edit it yourself. The change of pace at 1:51 feels a little jarring. It stands out to me. Maybe add a slightly long transition to smooth it out. Agreed. That's a good example of how to pull off a transition. Keep that. Like a little cool-down after a big buildup. Nah, it just doesn't work with this sort of remix. This is a more hard-ish sort of remix, and putting that at the end would come off as cartoony and ill-fitting. I'd say leave it out.
  3. Everyone was all "Hey, it's The Coop's birthday! Yay! Oh, look! It's Edgecrusher's as well! Awesomeness! Let's ignore everyone else!" so I decided to make GeckoYamori feel slightly less ignored. Now you're old enough to be an adult in almost every culture to ever exist... except for the ones where you had to kill a lion, mammoth or another man. Unless you've done one or more of those... then I'm scared, please don't hurt me, I will build you a cake. Happy birthday!
  4. I don't love you, but I do tolerate you continued existence... so far. Continue your current behavioral trend and I think we'll be talking again this time next year.
  5. Someone should make a cool animated version of that picture, maybe with candles that have flickering flames, and someone shooting ribbons and confetti in the background. I know Coop could do it pretty easy, but it's his birthday, so someone else should do it. Or we can wait until tomorrow, and then he can do it. Either way, you're older now. Start telling people younger than you to get off your lawn!
  6. Yes! All the tracks I can get! AHHHAAA HAA HAAA HAAA! Also, it was pretty far along last time, so I see no reason why it can't be finished off.
  7. Wait... can't the person that created the original one just change some settings or something? That way, there would be no need to rejoin, and you could stop people from spamming the message thing. Or is a Steam group really limited in terms of control?
  8. Yeah, so with a few more YESs, Jaroban's remix is finished. That makes eight tracks total so far. Now to get the other half dozen or so done. DA, I'm looking at you.
  9. Don't you guys hate Optimus Prime?
  10. Voyager was always kind of stupid. Complaining years after it went off the air is not going to do anything about it. Actually, the entire series is stupid, when you look at it. It's either too cheesy with all its bullshit science, or it's taking itself far too seriously with its ethical drama. Fuck Star Trek. Let's go back to arguing about why Optimus Prime is a dick.
  11. I was all "why would anyone be asking about that... unless they need to know what parts of the EM spectrum that is?" (the colors green and yellow, in case you were wondering)
  12. There's the usual rumblings and rumor-mongering, but thus far, no news of a PSP2. I think that the DS Lite should have had the matte casing instead, and the cameras are mostly worthless. Honestly, if Nintendo is trying to come up with more interfaces for games, they need to try harder. I recall a time when Nintendo was all "our systems are for playing games, and games only", but I see that only a few years have changed that stance. Mind you, they were also really iffy on online gaming, and they eventually got into it... albeit in a really basic, awkward way.
  13. I would hope so, otherwise the OCR community is seriously lacking in the Pokémoning.
  14. Leave the design and smiling face, but put turbans on them. The time how long it takes for Homeland Security agents to show up. I think that would also be an interesting experiment.
  15. I suggested something similar a few years ago, and the reasoning back then (and now, I would think) was something about having lots of smaller torrents makes it harder to manage. Also, more people are likely to have the larger ones seeding than the smaller ones. Nice try, but I don't think it's going to work this time.
  16. I do find the insights from the article interesting. New Yorkers, fear of terrorism, random acts of kindness to an inanimate object, all that.
  17. Holy shit, it was "p bad" bad? Wow. I wasn't expecting anything from it, but "p bad" bad? Fuck.
  18. Damn right. If I wanted hacked pokémon, I'd do it myself.
  19. Yes, Brushfire. You must obtain some for us. ALL OF US.
  20. I thought this was about the relatively unknown DS FPS. It's filled with glitches and sucks, apparently.
  21. I was thinking, if I had the desire to, I'd love to do another remix project, but make it a Descent one. So yes, by all means, someone needs to get on the series.
  22. Jaroban delivers hot, steaming awesome with the latest version of My Greatest Rival. Go check it out here.
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