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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh wow, this thread kind of slipped away, didn't it? I was reading some random links and stuff, and I came across the Starcraft wiki. In it, I found a list of new Starcraft 2 units. Holy shit, I didn't know there were so many new ones! http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_StarCraft_II_units The official Starcraft 2 page doesn't mention most of the Zerg units, so it's kind of out of date. Luckily, the wiki has a lot more info and is more up to date.
  2. He started it! Honestly, how can any of you forget the old Atari classics? Those would benefit from any amount of modernization. Mind you, most of those games barely had color, let alone any kind of complex objective. You could write up a basic plot for the manual and it would be a step up. Asteroids could be a 3D space shooter now. Frogger could be updated as well. Just about any of the really old games could work.
  3. I was actually referring more to the change in gameplay towards a 3rd-person over-the-shoulder adventure game, not a change in the camera. That's how I read you original idea. Yeah, see, this is what I thought you weren't talking about. From the way I read your post, it seemed different from what you just explained. Calm down, youngin'. No one here is making an ass out themselves except you.
  4. Damn, there's a lot of fan-made stuff for this game. http://accelagirl.deviantart.com/gallery/#Left-4-Dead and then a funny cartoon. The end will make you laugh. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/481341 Something I noticed in a game the other night. A Hunter on my team had botched a pounce (no biggie), and I was in spawn mode. I saw him turn to run away, only to be meleed by Survivor. This is not unusual, of course, but what was unusual was what happened to the Hunter. Instead of being pushed away or even stopped, the Hunter was pulled in towards the attacking Survivor. The walking animation and stunned animation played, but he glided backwards towards the guy meleeing him. Is that supposed to happen? Anyone else ever see this?
  5. I never really bothered with it. I mostly just skimmed it, and just like you, mostly skipped it after the first few read-throughs.
  6. I have no idea why people constantly insist that a distinctive game be redesigned to make it more like a completely different game, and think it's the best idea ever. Not to mention the whole "change the game!" "OK, we changed it!" "omfg, why did you change it? this sucks ass! I hate you!" mentality that fans have. Pokémon is a traditional top-down RPG. That's part of the charm, it not being one of the many flashy, graphics orgasm that populate (or should I say, pollute) the genre these days. There are reasons why GameFreak can get away with using graphics that aren't top-of-the-line; it's called game play. I'd also like to point out that the previous attempts at 3D Pokémon games, Colosseum and Gale of Darkness for the GameCube, were not critically well received. If you're really looking for a change to the overall game, I would suggest checking out the Ranger series. It's more in line with what you described, but not entirely.
  7. I would also like to add to the whole "golden sun remixes, pls!' thing. The series ha a lot of great music. The game used some very interesting instruments on the GBA, including pan pipes and what I could swear was some sort of glass harmonica.
  8. Wow. I actually like that a lot. The black background needs some details, I think. It's kind of dark and featureless. Maybe a watermark-like pattern. It could easily tile and add some texture. We should set up some time on IRC this week to go over it. PM me with a basic schedule for your self and we'll see what can be worked out. If it's beneficial, I'd like everyone in the project to show up as well, so we can go over any other details. Once a time is decided, we'll set it up. The album covers were decided a long time ago. If the forums were up (HINT HINT, GAG), I'd point out the exact designs.
  9. http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=80038 God damn Hunter one made me giggle. Also, someone needs to make a Smoker sound pack based upon Yoshi. You know how it would work.
  10. Oh definitely Descent. D3 had some of the better mechanics and weapons, and having three ships to choose from was great. With current technology, I think that you could make one hell of a Descent game now. It would be insane. EDIT: Oooh, it seems that I missed some news from late last year! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descent_4 http://www.descent4.org/ It looks like there is something going on with the Descent series after all! Time to dig out the old flightstick and throttle.
  11. I've held on so tight, I think I'm losing circulation. That's bad, right? Should I keep holding tight? Can I relax it a bit?
  12. Dear Left 4 Dead, Please stop crashing/shutting down/whatever it is that you are doing lately. It's hard to play when you keep doing that. It also makes me look like a rage-quitter, and that hurts my feelings. Yours Truely, The Damned PS: If you would also like to, cold you find it in your heart to stop putting me in games filled with people using Duke Nukem clips?
  13. Looking around the above link, he does give credits, names and sites of the remixes. I don't think he's really trying to claim them as his own. But he doesn't give them on the following: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/131349 Zelda Temple Trance http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/134077 Kirby GreenGreens There are others I can't place as being OCR, but then, I've been waiting for the next big torrent update to get the newer ones. I think someone should remind this guy that those two songs need to be updated with the proper credits. Which brings me to another point: why is this guy (or any of them for that matter) getting ratings and reviews for remixes that he admits aren't his? It's like stapling up a picture of the Mona Lisa on a wall, and getting people congratulating you for your hard work. It does nothing for the actual artist, and gives all the attention to the guy that put it up.
  14. I had no idea Fusion2004 was progressive scan. Now I do, and knowing is half the battle!
  15. Might as well show them off here for now. I think GAG said he was going to be working on it for a while.
  16. Ah yes, I remember that. I'm not going to flip-flop on the tanking/not taking remixes thing. I've done it a couple of times already... Sorry. Still, you should try for the regular OCR remixes any way. Every remix added is only a good thing, and if it's a Pokémon one, so be it.
  17. Ah, yes. the original Mario Party. So many palms injured, so many controllers damaged, so many friends turned against each other... Would play again, A++++++
  18. The Wizard was a commercial. A big, long, drawn out, 100 minute commercial. I think it counts.
  19. ... Prophet of Mephesto sneezed on you when he was sick?
  20. I know... I was just citing examples of people complaining. People don't want closets, so they might as well just say cover of any kind and be done with it. Until they need cover, then it's a giant flip-flop and suddenly closets are vital. And why only one? There are corner and doorways you can use as well. Might as well take out one or two doors while you're at it. And corner? Fill them up with boxes so no one can use them! I was being facetious about that. People bitch about having any wall on any side of a player. The obvious solution is to remove all walls from the game. Suddenly, everyone is happy! No, it's not a bad defense, it's just a situational one. You can't hold out in on indefinitely. Once the danger has passed, the survivors have to leave it, and then it's no longer of any use to them. That's why I don't get how Infected players can bitch about closets; once they leave it, those survivors are completely open to attack. They might as well complain how the survivors have projectile weapons and can heal themselves with medpacks.
  21. I suspect, much like AS said, that we will see more and more of the "guaranteed sellers", like Madden. Companies, fearing horrible losses on everything, will try to maximize profits by sticking to the same old same old. We will see less interesting, newer, fresher games. I wonder if this will affect the smaller titles on Live and Wiiware, though. It's cheaper to develop for those, and most of the games on there are done by smaller, less known companies. I think the bigger studios will suffer the most. They have more staff, so that means more overhead. We already see EA and Sega have laid people off, and this may continue for some time. In a way, this may result in higher quality games, as they weed out the bottom percentage and keep only the "best".
  22. As for joining the Missingno Tracks, we stopped taking submissions and remixers a while ago. There was this cycle of people signing up, not doing anything, and then quitting without telling anyone. Besides, we already got an Olivine Town remix. Sorry, it's been taken! But that shouldn't top you from submitting to the judges here. Go for it, more power to you (and the series in general) if you get it passed. I like the first 30 seconds, it's like a warm, groovy techno thing going on. From 0:45 to 0:55, with the sound effects and the main theme hidden in the background, it wounds pretty awesome. I like that whole thing. 1:22 to 1:35 was nice as well. Actually, I guess it's all the stuff that isn't the main tune that I like. I think it's the instrument; it seems out of place compared to the rest of it. All the in between parts are cute and snappy, and the sound effects carry a little bit of nostalgia into it that works. I'd suggest maybe tooling around with a different instrument for the main theme, as it's kind of hard on the ears. I see what you were going for, but it doesn't work for me. But don't get discouraged! If you were on my project, I'd give this a "NO, resubmit soon, please!"
  23. Hmm, I got an error and a corrupted file when I tried to download it. Got another link?
  24. I don't recall seeing this before, so I guess it's new. Or at least, new enough. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/303470.html They had me fooled, thinking it was an actual old clip. That's some damn good video editing.
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