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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Here's an example: No Mercy, stage 4. You're at the elevator, and you're about to press the button to go to the roof. Now, you have two basic options. The first option is to stand in the hallway and fight off every thing that comes at you. The second option is to get into a place where you can defend only one or two sides. What do you think people are going to do? And even if they do hide in the closet, it's not the end of the game or anything. They still have to get to he roof, go through the construction, and get to the safe room. That's easily two or three minutes where you can still hit them. Like I said, if the whiners had it there way, the survivors would constantly be in an open field with no cover. That, or at the bottom of a long, narrow canyon whee only the infected can drop down. Seriously, closets are not a perfect defense. They aren't even a good defense. They're just a small, short-lived refuge from certain events.
  2. I fucking loved Beetle Adventure Racing. In two player mode, I always did this little trick on the ramps. I would hit the brake and instead of jumping and being a target for missiles, I'd slide off the edge and drop down. Anyone following would have to do the same, and risk getting nailed by my guns, or take the jump and lose track of me. Not many people played it, and not many played two-player. I wonder if anyone else ever figured that ramp thing out on their own.
  3. I've played and survived all four campaigns on Expert, and I still don't have Zombicidal Maniac or What Are You Trying To Prove. I should have at least Zombicidal Maniac, as the Trying To Prove achievement says I have two of the four campaigns done... I don't get how that works. Seriously, I've played them all at least twice, and it just never went through.
  4. This link might help people wanting to post something. http://gameads.gamepressure.com/ Enjoy.
  5. Yeah, just divide up the damage from the hit among the number of people hit, including other zombies. That way, maybe other Infected would GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE TANK'S WAY.
  6. Garian! Can we try this out on your server?
  7. There are now unmovable crates jammed under the ramp.
  8. Actually, the closest camping shouldn't be an issue at all. The entire point of paying as Survivors is to survive. Concentrating your defense and firepower by holding up in a small space is part of the game. If people complain about using the closet, I bet they will complain about using corners as well. Then they will complain about using a wall to your back. They they will complain about how the survivors are sticking close to each other... they just won't stop, so "fixing" it isn't the solution. Honestly, if you can't damage at least one of them while in a closet, you're not playing very well. The Smoker can pull one of them out (and now that you receive damage during the pull, you can do damage), the Boomer can run in and get blasted (and in turn, bile them), the Hunter can jump in and create some distractions... it's not like the Infected aren't going to be able to respawn in a twenty seconds; that's the whole point. Survivors only get the one life, so they have a serious disadvantage in that regard. Infected can keep hammering at them over and over. By reducing the number of angles they can be attacked from, they increase the chances of their survival for that one moment. Seriously, people need to stop bitching that closets are some sort of exploit or cheap tactic or whatever. The ones that do just want the Survivors to sit fifty feet apart from each other in an open field all the time because that's the only way they can do anything.
  9. Notice how on her profile, she doesn't list the year she was born. Therefore, I will say she is only 14 now. One day, she may even be able to reach the top shelf at the store by herself. Also, she is a Brazilian wrestler who goes by the name El Blancho De Le Nina. Hopefully you can prove this all wrong by telling us how ol-... I mean, how young you are now. It's alright, we won't judge. Happy birthday, DA!
  10. Yeah, what's with that? He married now or something?
  11. It must, because I saw a tank in an Advanced game go down in only twenty seconds, with little damage from gunfire.
  12. There's a new small patch out. -Fixed an exploit with melee where swapping weapons ignored the intended delay between swings. -In Versus mode, the Tanks' health now reflects the damage he takes from burning. -Fixed an exploit related to the "joinclass" command Well, there goes your anti-everything button you so painstakingly (re: not at all) setup to bash everything.
  13. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=j7LR6EXx9ug And http://i36.tinypic.com/4hrwuo.jpg
  14. Can you blame anyone for thinking it was a Zelda game? It had the Tri-Force symbol in it, and like Bleck said, in video games, that means something to do with Zelda. It also fits with the current release pattern of Zelda games. Yeah, it turned out to be something completely unrelated, but come on, everyone that saw it thought the same thing.
  15. Fucking hell. I can not play a single game of Versus with getting my ass handed to me. I swear that one or more of the following took place while I was gone for ONE DAY. 1. Every single other player in the world got a lot better 2. I magically got a lot worse. 3. There was a patch given out to everyone but me that makes them play better. 4. I have been unlucky enough to join every game filled with upper-level players, no matter what time of day, server or map. This would explain a lot, but my bad luck isn't that bad. I'm not saying I'm some hotshot super-player, but I usually hold my own. I'm a decent Infected, I know the roles and limitations of the Specials. I'm an above average Survivor, I can almost always pick off Infected without any trouble. I don't think I've ever had any real problems with playing since the demo came out. The regulars here I've played with should know how decent I am. But the last two days have just been fucking frustrating. Twelve different games on different servers with different players. People leave, other join in, the usual. I'm not hitting the same groups, players or servers at all. I can't seem to hit anyone as a Hunter, I can't get anywhere near anyone as a Boomer, I tongue people who then escape immediately on their own when I'm a Smoker, and the Tank? This last game, I was taking no minor hits, had most of my health left, was attacking someone, and then I died. No, I was not on fire. If I was, the game did not render any flame effects, because I never saw any. I just died. I hit tab to look at the other players, and they still all had their molotovs. No one throw one or shot a gas can. I just died for no reason. As a Suvivor, I can't kill a Smoker without using an entire fucking clip, but they can shoot my Hunter dead with only a few M-16 rounds. I counted the shots: they fired three. How the fuck can they do so much damage when I can't even take out the weakest one of them? In No Mercy three, they killed all four of us within twenty seconds, right outside of the safe room exit. I only died last because I was around the corner of the door, shooting the hoard and the two hunters. I swear to god, I'm either in magical suckage mode, or there's some bullshit going on some of these server. I saw a few weird things on some of them, like odd geometry changes or errors in the map (like the last match had this white line across the sky for some reason), but aside from that, there were no obvious signs of any mods or cheats active. So I can only assume that it is myself that is currently below average for some reason. I can't understand how or why, but it's the only logical conclusion. Anyone else having sudden suckage at the moment, or am I just imagining it?
  16. We will celebrate your goddamn birthday, even if it is a month late, and you will sit there and goddamn like it. Got it? /militant birthday celebrator
  17. Your life officially sucks. Time to end it all!
  18. So, did anyone tell the developers that they got some tri-force in their countdown thing? Or did they know that people would think it was Zelda-related, and thought it would generate some interest? Maybe the triangles are some sort of hint about stacking 30 second periods together?
  19. I guess in about thirty hours, we find out. Me? I'm hoping for some sort of game that may or may not feature graphics and sounds, even music (not holding my breath for that one) with some sort of story or plot. And if there is a character that you can play as, then fuck yeah!
  20. We all chipped in and got you a new one: Just remember to ease that one in, it's got to be broken in gently. But once it's all good, it will last for a long time.
  21. Nah, he's just posting for postings sake. Or he really cares, but I doubt that.
  22. Having not rally heard a South African accent before, it seemed rather odd. I think it was South African... whatever.
  23. Did anyone else notice his accent is... off? He sounds more Australian or something. I can't place it, but I know that particular accent from somewhere, and it really stands out to me.
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