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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. No, no one single game is for everyone. It may not suit your interests or tastes. If you don't like it that much, that's fine, no biggie. If you're willing to give it a shot, add some of us to your friends list and we can take a run at it. Maybe you've just had some mediocre players that ruined the experience for you. IF you still aren't into it, then you only wasted a little bit of time and validated your feelings about the game. The rest of us get another hour or so out of the game.
  2. Did you remix the theme song? WITH YOUR MIND?
  3. Yes, we know, my god, it's been known since 1994. /irrational rage!!
  4. TigerDirect is terribly overpriced, and they will rape you on shipping and handling charges. Avoid them completely. Your best bet is to find a shop like Memory Express if you're in Western Canada, and try to get one of the guys there to set up a system. I've had lots of good experiences with them (enough to get at least computers over the last few years) and they sell it by the components. The only problem with that is that you have to put it together yourself, or pay them more to put it together for you. But it's generally cheaper this way. I saved about $500 by getting the same or slightly better parts as opposed to buying a pre-made system that way.
  5. I'm pretty cure this guy is a spammer. He's got another link to the same site in another thread, and DJP just removed the links.
  6. Yes, please put it back up. I'd like to hear this. (If I like it, you want to submit it to a certain project?)
  7. Ghostbusters Theme makes even Advent Children better. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/300261.html
  8. I went to Video Games Live last year, so this is kind of less than appealing now. It turns out that I already had most of the music on my computer from other symphonic concerts in Japan. I guess there's only so many ways to do an orchestral version of the Mario theme... The other issue is the price. I mean, god damn, that's a lot for crappy seats, and I make oilfield money. Going to have to pass.
  9. Dude, you get some awesome weapons and armor from the LS. It's tedious, but it's worth it for the second best stuff in the game. It helps until you can get all the best stuff from the Dimensional Vortex.
  10. I thought you were talking about one game very dear to your heart. The wording lent itself to that. True, but people do tend to remember more recent things better, so it's entirely likely that's what he did. But yeah, losing a game should not be a highlight of the year...
  11. Non-pack-in would be Pokemon Red/Blue/Green. Incidentally, now that I know you can compare any game or console with another and the site will generate a chart based upon sales, it's kind of fun to compare things, like individual games in a series against each other.
  12. So, Wii Sports has outsold the first Mario game. Not too surprising, since they were both pack-in games for very popular consoles. I think that Wii Sports did it in less time, though. Didn't the NES come with Mario for three years or so?
  13. Nope, still can't tell what game DS was talking about. Sorry, there are a few candidates, and I'm not sure which one you meant.
  14. Fetch quests weren't really that big back when CT first came out, so maybe they thought they could catch up on it now. Remember, people looooooove fetch quests during the late 90s. On the other hand, I got Robo decked out in full Dragon gear, most of which came from the Lost Sanctuary, so that alone made it kind of useful. Dragon-ized Robo is a powerhouse. Got four of his stats at double stars.
  15. Case in point: most of the people from here. I swear, I've had better games with OCR people than with most random matches. And we seem to have a lot of good connections with other decent players.
  16. It reminds me a lot of the N64 games that used that "choir voice" instrument. Like the Shadow Temple in OoT. I would have included a bit more of the flute in there for some eerie effect.
  17. I saw the one in Edmonton a few years ago, and it was great. Anyone in the are should totally hit up that show. It's not that bad a drive to Saskatoon (though why they aren't holding it in Regina, I don't understand).
  18. Macbook Pros are hardly your average laptop. They're certainly higher-end.
  19. I actually installed and ran Left4Dead on my Toshiba A200 FS6 (here's a hint about it's overall performance: it was $600). Using 640 x 480, with every setting turned down to the lowest level and using every little trick I could think of to get every single little boost in framerate... I got it running, at an average of 4.5 frames per second. It's kind of odd seeing run so slowly, but it's there. I promptly removed it and tried out Half Life 1. Runs decently until you need to use the flashlight. So yeah, laptop players aren't going to get any real performance out of this game unless they're running one of those fancy gaming laptops from Alienware or something.
  20. Well, they were rampaging. Maybe things like age or even living on your own wouldn't stop them from parenting. EXTREME PARENTING!
  21. Zoey is a dirty little girl. She just had to stop and do the most inappropriate thing at the wrong time. Damn, we all have needs, but this is hardly the time or place. Louis wasn't complaining much, though.
  22. No, I'm sure it still counts as assault even if there are costumes (and maybe even props) involved. Not to mention there are lots of places that have anti-vigilante laws in place.
  23. "Goes" as in "out of the thread", or "goes" as in "anything goes"?
  24. Actually, you don't really need to contact anyone. So long as you aren't trying to sell it (thereby profiting from it), you won't get in any legal trouble. There's also the fact that many of the owners aren't going to bother wit legal action against fans for showing how big a fan they are. It's bad for your image if you start slapping your fanbase with lawsuits. You obviously haven't been in Off-Topic or PPR then.
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