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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Bah, Oracle games were nothing compared to Link's Awakening. Seemed kind of like half-assed expansion packs to me... I never got into them.
  2. Wow, the patch is about to come out, it seems. Here's a list of what they fixed and changed. http://www.destructoid.com/l4d-patched-for-pc-118079.phtml Smoker and Hunter got some buffs. Tank? Tank takes less damage against shotgun rounds. My god, that's a little much. Smoker needed a tweak, but the Tank getting a boost against shotguns? Ouch.
  3. Hmmm... Mario One-Up mushrooms with a blue tinge... Could be anything. But a triangular clock with the Tri-Force symbols... that's a big "HEY! OVER HERE! LOOK AT THIS NEW ZELDA GAME!" for sure.
  4. Man, games back then sucked. The music was so laggy and the sound effects were always of by a second or so. What's with the guy behind the keyboard?
  5. No, you throw an object, like a bomb or a tank, and anyone it hits falls through the floor down the shaft. Instant death by fall damage. I think that's why you can't jump in the elevator, because if you did, you would also fall. That's a glaring error on Valve's behalf, and that shit needs to get fixed now. Griefers can use that to kill all three teammates at once. Go ahead, try it. Hop into a single player game on No mercy 4, and grab a bomb or tank along the way.
  6. Oh my god, I just found out about the elevator glitch on No mercy 4. I must resist the urge to use it in the next camp or versus game. No, seriously, it is just evil and broken.
  7. I have no programming, music or art experience, but I think I could take a good shot at a Sonic Game. It's not like I can ruin it any further, right?
  8. Damn, he was looking pretty good for 88 years old. I'd have said 70, 72 tops.
  9. Says the guy with the shitty animated sig. Oh yes, I went there.
  10. When people remix a song, they do it for the following reasons: 1. They like the song. 2. They have an idea for how to remix it. 3. They feel the need to complete it. If they can't do any of the three, it doesn't happen. You want a remix, request it or do it yourself. Nerd-raging isn't going to help anything. Oh, and welcome to the boards.
  11. OH MY GOD, SPOILERS MUCH!? ... In case no one gets it -->
  12. I seem to recall playing Link's Awakening on my old GameBoy (the brick one) with one of those lights on it, using a pair of cheap, tinny headphones I grabbed from somewhere in the house so I could play it at night. You know, it's bedtime, you hid the GameBoy somewhere in case your parents would (for some reason, you're only a kid) prevent you fro playing it, you're under the sheets and you don't want anyone to know you're playing... So, I finally finish the lst boss and I get to the Wind Fish. I think I listened to the music for about ten minutes because I didn't really want to finish the game. I eventually got through the final bit of dialog and then watched the ending credits all the way through. I think I felt sad about it as I turned it off.
  13. http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time
  14. Fappity-fap-fap. OK, not really, but it's the most decent rule 34 I've seen so far. Not that I;ve been looking, it's just something I came across. The only real funny part is Francis. And a random comic: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/8030/l4dlogbx6.jpg
  15. Going into battle unarmed, huh?
  16. Keep in mind that your mindset for Versus is not the same as it is in Campaign. If you've been in Versus a lot, prepare for some rough adjustments getting back into the slower, more methodical pace of Campaign. That said, I'm always up for Expert matches. And yeah Bleck, Versus is getting worn out fast. Hopefully the new update Valve keeps talking about will give us at least one more mapset to go through, even if it's just one of the other two tweaked for Versus play. Me? I'm hoping for at least one new Campaign that's also Versus ready. Maybe a new Special Infected... Three Hunters half the time is getting repetitive.
  17. Ah, yes... what was that guy's name? Dusty something? Westy? Village Idiot? I couldn't tell if he was griefing or if he was just that bad.
  18. So I hear... but there is very little info on the game. In fact, if a site I frequent hadn't made a small mention of it, I would have forgotten all about it. Now, their last game, Dementium, wasn't that bad. The boss was a fucking bitch (to this day, I still can't beat it... I do everything I can think of, I check the guides on Gamefaqs, but to no avail... ), but the rest of the game was pretty decent. If Moon is the much better version of Dementium, then I think it will be worth the purchase.
  19. I'm guessing, based upon the file name, that it may or may not be from Dr. Mario. But I am totally illiterate, so take that into consideration.
  20. I'm going to let you in on a secret: whenever someone says a game is a "(insert other game title here) clone", they are doing so because it's easier to make the comparison and quicker than a real in-depth analysis. Reviewers don't have lots of time to get into larger games, because they only get a day (if that) to try it out and write up a review.You also have random idiots that don't have any idea what they are talking about and compare things to what little experience they have with something vaguely similar. They did. Two Gamecube games, Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness. They were not exactly great successes, as evidenced by their sales. It should be noted that those games were made by a different company, Genius Sonority, not GameFreak, the original creating studio, under the Pokémon Company banner.The games were cited as bland, boring, run-of-the-mill games, which I can attest to, having owned the first and played a fair bit of the second. They tried to do something different with the franchise, and as we all know, that means no one liked it. There had been hopes that the Pokémon games for the DS would make use of 3D models, seeing how the storage capacities of DS cards are higher than that of GBA carts, and with the much better hardware (which we know is capable of decent 3D, just check out the new Dragon Quest game, the FF4 remake, Moon, and a few other 3D games), we would finally have it. But sadly, it seems that GameFreak is unwilling or unable to make the effort into keeping up with the current market. Sadly, I think this, plus the poor writing, is the series' biggest problem. The art style hasn't rally changed much from the second series, and all we have seen is slight improvements while other games blow us away with lush, detailed worlds.
  21. Obvious midi rip, no heavy metal guitar riffs, not even a basic techno beat. Completely fails to meet all OCR standards. No.
  22. Wow, that's actually pretty nice.
  23. I think he meant animated forum avatars. Hence, "avatars". As for animated tiles, the difficulty rises greatly with animated gifs, so I can see there being some logistics issues with people not knowing how to do it properly. Not everyone here is The Coop when it comes to these things.
  24. Fucking L4D keeps crashing on me today. Sorry to everyone I was in a game with, and then suddenly left. It was not by my choice.
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