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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I know how you feel. Four years, and not one birthday thread. Maybe if I wish you a happy birthday, you will remember mine. april30thapril30thapril30thapril30th Happy birthday, you old bastard. Or is it young bastard?
  2. My god, were you all born in the same hospital as well?
  3. Well, that mushroom one is solved. Now for the clock one...
  4. Boy, you're in now. There's no escape. I do want to use that poké ball player. I have some ideas about. In the artwork thread on the boards, I posted some ideas. Your included in them. I'd suggest that you, cobaltstarfire, GAG and myself get together on IRC at some point in the next few weeks and whip out some ideas.
  5. OK, no offense to anyone, but who decided to just let people join randomly? I hadn't even been been gone one day, and suddenly we have a new artist? Yes, Pixel has some nice stuff, but that didn't mean people should have just given him an account without asking me first. This may come off as something snooty and bossy, but last I heard, I was the one running the project. Please, in the future, ask me first. Now, Pixel is already on the project boards, so I'm going to tell him now that he can not download everything done to date and start giving it out. Also, I'm not really interested in pixel art, but your pokéball LP player is more like what I'm looking for. cobaltstarfire has taken over the artwork department. He's put out some great coloring of Poinko's art, and he's done with school for now, so he can concentrate on more artwork for now. I would suggest that any artwork matters go through myself first, and collaborate with cobaltstarfire as well. I know people want to do stuff and that's nice, but just going off on your own isn't a good use of the talent pool we have. OK, Pixel, please PM me here so we can discuss things more. GAG, next time, please wait to hear from me first instead of personally inviting someone on your own. As for remixes, I decided to stop taking any more submissions now. People have joined and done nothing, and there are still lots of WIPs to finish. I'll update the FAQ to relate this. Sorry if this came off the wrong way, but some of us made decisions that weren't theirs to make. It's happened and it's over, but please don't do that again. It undermines the whole point of having a project director.
  6. Nah, once you have to make it two hours, stuff gets cut all over the place. Then they localize it. Then they put Jessica Simpson music in everywhere they can. Live action Japanese Evangelion might be kind of fun, but only because it would be laughable. Imagine everyone running around in Power Ranger like spandex and the cheesy CG for all the fights.
  7. The problem with casting Faye is that she's not a sex symbol, strictly speaking.Faye's character is awkward. She's Alice after falling through the Looking Glass. It's decades later, she's aged, she has no contact with her past, and she has no idea what this world is like. Even after getting scammed and having to adjust to this fucked up world, she's never really part of it. She's a bounty hunter, living on a ship with an ex-cop, an ex-mafia, a kid hacker, and a dog that's smarter than all of them combined. Having seem most of Jolie's roles in other movies, I think she's, at best, an average actress. Teens and some men think she's the height of sexiness, and that's why she's there. She's eye candy, a set of boobs and sometimes a passable accent. If she had been replaced by similar actresses, I wonder how much different those films would have been. Mind you, if the movie is only two hours long or less, they may very well end up cutting her back story out completely, or even her character. And then we get into the whole "butchering" thing where they cut out stuff. But that's another thing for Ferret to call us fags over...
  8. That's because a lot of fansubbers rush the subbing so they can get "FIRST!". It's kind of like a shitty race, except that the guys that coming somewhere around the middle are the winners. They usually have better source videos, translations, fonts and spelling. I've actually downloaded fansubs, stopped watching part way through, and deleted them because the subbing was just so bad. There's some decently done youtube rant about fansubbing groups I recall seeing here months ago that covered most of this, and while it was kind of nerdy to bitch about subbing, he did raise some valid points about presentation (the use of stylized fonts and color choices) and taking liberties with the dialog and leaving words and phrases in Japanese when it's not necessary.
  9. That mushroom thing means they are making a Sonic game, but set in the first Super Mario game. They're just doing a sprite swap and maybe some tweaks to the engine, nothing more. Wow, fireball Sonic is going to be interesting.
  10. The website will follow the same basic structure and look of the other OCR project sites. Maybe people will stop PMing and emailing me asking "is this a real project?" when they see it. My god, how can they keep asking that?
  11. I remember when AS was a little nooblet. I can't believe he's become a judge and such a well known remix in that short time. You're old now, man. Give up on your dreams, settle down with some girl, retire while you're still at the top of your game.
  12. Yeah, you Americans need to switch over soon. I'm sick of having to figure out what time it is below the 49th parallel (or the 18th, if you're going by the old Imperial system).
  13. Don't. That's bLiNd's woman, and I hear he's the jealous type.
  14. It really would work. People see this little icon, wonder what it means, they go to the page with the music, listen to it, buy hoodies...
  15. Hmmm... looking at the list of games Marvelous Entertainment has done, it seems they have had a lot of involvement in the Harvest Moon series. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Marvelous_Entertainment_games I'm thinking... The Legend of Zelda: The Harvest Moon. Kidding, kidding. They also do a lot of anime and music stuff, so this may, if it's even Zelda related at all, be a non-video game thing. It could be some sort of Zelda music collection mega-pack, or a Zelda-based anime. I doubt it, but it might fit with some of the plans Nintendo had a back a few years ago about getting into animation.
  16. The majority of dubbed anime is not well done. This is usually because of one or more of three issues: 1. They try to follow the pacing of the mouth animation too closely. Often, you will have a character that seems to be trying to imitate an auctioneer. Just because there are eight frame of movement does not mean you have to put eight words in the script. 2. Tying to stick too closely to/avoiding the original script. Sometimes, things don't translate well from on language into another. You then have two choices: try to use it in an accurate way as possible, and risk losing your audience with something that makes no sense, or put something that kind of carries the meaning across using terms appropriate for the dubbed language. There are also script changes because of content that the company bringing said show over may be concerned about (remember two of the Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon? In the original version, they are lesbian lovers, with very little to deny that. In the US version, they are cousins, and the taller "butch" one is a guy). 3. Using the wrong voice for the character. There have been lot of examples where a character gets dubbed with too high or low a voice, is expressed with mannerisms that aren't appropriate (Okinawan accents becoming Texan accents, feminizing/masculinzing a voice because of perceived sexuality/gender), or they hire people with no experience. The ones that are experienced are mostly decent at putting some sort of live into the characters. Sadly, there are only a handful of decent voice actors out there. But luckily, we have had some really good dubs over the years. Golden Boy, for the fan service and shlock that it was, had above average dubbing. The Ah My Goddess! series was rather good, as were some of the Tenchi Muyo stuff. Any way, I think I'm getting off-topic.
  17. I actually liked the dub the did for Cowboy Bebeop, even though it was a little flat. Something about hiring the cheapest voice actors... Mind you, most of the big names are flat and deliver their lines like they're telling someone directions. Remember Monoke Hime? I think Gillian Anderson was on Nyquil the entire time. I'm not saying everyone needs to be Robin Williams as the Genie, but come on, put some goddamn effort into it.
  18. I did, and it depends upon how much control they have over it. If they're just there for the sake of it, so the producers can say "Hey, look, we have the people that did the original in it, so it's going to be good! Trust us!", then it's meaningless. I also fear for the music. I wonder if they will even bother trying to keep it anywhere near the original. Or maybe they will just ditch the styles for an all Top 40 Pop roster... I actually forgot that movie even existed. How ironic. (No, it isn'tironic, I'm makig fun of people that use irony incorrectly). /hopes to avoid irony threadjack
  19. Uh, so the project forum is down. Can GAS get on that, please?
  20. Kenau Reeves is just so flat and boring. Every role is like watching him read from a whiteboard someone is holding off-camera. That's why people don't like him, and that's why him being chosen for this role is considered a bad thing. The odd thing is, he had way more range and personality in the Bill and Ted movies. It wasn't until he did the Matrix movies that he came across as lifeless.
  21. http://splashpage.mtv.com/2009/01/16/keanu-reeves-to-play-spike-spiegel-in-live-action-cowboy-bebop-movie/ I have to go sit down for a while.
  22. Yeah, so a few of us did some testing in a Versus match,and I'm saying right now, the Smoker just became good. Now you can get at least one or two hits in before you get hit or someone frees the victim. Mind you, I'm pretty decent with the Smoker, so this just makes him even better.
  23. Hmm, no real pattern, but if you only look at the home console versions, you see some rather important gaps between them. It seems that roughly every three years over the last decade or so, we get another Zelda console game. The portables, while fun, aren't what everyone gets excited about. Hey, I own most of them, but really, let's face it, the console Zeldas are what we get hot and bothered about, right? Any way, Twilight Princess came out late 2006 (was it that long ago? Wow, I feel old), so sometime in 2009, we could expect another Zelda game. It fit with the pacing of the series over the last twelve or so years. Phantom Hourglass only came out a little over a year ago (Nov 2007), so it's unlikely they would release another so soon. I suspect that there may be some sort of retro-collection of something, though. The clock doesn't fit anything from any of the games, but the clock implies time travel or time manipulation. Maybe this will be some sort of mega-pack for the old games on Wii. That, or they're going to release "The Legend of Zelda: Persian Prince of The Sands of Time".
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