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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  2. If you had read my last few posts, you would know I that I did mention it. It's been in the portable system news for the last three or so months, so I think that most people are at least aware of it.
  3. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what the outcome, no matter what each side says, the guy is still an annoying twat, and everyone will be worse off for getting involved in this on any level. Enjoy your internet fail, kids.
  4. The DS Lite gets a much better screen, far brighter, sharper and vastly superior color. Also having several brightness levels instead of on or off makes a big difference in terms of battery life. Lowest setting is good for most lighting conditions, and full brightness is actually painful to use. Seriously, it's goddamn bright. Battery life is slightly better on a DS Lite. Again, having the option to drop the screen brightness helps that. The speakers on the Lite are somewhat worse. If you use the speakers all the time, you will notice that the Lite is slightly tinnier, and not as loud. The bass is also pretty weak. The DS Phat just had beefier speakers. The glossy coating on the Lite is a serious problem, for me at least. I don't like the way gloss smudges so badly. I bought some transparent skins to cover it up, so I have both the shiny and the no-smear going on. Size-wise, the Lite is smaller and lighter. I'm not going to give the specs, but it's like 5 to 10 percent or something. Lastly, the DS Lite GBA slot is smaller, so GBA carts stick out about a half inch or so. If you play GBA games on a Lite, you will have the cart exposed, so be careful not to smash you Lite into things. It can take it, but the GBA cart might not. Overall, the Lite is the superior version. It improves on everything while only diminishing a few features that not everyone uses. If you really want to know, go hit up wikipedia for some specs. They should have a chart or diagram or something that can detail it for you.
  5. The DSi has a larger screen (same resolution, just slightly bigger pixels) as well as two low-res cameras built-in. It also makes us of an SD card slot, so you can use it to play music (not MP3s... I think it's ACC or something). It also has the DSi Store, which is like a DS version of Wii Ware: you can buy and download games and apps. It also has some newer built-in apps like an animation and picture editing program, that use the camera to some extent. It suffers a loss of battery life, though. Honestly, it's a terrible upgrade to a very good system. Another factor to consider about a DS versus a PSP: if you drop it, which one do you think is going to be worse off? I don't mean, like a foot or two. I mean big falls. You ever drop a GBA SP? I have, down a flight of fire stairs. It closed itself on the way down, and even though it took a minor scrape on the top, it still worked. I have it in my desk drawer. The DS is pretty comparable. The PSP, with its disc drive and larger screen, may not be up to such impacts. Think about what kind of handling and damage your choice in handheld is going to experience in the next few years.
  6. Yeah, I'm trying to register, and I get a javascript error when I enter my email address. It just refuses to go after that. Sucky. Mind you, the stuff you can get isn't exactly wowing me... Can you register all of your stuff, like my Kirby's Dreamland for GameBoy or just more recent things?
  7. And anyone that has read about it will know that it has lower battery life, shitty low res cameras, and costs more. DS Lite over DSi, period.
  8. First and foremost: does it work for Canadians? If not, then fuck the whole idea, fuck Nintendo, and fuck you for getting awesome stuff. If the answer is yes, then ignore the above paragraph.
  9. True, but if he's not too worried about the capacity of the memory card, he can use the PSP as an MP3 player. Of course, any extra cards would increase the cost, so...
  10. Here's a factor everyone has somehow missed: cost. A DS Lite will run you about $130, and the games range from $30 to $50, depending upon the game. A PSP (3000 model, the newest one) is about $170, and the games run from $30 to $50 as well. The PSP's higher cost is offset by it's generally higher specs. Nintendo has a lot of first-party titles, but the PSP has more third-party titles. This means that you may end up spending for for the DS games because they can charge more for them. There are also more accessories for the DS than for the PSP, but the PSP ones tend to go into more complex and expensive. So, it's really a matter of how much you want to spend on a portable (if you really even want one, you could still get that PS2) and what games and accessories for it.
  11. Maybe they were busy with random hordes/Special Infected to notice most of the time? When you're playing, you tend to be looking for the things that are trying to kill you, not the little details. Besides, the only time I've ever seen zombies coming over the car is after it's been set off by someone else.
  12. I also found out that hitting a car with a molotov will set it off. Not the fire, but actually bouncing the bottle off of the car. But a zombie jumping all over it won't. Odd.
  13. Spoilers warning, not that it should be necessary, but apparently some people still haven't played this game. Shame on you, no more spoilers warning after this. There's a goddamn statute of limitations on this kind of thing. Not having a quarter of the screen taken up by lots of menu stuff helps a lot. And the map screen is slightly useful if not interesting to see things you might miss first; like in Ozzie's Fortress, there's a secret tunnel. If you haven't played it before/a lot time, you might miss it and pass up a lot of very good items for Magus. Also, if you do the first extra dungeon, you can get a lot of the higher power items earlier. Once Chrono dies, you can access the Lost Sanctum, which will give you loads of cash, lots of items, and plenty of experience. It will make the next few quests, like reviving Chrono and the side-quests, a lot easier. As for the other new quest, you can only access it once you complete the game once, and go into New Game+. It doesn't sound too bad from what I've read. Now, has anyone really tried the Arena yet?
  14. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/12/18/beefwatch-totilo-beats-soulja-boy-at-geometry-wars-2/
  15. Haa haa, those wacky guys at Gamestop. http://www.gamestop.com/ds In case it's down by the time you read this, here's the description. Wow. I knew working there made you crazy, but that's just funny.
  16. That's because the impact disables the alarm. It's why the horn will go off when a car gets trashed and not the alarm. Also, a pipebomb blast will set off the car alarm, but a molotov won't. I tested it myself one boring afternoon not too long ago. May be helpful to know in the future.
  17. You must name your first child Pixiecon. YOU MUST. /maybe Zirtricks?
  18. Yes, one well-placed seventy-foot long tongue around your torso really makes up for the last few levels. I tongued you good. Real good. Now try to prevent that image from popping into your minds. I dare you. You can't.
  19. Hell yeah. How many times have you been a Smoker with a Survivor tied up, only to get blasted by one of the other survivors because you can't run for it? The cool down period for reusing (regrowing?) your tongue should still be there, since a quicker cool down and more control could be easily abused (I've been asking for quicker tongue cool down for a while).
  20. You guys ever heard of this Beethoven guy? He did a bunch of songs, and some of them have been remixed into techno and stuff. The original stuff is kind of dry and old, but the guy did compose it all like, two hundred years ago. I was shocked when I found out A Fifth of Beethoven wasn't an original song. Weirded me out big time.
  21. Actually, the biggest hold up now is the website and artwork. And cobaltstarfire is taking care of the artwork as we speak... So that leave about a half dozen remixes to be finished off and someone to design the page. If we push it, we can be out for April-ish. But that would require being down by March-ish, leaving one month to set up said page, upload the album as needed, and wait for a spot in the album release schedule to open up. So everyone that has a remix in Private or Public WIPs, get on it, you have four months. And again, we need someone to design the webpage. I've had people offer and then disappear when I contacted them, so I need someone that will actually stick around.
  22. Garian's Hunter would NOT FUCKING DIE. We shot him at least twelve times that I counted, and he kept pouncing on us, over and over, and over... I kept seeing his name, and watched him do it to other players, so I know it was him. I HATE YOU AS A HUNTER.
  23. You think that's bad? We were on Expert No Mercy, last level. The Tank killed everyone else. I was standing right in front of the helicopter, the doors were open, and I was backing into it. I turned to jump in, and... You know who if a zombie is hitting you in the back, it kind of holds you down a bit? Well, twenty zombies doing that will hold you down completely. I was literally, in the exact meaning of the word, a single step from the helicopter, when I was incapacitated. Everyone else just yelled into their mikes and started swearing at the AI director. I have not heard such hatred for software expressed in such anger before. Needless to say, I as not happy with that. Oddly enough, I have two of the four campaigns done for What Are You Trying To Prove, but I have not unlocked Zombicidal Maniac. I don't quite understand how I can be dead at the end of each Expert campaign, but still get it counted.
  24. Only lame white kids on Gamefaqs can be trolls. HARD FACT. A delightful little bit humor, showing both how white and uncool they are, while also addressing the oddities of modern slang.
  25. This song = a cupcake. It still being here = sweet, frosty icing on the cupcake. That it annoys you = little rainbow sprinkles on the icing on the cupcake. Have a cupcake, won't you?
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