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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Maybe because Earthbound was the only one released outside of Japan? Most of the people here are from North America, with some Europeans scattered about. Therefore, most of the games that get remixed are going to be ones that we would have had been able to play at some point. Even with cheaper, easier importing, the vast majority of us will never be exposed to Japan-only titles. So, if you want a game track(s) remixed, you'll have better luck if it's something that your average person has actually heard of and played.
  2. So, we all know about "rage quitters", people that get pissed off with how the match is going, or they aren't up to the level of the other players and they leave... but has anyone else ever "disappointment quit"? The last few nights, I've joined Expert games, hoping for that elusive achievement "Zombiadial Maniac" achievement... only to watch everyone quickly fall apart at the first sign of a Smoker or even a decent sized wave of Infected. I just sat there, watching the others players run around, shooting each other, walking into their own molotavs and burning to death. I was completely untouched by anything, and all I could do was watch them kill themselves off. I tried to say something, but couldn't think of what to say. I eventually just left, and shut down the game. It was that demoralizing.
  3. Really? Because I have a lot more respect for a bunch of guys that make and release slightly entertaining videos, and have the humor to both mock and call out someone at the same time, than I do for some stupid little arrogant man-child that brags about his "skills" and diminishes his prospective opponents before he even gets to meet them. Or maybe I need to update my Windows Sarcasm Detector. I only have version 1.3.1A, so I can't tell if you were being serious.
  4. Guys, you're all missing the point. Who the hell uses their email address as their name?
  5. Can we get a little DJP action goin' on here?
  6. I'd fight him, but he only wants X-Box 360 Live games. So that's out for me. I find it funny that the Live gamertag "soljaboy" was not available. I guess someone else got it before him.
  7. What an ass. Throwing all of his games on the floor, bragging about his TV and collection, smack-talking people... Would someone please beat him an then take all of his stuff away? Young children only smarten up when you take their toys away.
  8. You guys know Jill Valentine is dead in RE5, right? http://www.destructoid.com/resident-evil-5-honors-a-tragic-loss-114480.phtml
  9. OOPS, my bad. Like I know what gender people I've never met are... If you can do it, fine. Custom pokes back on!
  10. No, those are the images that Poinko drew. Cobalt is coloring them. Rather well, I might add. Sadly, I fear that we will have to forego the idea of custom pokemon artwork for everyone. We'll have to use the existing artwork as webpage and CD art, instead. Sorry, everyone. I know some of you liked the ones you picked.
  11. cobaltstarfire has graciously colored up some of our artwork, and I have to say, I rather like it. He's willing to do all of our artwork, which is a big step towards the webpage, which in turn is one of the three big parts of the whole project. That's just one of about a dozen or so of the pieces Poinko drew. I think that this will work out great.
  12. I have a question regarding the whole "Dragon Quest on (insert console name), console war over" mentality. As I understand it, people say that if you have the next Dragon Quest game on your system, that means that you can expect such a huge amount of additional sales, from the supposedly large number of Dragon Quest fans out there. You get Dragon Quest, you get the fanbase. You get the fanbase, you get them buying your console. But, doesn't Dragon Quest have mostly a Japanese fanbase? Even if every DQ fan buys the next system just for that game, Japan only makes up one part of the world market. And, if I'm not mistaken, DQ isn't as popular in North America as it is in Japan, nor is it in Europe. Those are the three big markets, and only one of them can "guarantee" (if you will) a jump in console sales connected to the release of a new DQ game. So how is it that one game, with only a strong fanbase in one market, can claim to make any one system "the winner" when there are so many other factors involved? If it's a matter of having the most popular series, then I don't get how that would work. DQ is listed as the 17th most selling franchise, beaten by many other series, some that started out years afterwards. It would seem more likely that having The Sims, GTA, or any Final Fantasy game for your system would be more help. But all I hear about DQ is "whatever system gets it, wins". Explain to me why this is, and if you can back it up with some hard data, that would be appreciated.
  13. If you think you can make it try. Worst case scenario, I say no thanks and we all move on.
  14. Oh poor guy, he asks us to look at his videos and we almost ignore him completely.
  15. Wow, Doulifée! You didn't have to do that.
  16. What? We only made three different banners. There was bound to be some more than one person using the same one.
  17. No, I know it's not entirely Nintendo's fault. I'm just feeling like there's nothing out so far that I really like. I was planning to replay Twilight Princess, but then Left4Dead came out... and there are all those DS games from the last few months... I'm just hoping that within the next year, we'll see a title that makes me want to keep my Wii and give my DS a little vacation.
  18. Oh my god, Youtube has censored your videos! No matter where I look in you post, I can not see them. I tried clicking on some of the words, but nothing happened! I think Rockstar found out about your videos and had them pulled. You should contact Youtube and Rockstar right away to find out what's going on. This is just pure censorship and they can't get away with it! FIGHT THE POWAR!
  19. Ba-boom-boom-dshhhh! Good night everybody!
  20. You think that's bad? I was watching some low budget lesbian porn, and they only had one light. It was like they went to a hardware store and bought one of those lamps you use for working on your car. You know how there are rooms in Left4Dead that have only one light source, and it's very bright, creating harsh contrasting shadows? Well, this porn had the exact same lighting. There's something about watching lesbians playing Spin The Bottle in one of the hotel rooms from Dead Air that makes it kind of difficult to watch. On (or in, I suppose) the one hand, I wanted to jerk off. On the other hand, I keep thinking "NO! IDIOTS! STOP PLAYING WITH EACH OTHER AND GET YOUR GUNS! Cover the doors! COVER THE DOORS! No, stop that, there's a Boomer nearby! Get of your asses and get ready to hold them back! MORONS! FUCK, RUN FOR IT!" I need to watch better lit porn and play less Left4Dead.
  21. BOO! Beatdown, Bahamt and I, as well as a truly competent player by the name of "stunna" (awesome teamwork man, it was a pleasure to play with you) finished Death Tollon Expert last night, only to be screwed out of our rightful achievement "Zombicidal Maniac", whereas stunna not only got it, but three others as well. Valve needs to fix the achievements so that random server disconnects don't fuck up the "do ____ throughout a whole campaign". At least make it within a certain time limit. When a server begins to drop you, and it gives that 30 second countdown, but you get back in with time to spare, don't make that count. Fucking fuck fucker fuck.
  22. I've been interested in hearing a collab using the various music games/programs that the DS has. Imagine Band Brothers, Elecktroplankton and Korg DS-10 all together in one well done effort. I think it would be awesome.
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