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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh my fucking god, I need to see the rest of that.
  2. If you got the demo, you got securROM on you system. Sucky, huh? I wonder what kind of expansion packs and stuff we can expect for this game.
  3. I think it's a code issue, more than a mod one. Mods can alter titles (it's been done a few times on my own), but you have to request it.
  4. Wow, that's like, a brazillion bucks more than anywhere else. /here all weekend, folks
  5. For that matter, you should get a keychain that plays th "found an item" song from Zelda, so when you lose your keys and then find them again...
  6. Or King Kong gets shot by airplanes at the end. Or Mario rescues the Princess. Or Ash catches Pikachu. Yeah, I know there's a statute of limitations on stuff like this.
  7. Uh... I haven't played Super Metroid yet, KWarp. Thanks for ruining it for me. (invisible sarcasm!)
  8. Damn it, Liontamer, that post was supposed to be for ecogeek to get even! Now I have no choice but to buy him a cake. And I hate cake.
  9. Must not buy this game until after I take exam and get pay raise... Must not buy this game until after I take exam and get pay raise... Must not buy this game until after I take exam and get pay raise... Must not buy this game until after I take exam and get pay raise...
  10. Oh, hell yes! I can post here again! Thanks to whomever it was that fixed that glitch where I couldn't post in this thread anymore! Any way, the long awaited vote for the project title is up! There are nine choices, and they're the ones that showed the greatest interest (and weren't obvious silliness). So check out the poll in The Pit and vote!
  11. I'm really more of an ass than a dick, but poe-tay-toe, pah-tah-toe... On topic: any plans on making smaller, more frequent torrents? Like, say... 250 files at a time? Smaller torrents would mean it would be easier to seed (since the smaller transfer wouldn't be a drain on bandwidth), faster to download, and they would be easier to manage; if there are remixes that have been removed or whatever, you only have to alter the one, smaller torrent that is affected. Just some ideas.
  12. First, this is on the wrong section. You might try Help and Newbies. Second, there's already an existing threads about the torrents. You would have to look around for it, but I guess looking around for something isn't as easy as just making a post, asking for someone else to look for you. Third, you can just download the 1600 and over remixes, seeing how there aren't that many of them.
  13. If there was some sort of account issue, then I shouldn't be able to post in other parts, or at all. If it was an access issue, the same would be true. It's sort of bad when the person running the project can't post in it, don't you think? Thanks in advance. I know it's only been four days, but has anyone looked into this issue? It's pretty inconvenient when I need to update stuff. Just changing the first page doesn't count as a new post, so the thread just looks like nothing has happened.
  14. Yeah, I found it about ten minutes after Ijinn mentioned it. I had to do a few searches, though. IGN updated that article, because I read it back when they first posted it, and there was no pic at the time. Still, if it's actually been worked on at all is in doubt. This could be more of Nintendo's odd sense of humor when it comes to Metroid sequels (remember the Samus in bed in Mario RPG?)
  15. What? No Pokeyman project mention? You make Mudkip cry. (Title coming soon, about 80% done, by me)
  16. I recall many reviews saying that FF6 for GBA was a lot easier than the original, citing lower level bosses and fewer random encounters. Having never picked it up, I can only go by said reviews. Surely someone has it and can verify.
  17. Actually, a 3D side-scrolling Metroid on the DS could be cool as hell. All the lighting effects and in-game cut-scenes that you could do would look pretty damn nice.
  18. Until I see a scan or screen shot from the game, I call bullshit on this. IGN has been making stupid claims on non-existent games for years now (the GBA and now DS Halo game, anyone?), and I don't believe them at all.
  19. Yeah, I would have thought that the left-hand interaction stuff would have used the nunchuck, considering that it's supposed to also have the same accelerometer that the wiimote uses.
  20. By "rock opera", what do you mean, exactly? Got an example? I think I know what you're going for, but I'm not entirely certain.
  21. Yes, because an 8.5 out of 10 is an absolute FAIL of a score. I don't see you giving Gamepro any grief, despite that they gave it the exact same score and had similar pros and cons with it. Anyone else in the world would see an 8.5 as pretty damn good.
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