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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. No, Wobby is banned because two of them on the field at the same time is instant stalemate. Neither can switch out and neither can attack. I've never seen a Wobby battle end without one guy just quitting, and then it's a matter of who's the more patient. Seriously, don't fucking use Wobbuffet.
  2. I have all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen starters. Code's in sig, hit up the clan channel to arrange a time.
  3. andyjayne, atmuh and Bahamut, when do you want your Mews? Arek is all "I'll take them if they don't want them" and I'm all like "No, dude, that's not cool." So PM me or go to the clan ocr channel. I'll be around the next while.
  4. It was the E3 debut of the Wii controller. I remember it well.
  5. Anytime you want. If you get on the clan channel on IRC, we can arrange it there.
  6. So, uh... when did you guys want your Mews? PM me for a time.
  7. The only ones I really need are some of the obscure legendairies, namely Lugia, Celebi and Manaphy (and of course, Fione). I have pretty much everything else from my GBA games. Well, this is more of a giveaway than anything else, so just grab something you think is worth a Mew. EDIT: And with Bahamut, that makes five. Congrats, you guys, enjoy your mews. I'll just hang out on the clan OCR IRC thingy... wait... what was it again? I don't see it on the first page.
  8. Also, Wii friend code: 6573 4948 3893 1408 Neither do I. Got a female starter? I need the fire and water ones. Also, I still have a lot of female starters from the GBA games, so if anyone is still interested in any of the nine starters, just ask.
  9. I'd recommend OmegaDonut for this. He's been credited in the famous blueshirt Guide on Gamefaqs for coming up with a lot of the Ruby/Sapphire movesets. He should know a lot of the legit movesets. Also, this prevents him from playing, seeing how he's all famous and hard to beat, giving the rest of us a better chance. Number uses number on number! It's super effective! Number fainted! Use next number? Also, my Pearl Code is 3136 3273 5995. Add it to the list. Now, who wants a legit Mew? The first five people that ask, get them.
  10. If any company could do it, it'd be Nintendo.
  11. That's because Hypnosis is an egg move for Gastly, so when you catch it at a high enough level, it has already learned enough new moves to remove it from the list. Yeah, just grab a Heart Scale.
  12. Considering the music has progressed well enough, I'd like Poinko to show some more artwork.
  13. I just transferred my 6 Masterballs over with a few random pokes. Now I can catch everything. You have to go online with your DS. Then you get your friend code.
  14. The dot shows your last route traveled, or the last town you were in. Just in case you forgot in the few seconds that you had the menu open to use Fly. Sort of handy.
  15. http://www.snafu-comics.com/?strip_id=257 Fucking exactly how I feel sometimes...
  16. Colosseum was a fucking abomination. Shitty plot, shitty models, shitty execution all around. Genious Sonarity is supposed to be composed of former members of all these great studios, like Enix and shit, and the game they put out was something that looked, felt and played like it was thrown together by a bunch of interns. The sequel, Gale of Darkness, wasn't much better, but at least they made the whole "purification" thing a lot easier. Convluted, but easier. I still haven't finished Colosseum to this very day, because of the total bullshit that that game is. Besides, you can get all the GSC starters and legendaries from Fire and Leaf on the GBA.
  17. As I've explained several times in various other threads, my Nintendo WiFi Adapter is useless to me. Nintendo hasn't gotten off their asses and made proper drivers for Windows XP 64-bit Edition. And unless they do it within the next couple of days, I'm just going to sell the thing. In fact, anyone want a Nintendo USB WiFi Adapter? [quote name=''[\()/];268709']I have a WRT54GS that uses WEP encryption and a custom DDWRT firmware' date=' and it works flawlessly for the Wii and DS. The regular firmware works for the game consoles, but it has an issue with dropping signals when torrenting things.[/quote'] Thanks. I think that Best Buy card gift card is about to come in handy...
  18. Nintendo's WiFi site says that the Linksys WRT54G is pretty much as good as it gets for getting your DS online. But what about the Wii? I think they both use the same wireless protocols, but I'm not sure. Can anyone verify this? Or if not, can anyone recommend a wireless router that is both DS and Wii compatible?
  19. Four more days, and then my three month course is over, and I can go back to concentrating on this project full-time. No more slow periods, you hear?
  20. Fuck, yes. I am in great favor of this. Something you may find useful: the online battle system is supposed to adjust all pokemon to level 100 (and change their stats accordingly), so you don't have to wait for everyone to level up. But I would still wait a while so everyone can get their teams made up and stuff. Breeding and training still takes a while. Also, I still plan to hand out all the old starters as soon as I can get a new router up. So if anyone wants a female starter, just say so.
  21. I'll stick to my special attacking Flygon, thank you very much. Levitate ftw!
  22. Yeah, I have the USB dongle thing, and ever since I ungraded to XP 64-bit, I can't use it. Now that I have a DS and a Wii, I might as well just go get a wireless router and be done with it. It's just easier.
  23. What? Steel isn't strong against Grass. It's normal damage. Look up a type chart or something.
  24. First recommendation: spell "comics" correctly.
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