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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. So, I was looking up some Iwata stuff, and did you know his birthday was December 6?


    I'm thinking... maybe that would be a good time to release the album. Something about, like, not memorializing his death, but celebrating his life? I don't know, maybe someone else could word it more betterer. But you know, something like that?


    If that happens, then we could have more time to work on it, and get artwork done properly.

  2. If we were doing a giant Pokémon only album, I wouldn't turn it down, of course. But as it is, we already got PokerusVGM's Route 26/27 theme, and I don't like doubling up on a series, as it's not fair to the other series.

    It's a well documented fact that a video game series will get jealous if another series gets more remixes. Look what happened to the 150 song NES remix album.

    "What 150 song NES remix album?" you ask? EXACTLY.

  3. Hey, I see you got that super awesome Pokémon remix!  I don't think I could have done better. :< I got a little busy and just moved back home. But I got my music stuff set up so if you'd still like a remix for the NES golf game I can try to whip up something for ya. Sorry for the radio silence following my previous interest in the project.


    EDIT - orrrrrrr if Dragon Warrior is an option I could do that.  Let me know what you prefer!

    Either is fine. NES Golf is more obscure, and I do like obscure, but Dragon Warrior is full of good music. Either or.

  4. This is a reminder that I have no musical talent, ability or knowledge whatsoever, so if you want anything even approaching a proper opinion, I am not the guy to ask. Mastering? Sounds kind of kinky. WAV file? I don't know how to surf. Harmonic? I can't play one of those.


    I just get other people to make remixes for me, under the pretense of an "album" and then enjoy the free music. :<


    But I do like what I hear so far, so yaaaaaay you guys!

    Sent a finished WiP in. If Damned is okay with it, I'll get a few live recordings to improve the quality.

    OK with me.
  5. Unexpected things happened at work, and I'm mixing in the mega man competition this week so nothing on my end yet. I'm still interested in this and might be able to get something started in the near future, but if you end up getting that guys track or if anyone else wants to take the Pokémon track I won't get too worked up about it!


    OK, I'm not worked up about it either. :)


    There is still the NES Open Tournament Golf remix slot open. Want to give that a shot instead?

  6. Do we have a deadline on the 2nd WIP? Or how about a rough idea of when we need to be finished? I'm balancing a lot of things currently - would be helpful. 


    My track is progressing well! It's a joy to return to the Earthbound OST :D

    Nothing solid. The several WIPs I've received so far are pretty good. Let's say... oh, how about August 24th? Two weeks should be enough time for serious polishing on what we got so far, and that's enough time to get everyone else up to speed.


    And Liontamer seems to have found some contact info, and the guy might even speak english, which saves me from having to fumble around with Google Translate!

  7. Well, it was a very indifferent, short and untelling reply to a conversation(that I initiated) that quite frankly felt uninvited/unwelcome, as I had posted here a few days prior and received no response. I didn't feel like bothering you via another PM under those circumstances.


    Well, I didn't really know what else needed to be said. It was a very simple orchestal version that didn't really stand out much. It wasn't really much more than a straight cover of the original song, which isn't what we're looking for.


    I may consider taking the Pokémon claim if no one else is working on it, but I'll have to see what I can do by the 3rd since I've been pretty busy this week. Though I do have the 3rd itself off work and tend to produce better stuff under a crazy time crunch. I'll see!

    By way of fact that Amphibious is a multiple-time posted remixer with a known history for producing good remixes, I say he gets it.

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