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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Yeah, it's UK. Someone showed that an upside-down UK is pretty much spot on.


    The big city at the North of Galar is London. The starting town is likely Glasgow.

    Personally, I'm optimistic about the new games. Gen 7 was... not my favorite. I could go on at detail about it, but basically, I found it frustrating to play. Over and over again, the game would just stop and force me into some stupid cut-scene or have a character who is blocking a path seize the camera and scroll over to tell me what I already knew from the first time I talked to them. It was so bad I still haven't completed one of the Ultra versions.

    But seeing what they have of SW/SH (no accepted shorthand for the games yet, that I know of) so far, I see more of what makes the games something I like to play. They have excluded the boring Let's Go style catching, it's back to random encounters (Let's Go was sooooo fucking boring and easy. Just walk right up to something. No planning your route, no trying to sneak through, nothing even remotely challenging), and they are back to proper battling.

    Personal thought: if they wanted to include Let's Go style mechanics, they should include a difficulty system. Easy Mode is Let's Go style, where you can see pokémon walking around, catch them without battling, etc... and then have Normal Mode/Hard Difficulty and make it the regular style. People that only play/have only played the Go games can still get in it, and veteran players can use the style they are used to and prefer.

  2. The gif I use right now is based upon an older, crappier gif I had made years before, which in turn is based upon an old image I got from a classmate who made it in, of all programs, AutoCAD.

    There is a Perter's Drive-in in Red Deer now. That's halfway between Edmonton and Calgary!

    The code gives you a "mythical" (read, standard legendary) pokémon named Zeraora. He is cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything! But it only works for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon versions, not the slightly older, regular Sun and Moon versions.

    You simply go to the "Mystery Gift" option in your game's menu, choose "Receive", then select "Get With Code/Password". Enter the code, and it will download the pokémon straight to your game. All you do then is go visit a pokémon center in-game and talk to the delivery guy next to the counter. He just gives it to you.

    One code left, then they're all gone.

  3. Potentially unpopular opinion.

    I find it... cringey.

    It doesn't look that good, and I don't think Ryan Renolds is the right actor.

    I'm also not entirely happy with the super-gritty dirty city thing. That's not what pokemon is about. The games, even the spin-offs, and the various other media (cartoon, manga, etc) are all about how living with pokemon makes the world more nature-friendly. Even Unova, which is based upon New York City, isn't dirty and grimey. It's clean. Hell, even the desert area north of Castelia City, which is literally just Manhatten, is spotless. But the city needs to be gloomy and dirty for... what, realism? About pokemon?

    Also, pokemon are inherently good natured, with the bad ones only being so because of their trainers. So seeing a Mr. Mime telling them to shove it doesn't really fit. Yeah, it's kind of funny, but it doesn't work for me. It comes off as something written by a committee, not a writer.

    I'm sure everyone else in the world will love it, and it will do really well in ticket sales, but I'm not going to see it. It feels like a checklist of everything the shitty fan movies did, but with more money behind it.

  4. Hmmm, I liked Borderlands 2 a lot. Still play it even though it came out in late 2012.

    It's still highly replayable, even after trying all the characters out.

    And the amount of good, purchase-worthy DLC alone is a point in it's favor. You had four full campaigns, each with new characters, weapons, monsters, enemies and locations. Then you had two totally different playable characters, each one worth the price. Toss in six really well pulled off holiday-themed mini-campaigns with even more stuff to do... you get about 100 hours of stuff to do.

  5. 2016 was an interesting year for older video games. It was the anniversary of:

    • The Legend of Zelda (25th, 1986)
    • Metroid (1986)
    • Kid Icarus (1986)
    • Dragon Quest (1986)
    • Bubble Bobble (1986)
    • Sonic The Hedgehog (20th, 1991)
    • Super Mario World (1991)
    • Street Fighter II arcade (1991)
    • Lemmings (1991)
    • Final Fantasy 4 (1991)
    • F-Zero (1991)
    • Neverwinter Nights (1991)
    • Another World (1991)
    • LoZ: Link To The Past (1991)
    • Pokémon Red and Green (1996)
    • Kirby Super Star (1996)
    • Super Mario RPG (1996)
    • Metal Slug (1996)
    • Quake (1996)
    • Super Mario 64 (1996)
    • Crash Bandicoot (1996)
    • Pilotwings 64 (1996)
    • Command and Conquer II: Red Alert (1996)
    • Dead or Alive (1996)
    • Terranigma (1996)
    • Diablo (1996)
    • Runescape (2001)
    • Paper Mario (2001)
    • Final Fantasy 9 (2001)
    • Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001)
    • LoZ: Oracle of Seasons / Ages (2001)
    • Unreal Tournament (2001)
    • Daytona USA (2001)
    • Zone of The Enders (2001)
    • Crazy Taxi (2001)
    • Red Faction (2001)
    • Final Fantasy 10 (2001)
    • Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (2001)
    • Burnout (2001)
    • Golden Sun (2001)
    • Pikmin (2001)
    • Pokémon Crystal (2001)
    • man, this list is getting pretty long

    That list is only a fraction of all the games and series, and I stopped at 2001 because of the size of the list. There's still 2006 and 2011, which means even more games.

    I bring this up for one reason. Way back in early 2016, when I first noticed this, I brought it up and wondered if it would be possible to quickly put out a small remix album to celebrate this. but remembering how much work it took to do even a small album of only a half dozen remixes, I realized that there wouldn't be enough time to put out a good enough album within a year. It would either be quite rushed, and the overall quality of the album would suffer for it, or it would be smaller, and that seemed like it wasn't enough to really celebrate all these games and series.

    But if you look at the year of 2021, we see that it will be the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th and 35th anniversaries of all those games and more. I'm looking at the list of those years, and a lot of new games and series came out for each one. There are easily 30+ games and series you could so, and it would still have more to pick and choose from.

    I wouldn't be free to lead any project for at least a year, but considering we have dozens of other directors and hundreds of remixers, I think it would be doable.

    Any one interested?

  6. 7 hours ago, satoka-eldon said:

    I will have another thorough look at the drums - I had problems with them before in other pieces, and still haven't quite grasped how to make them sound plausible. It is that there isn't enough variation, or an artificial-sounding timbre?

    Both. They sound pretty fake (I know there are limitations depending upon what software you use), and the beat doesn't match up with the style of what you're going with.

    One option is to ditch the drum entirely. Don't forget that drums aren't the only instrument that can be used to set a beat. You have those other instruments and can use those to set your tempo.


    I have a quick question about the orchestral swell - I got some feedback on another piece that the flute shouldn't increase in volume past a certain point relative to the rest of the orchestra, but I was concerned about a lack of dynamic variation. Would it sound odd to simultaneously slightly increase the volume of the flute and decrease the volume of the orchestra relative to it's current volume?

    I would have to hear it such an adjustment to decide. I'm not a musician or a composer, I just conned a bunch of people to make remixes for me for free a couple of times. :-D

  7. I think the drums are a bit too artificial. They sound really obviously synthetic. I know it's an early version, but I am going to suggest better ones, and maaaaaybe not that beat. It doesn't quiet fit with the pace you're playing at.

    From start to 0:29, it doesn't really feel that different from the source, but from 0:30 to 0:47, you get some nice variations that make it stand out a it more. It's not a lot of obvious changes, but it gives it a tiny bit more life to the melody.

    There are some pitch changes from 0:53 to 1:05 that I don't like; I know I said that the earlier subtle changes were nice, but during this part, it's such a noticeable shift that it slightly pulls me out of the melody. It's a lower tone that makes me feel like something bad is happening, even though I know it's not. The source is fairly happy and peaceful.

    1:05 and on is a good example of the kind of style changes that work for this melody. A bit improv, while still following the source. It's a subtle thing, and sometimes it's hard to find the right mix, but this is close.

    The end with the orchestral swell is a bit overpowering. The background instruments should support the flute, not overwhelm it. If you push them back a bit more, then the flute can stand out more. Because the flute is the main piece here: it's the element that will carry both the melody and the personal touches you're putting into it.

    You got a solid start here. Minor changes to composition, moderate adjustments to the synth percussion, careful polishing here and there of the background instruments. You're about 75% of the way there, and I don't doubt you can make it the rest of the way.

  8. Pretty good. I like the little sound effects in the background. Sounds like some water in a creek or river, maybe some birds chirping (?), and that distinctive "heh!" from OoT. This stuff, even faintly in the background, really adds to the environment of a remix.

    And while you're right that the original source doesn't have that much to it, it's still a really good theme, so you can be forgiven for using it that many times. The variation in the middle works great.

    Also, "A Forgotten Lullaby" and "Take Flight" kick ass.

  9. 0:20 to 0:49 is light and bouncy and makes me want to watch a movie where everyone in Pallet Town is dancing to it, ala a big musical production. But at 0:50, it turns moody and gets kind of creepy. This tonal shift is really weird to me, as it's such a huge change from the first part.

    I think that from 1:08 and on, you're going for a more traditional orchestral feeling, with a big, sweeping buildup... and then it doesn't happen. by 2:07, it's back to being light and bouncy again.

    The big swell at 2:31 feels kind of weak. Those kettle drums could be a bit stronger. Make them heavier, like you're really building into it.

    I don't hate it, I think you got some good stuff here. And I do like the fact that someone is actually using this source (hardly anyone ever does the Oak theme... in fact, this might be the first one I have come across in years), so you got that going for you. It's just a couple of minor tonal issues that don't seem to connect with each other quiet right.

    Version 3 soon?

  10. https://labo.nintendo.com/

    It's kind of like how, when I was a little kid, my mom taught me how to use a hot glue gun. I used old show boxes and popsicle sticks to make forts and shit for my toys. but, you know, without a Switch and for about $US 70 more than I ever did.

    Though, that robot suit one is pretty cool. It's a super cheap VR solution for wanting to punch things with a giant robot.

    EDIT: It seems to be pronounced Lab-oh. Labo.

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