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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. I never played Super Mario RPG (ooh, I can hear the replies being typed right now). I never had a SNES as a kid, and the few people that I knew that owned one didn't have this game. I only know a little of the music from OCR and a few videos on YouTube, videos titled "Top Ten Best SNES Music!" or "Top Ten Mario Game Soundtracks!"... that sort of thing.

    So I don't have any emotional attachment to the game. It's just another game I never had the opportunity to play, like any of the thousands of other ones I've never touched.

    But that cover art. That wonderful, beautiful cover art.

    If there was ever an image to represent all those fond memories of playing a favorite game after dark, at night, in front of the television or underneath the blankets in bed, this would be it.

    There is a glowing window, a portal to a tiny world. There is no living room floor, no bedroom, no house. Just you, and that little universe. All else fades into the background.

    Your artists picked one hell of an image to convey the mystery and magic of a video game. I haven't even listened to the music yet, but I already like this album.

  2. Just wait six months.

    • Any hardware and firmware issues should be identified and fixed from the launch and post-launch shipments
    • More games will be out
    • The online service will (hopefully) be streamlined and refined
    • They'll have more content and apps for the system
    • More units will be available, making shortages less likely
    • Might be a price drop

    Waiting is the hardest part, but patience is rewarded with better.. uh... rewards.

  3. New Global Mission is live.

    • From January 31st to February 14th
    • The rewards are 2000 Festival Coins (4000 if you have your game connected to a Global Link account) if successful, or 200 FC (400 with GL) if not
    • If the mission reaches 2 000 000 trades, everyone that participated receives a Friend Ball

    Yeah, that Friend Ball is a reaaaaaal incentive. If they made it a Master Ball instead, I think we would see at least 1.5 million trades.

  4. Oh shit, they are at the Battle Tree store. I thought they were all missing.

    But I don't see Banettite anywhere... and my Banette kinda of needs one.

    Looking at the list of Mega Stones on Bulbapedia, it looks like 27 of the 47 are not available yet, so that's going to need a lot of events just to get them all back. IF they only plan to do two or three at a time, and it's a couple of months between events, that's a couple of years just to get them all.

    Fuck that.

  5. So, some of you may have noticed that those Mega Stones from Gen 6 aren't found anywhere in Alola.

    The truth is, they are... once Nintendo gives them to you.



    The Pokémon Company has spoken about the fact that Mega Stones for various Pokémon are not currently available. Giving an explanation, it then went on to say that the Mawilite and Beedrillite will be distributed through an entry gift for an Online Competition in late February. It is stated that the other missing Mega Stones will be distributed through similar means as time passes. We'll bring the information for all future Mega Stone distributions as it comes so be sure to keep checking back.

    So if you want that Mega Whatever back on your team, you better enter the Online Competition. You don't have to participate, or even really try, you get get the item.

    Or maybe they could have put them in the post-game, like at the Battle Tree exchange, or Mystery Gift them. I don't know. Something that doesn't require setting up yet another account part for something you don't really need in the first place.

  6. I get the feeling that Nintendo honestly thinks they know what they're doing with the whole Switch network thing. They don't, but they think they do.

    The whole "one free NES or SNES game a month, but then it's gone unless you buy it" thing is an outdated system. And you know those games aren't going to be the top tier game, too. Everyone is going to expect it to be games like Super Mario World or something, but in all likelihood, it's going to be stuff like Alleyway or Duck Hunt.

    You know they're going to put all the good games up for sale, because they can make more money that way. Or, at least, they think they can.

    Meanwhile, I'm looking at all the stuff you get on PS4 and XB1 for free, and thinking that's a far better deal.

  7. I'm hoping that any of the stuff I got since DPPt isn't going to flag anything. Back then, you could get just about anything and unless it was obviously hacked, you would never know.

    Hell, I have a few pokémon from my old RSE and FRLG carts that failed to pass the Gen 5 to Gen 6 transfer, despite the fact that they were completely untouched and legitimately caught. To this day, they still can't leave BW.

  8. 1 hour ago, Red Shadow said:

    please elaborate, i definitely wanna get mine to transfer over somehow

    Given the glitch fest that was RBY, it's not surprising that it wouldn't work. When you use the old glitches to get Mew (twice if you do it right), the game doesn't care. But PokéBank does.

    Bank has all kinds of validation checks in it. It's not perfect (you can transfer AZ's Floette from XY/ORAS, if you hacked one in), but given that they updated it to allow transferring from VC RBY, it's possible that it intentionally checking for Mews that were generated through the old glitches, or unintentionally freaking out over what would otherwise be a perfectly legit pokémon. Either way...

    But! There is a way to fix tat. You just need to do all of this. But that's some crazy shit. It's just easier to use any number of the various Mew giveaways that Nintendo has done over the last couple of years, including the one from 2016's 20th Anniversary event. Or beg for a Mew from someone that scored a small collection of them fro over the years. Or wait until the Wonder Trade becomes flooded with Mews once someone figures out how to get around it.

    EDIT: Oh, a fun little extra for those of you that transfer RBY over. Go talk to Morimoto while certain RBY pokémon are in your team, and you get some dialog from him about the history of those pokémon!


    That [VAR PKNAME(0000)] of yours... I don’t know why, but it sure takes me back!

    You know Mankey, right? I’m actually the one who came up with it! The boss told me to make a Pokémon with a bit of this and a bit of that, and that’s what I drew! I’m pretty fond of it myself!

    You know, I thought up the Pokémon moves myself and programmed ’em in myself, too. So I never really wrote down the details or anything. Sorry about that...

    We had a poll in the company once a long time ago to see which Pokémon was most popular... and back then the winner was Exeggutor!

    Tauros used to be real strong, huh? I was the one who thought up that one. But Blizzard was a bit too strong, eh? You know Diglett, right? It’s actually basically just a character that I had made up when I was a little kid. I even drew up a flip-book featuring it then!

    You know Mew, right? I made it. Everything about it. The pixel art, its cry, its Pokédex entry, everything. I just barely finished in time, too! It was right at the very end of the game’s development!

    Can I tell you a little something, just between you and me? See, the Japanese version of Pokémon Blue was an exclusive release when it first came out. Only certain people could get it. From what I heard, that was a real pain for the people working in the shops that sold it...

    We were all young folks in the office back when we first made Pokémon Blue to be sold in Japan. Now we’re all a bunch of middle-aged coots.

    Back in the day, the programming used up all the space on a cartridge, so if we wanted to add something new, we had to clean it up first... First we’d find enough space, then we could make what we wanted... It was a pain!

    In that one game, you could talk to the Pokémon following you to find out how it was doing. I was the one who came up with that idea!

    I heard something from Masuda one time... Apparently the sound that plays when you save is different in each version... I gotta tell you...I can’t tell any difference at all!

    Just between you and me, but... When we were working on these new titles once, I got told to come up with version differences... Boy, I was gobsmacked! But in the end, I’m glad I helped make them.


  9. So, if you used the various glitches found in RBY to get a spare Mew or two, don't expect PokéBank to allow you to transfer it. Sometimes, it will work, but often, the app will reject it.

    But if you do link to Bank, you can get a Mew-Z Crystal. But only on the first game you link to. So if you have multiple copies, nope! Only one.

    Also, my plan to let all my Gen 6 pokémon sit in Bank until I could transfer them over, so I could get Battle Points, worked out. I'm just under 200, and I haven't even used the Battle Tree yet.

  10. PokéBank has been.. .well, not updated. It's till stuck in Gen 6 mode. But from a Japanese Nintendo page, we now have details about the upcoming new features. And if you happened to have played the Virtual Console versions of Red, Blue and Yellow, you're in for a treat.

    • You can transfer Pokemon from Red, Blue, Green, Yellow to Sun and Moon (we knew this waaaay back in early 2016)
    • Pokemon from Red, Blue, Green, Yellow will have at least 3 random IVs (this is big, a lot of otherwise low-IV pokémon just got a lot better!)
    • Pokemon from Red, Blue, Green, Yellow may have their Hidden Abilities (this is also big. Hidden Abilities can make or break a pokémon for competitive battling)
    • Pokemon from Red, Blue, Green, Yellow will have a Gameboy Marking instead of nothing/Plus Marking (a cute little extra feature)
    • PokeBank has an new function, National Dex, which can be sync with your Local Dex in your game, that means you have no need to transfer your Pokemon to your local game to register in your local Dex (this will save hours of transferring)
    • In the National Dex in PokeBank, you can review the history of your games, including XY, ORAS and SunMoon. The reviewed info includes caught Pokemon, Eggs hatched, wild Pokemon encountered, etc. (kind of fun, not sure how useful this would be overall)
    • Pokemiles can be changed into BP in Sun/Moon (but you an do this any way from the main menu when you start the game, so not a really big deal)

    So, you get lots of bonuses for playing the VC RBY games, two of which are really useful. And the National Dex syncing feature will make it so you don't have to constantly transfer everything over just to fill it up. They know there's a lot of missing pokémon in Sun/Moon, but have decided to just make it easier.

    I do hope that PokéBank will still let me transfer Gen 6 around, though. I might want to throw some stuff onto my ORAS copy.

  11. Personal GameBoy story time!

    I had a GBA-SP (AGS-001, not the far superior 101 with the better screen) and it had a semi-permanent residence in my pants pocket. If I went somewhere and I suspected even a slight wait for any reason, the GBA-SP went with me.

    One day, I was leaving an office and took the fire stairs (I think the elevator was too slow or it was only a few floors? I don't recall). I pulled the SP out of my pocket, opened it and turned it on, and then dropped it.

    The stairs were fire-proof concrete, with big metal handrails that were mounted into the steps. Pretty sturdy stuff. And these stairs were the kind that had that little gap between each flight, so you could look down the middle and see all the way up to the top, and all the way down to the bottom.

    My GBA decided that stair-surfing was the way to go, and it not only fell and slid down the first flight of stairs, but then bounced off the wall at the bottom, slid towards the next flight of stairs, tumbled down those steps, and then came to a rest only a few inches away from the gap on the next floor.

    I rushed down, expecting to find it in at lest three pieces, screen ripped off or smashed or something. Nope. It was closed, had a little bit of scuffing on the bottom and one corner (I assume when it hit the wall) and was still on. The game was loaded and running.

    I had that GBA-SP until about 2010, when I gave it to my nephew. He still has it, it still works, and will likely end up being some sort of family heirloom at this rate.

    1 hour ago, Bleck said:

    I'm not sure that it's actually possible to break a Game Boy

    There is... but it requires time. Years and years of neglect. Poor storage. Leave the batteries in all the time, never removing or replacing them. Let them fester and leak, corroding the interior casing and circuit board. Keep it in the sun, let the case yellow and weaken. Keep it near a humid, hot radiator or vent.

    But you have merely weakened it. It endures.

    Bury it in the forest. Cover it in rocks and dirt, such that no light or air can reach it. Leave it there for a decade, and uncover it to realize that only now has the screen started to finally give way.

    But it endures.

    Fire will only anger it. Ice will only steel its resolve. Light and darkness will only slow it.

    But it endures.

    Only years of torture and abuse will harm it, and even then, it will only be weak, brittle. But it will still sit there... mocking your efforts. Time is not a weapon, it is merely a tool to slowly chip away at the rock that is the GameBoy.

    Unless you fuck up installing a bivert screen. Then it's ruined. :<

  12. Yes. Haven't you?

    You buy the console, usually at launch, and then pick up only one game for it.

    As the console gets more games for it, you stick to that one launch title and use it strictly as a metric for the quality of games, even ones that come out years later. This provides you an unalterable opinion about the entire industry based upon said one game on said one system, giving you the right you to comment on everything video game discussion, including stuff you have never even so much as looked at, let alone played.

    That's how it works, bleck. You should know this by now.

  13. 1 hour ago, DarkeSword said:

    And the thing about DS and Gameboy is different because the DS and Gameboy were both portable systems, and that statement was just Nintendo hedging their bets on a risky, experimental system (2 screens, touch, etc.); i.e. if the DS failed to capture the market, they could fall back on the Gameboy line.

    The Switch is designed to be a home console successor that iterates on the Wii and the Wii U, not a 3DS successor.

    Do you think they aren't hedging their bets with the 3DS and Switch? They know any new console is risky. They saw unbelievably high sales on the Wii, and then really low sales on the Wii U. The 3DS had a rocky start, and almost ended upa footnote, but they managed to salvage it and it's been doing pretty good since.

    Then they make a system that is both a portable and a home console? At the same time? That's risky as fuck.

    Nintendo obviously wants it to sell well. They want Wii-level sales figures. But if they see that it sells a lot more than 3DS, they will focus on the Switch entirely and phase out 3DS. It's just smart business: older, cheaper product doesn't sell as much as newer, more expensive product = sell more of newer more expensive product.

    And I'm saying this as someone that loves the 3DS. I don't want the 3DS to get phased out. But I think it could very well happen.

  14. I'd like to remind everyone of Nintendo's statement that the introduction of the DS would not mean the end of the GameBoy Advance as Nintendo's portable system.

    Any one remember how that turned out?

    And DarkeSword, people willingly give their kids $1000 smartphones. To keep. For themselves.

  15. 1 hour ago, MindWanderer said:

    I don't know how anyone lives without a portable USB battery pack these days.  I rigged one with a belt clip so I can just wear it any time I go anywhere other than work for more than a couple of hours.

    Actually, I hardly need to charge up daily. I run my phone with a decent power-saving setup and unless I'm using 4G and/or playing media all day, I don't get below 50% most of the time. And I have one of those sweet, sweet Mugen batteries for my 3DS. Best battery purchase ever.

    It obviously varies person to person because of individual use, of course.


    I'm guessing Bleck doesn't travel much.

    He does. He travels the lands, telling it like it is, and putting people in their place, whether they deserve it or not. :<

  16. Nintendo! Crazy idea: offer the tablet by itself (with the joycons, of course).

    Looking at Nintendo's Buy Now page, there's a list of each component and its price. The dock is listed as $90 US, which is less than a third of the whole price. Now, I don't know exactly what the dock offers aside fro acting as a charging port for the tablet and outputting the display to a HD TV. But if the Switch is supposed to be a console and a portable, surely I can just use the Switch as a portable if I want to.

    The price would be lower, and it would still work fine as a portable (some of us prefer portable over console, it's true!), and then entry price would be lower... say $250. That's about what the 3DS was on release, and the Switch would be far more powerful, warranting the price. If I want to, I can buy a dock for it later.

    That only leaves the battery issue, which could be fixed by a proper expanded battery accessory or just grabbing a decent USB rechargeable battery pack.

    You still get the same everything, just not on a TV... which isn't something that handheld players are necessarily into in the first place.

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