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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. I'm a massive Link's Awakening fan. Have been since I got the original back in 1993 for christmas. I love this remix. The in-game sound effects are a good inclusion, to really cement the original 8-bit sound. That works. I hear cuucos, the seagulls, picking up hearts, falling down a hole, even the dash sound from using the Pegesus Boots. Lots of detail to the game sounds in there.This really works great.

    There is a minor issue with the name, though. You see, you have the Ghost House theme as the source. But it's really just the Mabe Village theme, slowed down and sadder. This remix is upbeat, bouncy and happy, like the Mabe theme. I like the surf sound effect you used to tie it to the beach that the Ghost House sits upon, but again, this is too upbeat and happy to be the place where you take a wandering spirit for one last look at it's old home.

    From 0:00 to 0:30, it's a perfect start that long-time players can identify as the Ghost House. But from 0:31 to 1:02, it starts to sound more like the everyday life stuff you can connect with Mabe Village more than the Ghost House. After 1:32 is so much more fitting with Mabe, that it stops being even remotely connected to the shore. But then it softens and slows down at 2:03 to 2:28, it's back up to being closer to the Ghost House again. 2:43 to 3:53, it full-on small-town life again. 3:54 to the end, it's sadder, slower, more peaceful, reflecting the Ghost House theme again.

    I suggest putting both sources in for the title. I know it's entirely a pedantic thing, and it has nothing to do with the actual quality o the remix (which is pretty damn good), but it makes a bit more sense. You get two really good sources for one, it connects better, etc.

    Again, awesome remix. Love it.

  2. 12 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

    Wait-you have the beta version?

    Sure, I'll take it.

    I don't think Pro accounts work anymore though...

    I will have to put it somewhere for you to get. Unless we're allowed to post it on here? I don't think there's any legal reason I couldn't, as it was freely distributed software before it was shut down.

    If a mod is willing to chime in on that for clarification, that would be handy.

    EDIT: or just use this link, it's the same as I have.

    Other than that, did you want a save0001.sav file for something I don't know what it is? Or a si_hw_cataclysm_update_en_101.exe? Perhaps I can interest you in a 99205825234n.pdf?

  3. Aside from altering the trading functions to make it compatible with the 3DS, RBY were left untouched. Yellow still had its GameBoy Printer features intact, even though there was no way to use them.

    GSC had a seven day calendar system, the 3DS has an actual one (day, month and year). They could make it sync with the system calendar, but it's easier to just leave it alone.

    9 hours ago, Mirby said:

    theory: alolan forms of johto pokemon

    because of this unown text

    That's real, in case anyone was wondering. It appears at 26 seconds in. If you read the left and right sides of the tops of the wall as the camera zooms in, the walls say "ultra sun ultra moon' over and over, in the Unown typeface.

  4. Well, I nailed two out of three of my expectations, so I'm better than most of the fanbase with their bingo cards.

    Now, unless they really change things up for US/UM (USM? UMS? UMUS? UMUS. UMUS! I'm using that from now on) unless they really change things up for UMUS, I'm not exactly excited for it. I mean, it was a nice change from the usual when we got Sun and Moon, but the post-Elite 4 game was pretty lacking. Aside from checking up on the random Global Missions to get free stuff, I haven't played it in months.

    As for Gold and Silver on Virtual Console, that's no big surprise. Red, Blue and Yellow did really good, and it makes sense to put those ones upp as well.

    Pokken... I don't have any interest in it, so whatever.

    Interesting theory someone brought up. That's not an official image, just noticing that the colors of the N2DSXL match the color schemes of the official logos for UMUS.

  5. Hey, long time no update... because there really isn't much going on with pokémon these days.

    I mean, aside from Magikarp Jump on Anroid and iOS, another new Global Mission (again, already exceeded its goal with over a week to go) and that new Nintendo Direct that comes out tomorrow.


    I doubt it's anything about the rumored Stars game (that's a whole other discussion) and could be anything from Gold Silver and Crystal on the 3DS Virtual Console to yet another phone game. We'll find out in about... 23 hours from when this is posted.

  6. Oh yes, the map is massive. I hear some complaints along the lines of "but there's nothing to do in all that empty space!" To which I say, the fuck there isn't!

    I have spent more time just randomly exploring the map than I have on the quest.

    It's a map that seem to be very well planned to direct you towards anything but your goal. I constantly find myself climbing cliffs and mountains just so I can see what's there, only t- HOLY SHIT, NEW SHRINE. Pull the Sheika Slate, pin that loca- IS THAT ANOTHER ONE? Fuck yes. Oh shit, there's a tower not that far away (at least, I think it's not that far away?) and along the way is a rather big enemy camp, so you know there's going to be some chests and shit there.

    Even if you're just running around grabbing any items you see, it's still a good way to get around. I've spotted stuff on a hilltop and grabbed it, only to be drawn towards some ore pieces on the side of a cliff, and then once I grab that, I look around to see some trees with a campfire in the middle. Might be empty, might be an NPC, might be a monster camp. I don't know, let's go find out!

  7. OK, so now that I've had the opportunity to actually touch and hold one of these things, I can state an opinion about it. A friend managed to get one and just had it laying around when I noticed it.

    First, yes, I did lick the game cart (Breath of the Wild) and yes, it tasted terrible. :(

    Even with the joy-cons on or off, the Switch has some serious weight. Even though the specs say that the Wii U controller is 500-some grams while the Switch is about 400 grams, it just feels heavier. It's gotta be because it's so much thinner.

    Next, the screen. It's not massive, but it's still pretty good for playing on. Compared to the Wii U screen, it's a lot clearer. That's likely due to the massive resolution difference. But it's still a really nice upgrade.

    I just tried out a bit of my friend's BoTW game, which was in the first part of the game, and having played it just today on my Wii U. The Wii U version is still fresh in my mind, but I couldn't really pick anything out about how it looked or played from the Switch version. They really are pretty much identical.

    I can now consider getting one... next year. By then, we should have way more games for it, and any hardware issues (screens, batteries, "bending" and all that) should be fixed.

  8. And the game showed up at my door tonight.

    I'm just going to copy what I said on slack:

    Link will climb everything he touches. if you're trying to avoid getting hit by three bokoblins at once, he will instead latch onto a tree and sloooooooooowly climb up it, allowing himself to get the shit beaten out of him.

    Once you figure out how to avoid doing that, link will do it any way, because fuck you, it's link's world, not yours. Climb that fucking tree!

    Seriously, once you learn to stay away from anything climbable during a battle (and everything is climbable), link handles a bit better.Zelda's voice told me to go to the place indicated on the map, but the only thing I saw on the map was the place you started in. The game quickly told me about pressing a button to do something, but I was too busy climbing the walls to catch it. I ended up wandering around the area a bit until I died several times to a blue bokoblin with a big tooth-studded axe thing. but then I found some arrows and then later fire arrows and then finally exploding arrows. blue goblin is weak to exploding aerial bombardment, it turns out.

    Eventually, I see that there is a quest log in the menu, so I go to see if I missed something. clicking on the quest log activates the mission, not reviews it. That was confusing, and explained why I couldn't find this map marker anywhere. It wasn't activated automatically when it was given to me. Seems slightly counter-intuitive to me, but it's just something to remember for next time.

    marker leads me to a tower that shows a cut-scene about a castle and some random bad guy whom I'm sure won't be a problem at all. old man wants me to get him a treasure in exchange for a glider.an hour isn't enough time to get a feel for it, but it did give me that feeling of accomplishment when I bombed the shit out of that blue goblin fucker inside his skull-cave hideout, leaving his comrads charred and dead, and him bleeding heavily from his... everything.

    seriously, that guy killed me like, six times before I said fuck it and went looking at other stuff. fire and bomb arrows > blue guy.
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