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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. I'm up.

    I recall a few years prior where someone got a tabletop-full of sci-fi books and another year with some Power Rangers/Super Sentai mecha figures. Other years, it was 3DSs and games. I don't remember who, exactly, but they were good exchanges those years.

    I'm kinda surprised we didn't do it the last couple years.

    Oh, people, if you have Steam or PSN or whatever, don't forget to include your IDs in case you happen to have stuff on your wishlists. And your amazon as well. Some years, it gets hard to figure out what to get. I had to ask the guy running it one year because I just could not get a hint and it turned out my recipient as into something I had no idea was a thing.

  2. Yeah, but it was first released March 11.

    That's like if you were born on, say... March 11, 1995, and then moved to another country on August 22, 1995. The change of location doesn't change your birthday.

    Or maybe the first time you played it was on the PS1, which was released in North America June 29th, 2001. But it was still released March 11, 1995. The first release date, regardless of location, is the date you count the anniversary of it.

  3. Lunar Eternal Blue?

    edit:, not Lunar. Also not Grandia or Lost Oddessey. Fuck. THis is annoying.

    Parts of it make me think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon while other parts make me thing something like... maybe Chrono Cross? But then it goes back to something that sounds like it was some of the Pokemon DS games. But then it sounds like i might have been from a movie.

    Did you make that just to see how long it would piss off someone trying to narrow it down? Because if you did, mission accomplished.

  4. Back to work. The site is taking steps to reduce possible contamination, but it's still a concern.

    Luckily, this part of Canada has been pretty good with social distancing and masks, so we don't have lots of cases and haven't had a death in probably over a month, of not longer.

    But the chance is still there. So the client is providing more space for everyone to use for the lunchroom and we have a separate trailer for ourselves to help minimize interaction, and masks will be used regardless. We got a box of 1000 N95 masks and we're expecting it to last for at least two weeks.

    Fun times. Fun times.

  5. That seems like a tagging issue with the files. The "song title" field is being ignored and some sort of "source material" field is being read by the app instead.

    I've seen this with MP3 files that had their tags set wrong. I think newer apps read the embedded info differently than older ones, like Winamp.

    You might have to either redo the tags, or live with any OCR albums doing this, or see if there is a setting in the app that determines what it looks up and displays as titles and such.

  6. Yeah, this is the style of music that should have been in the game.

    The shrill, slightly spooky original set a mood, but this version sets a better one. It's a superior medley, even though it's the same one.

    This isn't spooky. This is affirming. It starts off as if entering a foggy town for the first time, light slowly pushing back the haze as you walk down the street. Then it rises up a little, taking the core melody from oddly unsettling to a more waking, coming about felling. Then the big push at 2:40 comes in and the violin overtakes the base theme and pushes it back. This isn't sad anymore. It's melancholy. A little happiness mixed in with the sadness. A ray of sunlight filtering through the clouds overhead. Things will get better.

    I do love the pokemon series music, but I also love it when someone takes it do a different place. This version feels far more emotional than the blippy tones of the original GameBoy had.

  7. My entire industry, hell, multiple industries related to each other, are shut down until at least August, if not the end of the year. There are genuine worries about having hundreds of people working in close proximity together in multiple industrial locations, which have never had the best hygiene in the first place due to terrible access and operating cleanliness in the first place.

    Luckily, we have a pretty robust and reliable unemployment system here in Canada, plus that CERB program for people that don't necessarily qualify for EI.

    Mostly, I've been playing games, and just staying home all day. I'm not in a quarantine situation, and my province is pretty low on the infection rate, but that's because people have been distancing and isolating themselves like they were asked to. Most stores are either limiting the number of people allowed in at once, or offer curb-side pickup for online orders. Some places are shut down, like my favorite Japanese place down the road. I'm hoping they're surviving through this. Small independent places like that don't have the corporate money backing them up during times like this.

    I was experimenting with some customized GameBoy shells to replace the more damaged and roughed up original ones I have... but everywhere that sells the higher quality shells are shut down, and the ones that aren't are shipping from... China. I don't know how well corona virus survives during shipping, but I'm not going to risk it. I'll wait until a regional seller for parts reopens than wait weeks or months for it to get through the mess that is international shipping. So it looks like my plans to make some (hopefully) really awesome customized GameBoys is on hold for at least a few mote months. Until then, I will just have to shelf the whole project.

    Until then... I guess... maybe hit up the rolling machine in the living room more often? I got the time and boredom. Might as well do something rather than kill the entire day watching random things on YouTube.

  8. There are the two volumes of Prescription For Sleep Game Music Lullabies, which has a total of 20 songs from Final Fantasy games, Chrono Trigger, Duck Tales, Shovel Knight, Elder Scrolls, Donkey Kong, Mario, even one from Metal Gear Solid 3.

    It's entirely piano and sax, but it might work.

    There's also the various music box style video game music you can find on youtube. For example:


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