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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I take it you weren't around for the video game economics thread, then. That was just... fuck, it was magical. He was wrong on all counts, but it was still magical.
  2. Once again,w e see the universal truth. They keep it the same as it was, and fans complain about it not adapting to the times. They change it up a bit, and the fans complain about it being too different. Thus, the lesson learned is to never do anything.
  3. Whoa... Jack arguing against people that know the law better and can formulate proper responses to his comments. This is very deja vu-ie. popcorn.gif
  4. That would explain a lot about Jabu-Jabu. As for the rest of the dungeons in all the games, fuck if I know.
  5. It's like they were the most obvious stereotype possible for such a group.
  6. Odd, isn't it? These three guys share the same birthday, so they must be triplets. But Zircon and BlackPanther are 24, while Electroisystem is 15. Damn, that's a long delivery. Your mom must have been glad to finally get you out of there.
  7. Anyone else come across this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmtQjNwiA9I It seems to be an error with wifi and OoT 3D.
  8. Fuck that, I just want my pokemans back! THAT CHARMANDER WAS JUST A BABY, YOU MONSTERS!
  9. Starting up a relief fund for Ben Briggs. He needs out help NOW!
  10. Yeah, he didn't really seem like Hal Jordan. Maybe Kyle Rayner, but not Hal Jordan. It wasn't a good casting.
  11. Bah. I doubt I could use any of my older GBA and DS games towards it, then. Interesting OoT3D glitch. Go inside Jabu-Jabu as adult Link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu1AQw_xMiA Skip to 1:25ish for the eventual glitch.
  12. Does being in the Nintendo Club thing do anything worthwhile? Like, free games? Maybe a cool plush Mario character? A hat? Anything? Or is it more like a bragging thing?
  13. You do know that there are other human Green Lanterns, right? Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner. Didn't even have to look it up. Hell, there might be more now, since they did that whole Blackest Night thing.
  14. It was kind of meh. Even with the GL comics I've read before, from the old ones I had from the late 70s and early 80s to the more recent stuff, I just didn't really feel any connection between them and the movie. Emerald Knights was far better, and I wasn't familiar with any of the stories it had. Maybe if this movie had more Mogo?
  15. Oh shit guys, Sega got hacked but good this time. These hackers fucktards need to be stopped!
  16. Five bucks says one or more of the LulSec guys ends up being beaten quite badly by someone with the means to find them, hurt them,and maybe get rid of them. Of course, since the party(s) that would do so would never admit it due to it still being a crime to beat up other criminals, and the LulzSec guys never admitting to being found and roughed up, we'd never know about it. I'd like to think it would still happen, though.
  17. Sometimes...sometimes, he says things that no one can really argue with. And when they do, they find out they are in a very small minority.
  18. So, if we somehow put the whole game in a pot, and let it simmer for a, like... what, 15 minutes? We would have a better game?
  19. I loved the fact that it was such a big place. TP Lake Hyrule was as big as OoT Hyrule itself. It felt massive and open as fuck. Hell, jumping off the bridge to get to it was fun. I wonder if that's where they got the opening for Skyward Sword from? Where Link just runs and jumps off of a cliff into the clouds.
  20. There's something about Link's Awakening that I have always found kind of interesting. In Link's Awakening, the characters,the bosses, the temples you visit... they all warn you that the island is the dream of the Wind Fish. The Owl tells you that once you defeat the final Nightmare, the Wind Fish will awaken and then the island, and all its inhabitant, will cease to exist. You know this so much, and in the end... you do it anyway. I have to wonder if anyone just decided to not finish the game and left the island to continue existing.
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