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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Well, ever since Miyamoto ordered the death of Gunpei Yokoi back in 2001, they haven't been able to come up with even the most basic idea of what to do. Also, Iwata was the sniper that shot out the tire of the car Yokoi was in, and that's why he's president now. (how many inaccuracies do YOU see?)
  2. They got sold to Micrsoft when all the good people in it left to form their own companies, and Rare hasn't made a good game since. So why the fuck would they be saving Nintendo, and what exactly would they be saving them from?
  3. http://www.destructoid.com/e3-wii-u-scraps-friend-codes-for-username-friends-list-203359.phtml Friend Codes are gone, Names and Friend List are in!
  4. I got bored and wrote up some quick and dirty alternate lyrics for Weezers "Buddy Holly". = Original version (and music video) instrumental versionWhat's with these homies defendin' Nintendo? Why do they gotta front? What did they ever do to these guys That made them so fanboyish? Woo-hoo, but you know I'm core. Woo-hoo, and I know you're lame. Woo-hoo, and that's for all of time. [chorus] Wiiii-ii-uuu, you look just like the last system. Oh-oh, and you don't care 'bout the core. I don't care what you show at E3 anyway. I don't care 'bout that. Don't you ever think, you're such a freak. I know that you need help. Your mind is twisted, your soul is shit. You need a god damn brain. Woo-hoo, and you know I'm core. Woo-hoo, and I know you're lame. Woo-hoo, and that's for all of time. [chorus] I don't care 'bout that. Bang! Bang! Knock on the door, another letdown, get off the damn floor. Oh No! What do we do? Don't look now you don't have a clue. You can't game and You can't play. What's a matter fan, are you feelin' gay? What's a matter, what's a matter, what's a matter you? What's a matter fan, are you feelin' blue? Oh-oh-oh! And that's for all of time. (x2) [chorus] I don't care 'bout that. (x3) Terrible, or terribad?
  5. Simple solution: don't give kids video games. Problem solved! http://www.destructoid.com/e3-wii-u-amd-gpu-25gb-discs-no-gamecube-compatibility-203333.phtml So, it's confirmed to not use GameCube controllers, but it will use all Wii controllers, including the Classic Controller. Also, 25 GB discs, so lots of storage, which it good. On another note, Nintendo stock in Japan dropped 5%, the first significant decrease in years. But before anyone starts going all "TIS THE END OF NINTENDO" or "haa haa, Nintys going DOWN", I'd like to point out several things. The last time their stock dropped this much, it was just after the Wii was announced at E3. Look how well things turned around shortly after. Nintendo stock climbed until it pretty much hit it's peak. It's only been the last few years when it's taken a real price drop, and that was because, I suspect, they were almost done selling Wiis to everyone. In fact, let's compare each of the three's stock over the last five years, shall we? MS - 5 Years Sony - 5 Years Nintendo - 5 Years On the left hand side of those charts, you will notice numbers, that increase along the Y axis. That would be stock value in dollars. At the current low, Nintendo stock is worth ~$200, whereas MS and Sony are hovering around the ~$25 mark. That means that even with a loss of 5% (which is actually kind of big, when you think about it), they are still worth almost 10 times of their competition. Now, it isn't exactly fair to directly compare the three, due to the biggest reason of all: Nintendo is strictly a console manufacturer, whereas MS and Sony have their hands in other things. MS is still primarily an OS publisher, with a video game section as well as a media tablet/phone division, as well as some other stuff. They have lots of things that might influence their stock. Same for Sony. Sony makes lots of electronics, but did you know they also have an advanced chemistry division? Or that they also work with semi-conductors? While I said it's not fair to compare them in this way, it is a good way to tell which company is doing relative to each other. Nintendo stock can drop a lot more and still be worth more than either of their rivals. This drop doesn't mean things are going bad for Nintendo, and it is not a sign that Nintendo is going to suffer or even die. There. Now for someone to completely misinterpret what I just said and then we can get into a chart fight!
  6. What about that othello game they had in the video? That wasn't using the Wii U at all, was it? They never actually said one way or the other, as far as I've been able to find out. The just isn't enough info right now. It would be a cool idea, but until I hear otherwise, I'm going to be neutral on it.
  7. Well, it would make sense that it can deal with one tablet at a time. That's a lot of video streaming to it. I don't doubt that it's possible to do it with multiple tablets, but I guess they have some issues making it work. They might be able to figure out a way around it before launch, or even post-launch with some sort of patch. EDIT: Oh! I just thought of this. Virtual Console games on the tablet could be good. It's got the resolution to handle pretty much every single older system, and since you can play it anywhere you want, it would make for one hell of a retro-game system.
  8. Any way, someone says he's found all the AR codes for the complete Pokédex 3D app, so if you want them, try this out. http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee215/weirdguy8888/ARdex_unova.gif
  9. Yes, that screen was an interesting setup. I wonder how they did it. Carefully aligned multiple projectors? One really big ass high-res projector with carefully placed dead zones in the image to only display the on the sections of the screen they wanted it to?
  10. The Pokédex 3D thing? Who needs all the codes to access all of the pokémon? http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee215/weirdguy8888/ARdex_unova.gif It seems that this has the complete set, but they aren't labeled. Anyone want to try them out and see if they really work?
  11. I thin we'll only see a price drop just before the Vita comes out, which isn't going to be until this winter. Oh, for those of you that have the Pokédex thing, Destructoid has some AR cards you can scan. http://www.destructoid.com/e3-here-are-your-special-e3-2011-pokedex-3d-ar-cards-203240.phtml Enjoy!
  12. If you throw beef jerky at their feet, the console ninjas that are holding that gun to your head will be distracted and you can make your escape.
  13. Hoooo, god no, that would be a massive time-sink for me.
  14. The Nintablet is cool, just admit it.
  15. It's kind of odd that they made a sequel. I was under the impression that it wasn't very well received and didn't sell very well.
  16. Who was doing all the Nintendo remakes these last few years? Give it to them, see what happens.
  17. But Jill was a trophy in Brawl, right? So, technically, she was in the last game... (smiley for "cautious hope" here)
  18. Bleck and I agree on something. It hardly ever happens, and now I am scared. Also, there's a thunderstorm outside, so that doesn't help. Seriously, when I read that, there was thunder. The timing was spooky.
  19. Actually, I don't give a flying fuck about those games. But every year since the Wii came out, it's been "Where are my core games? Where are my core games? Why aren't you getting game I want to play?" and now they have the same games as the "grown-up" consoles. People can't complain anymore, because they got exactly what they asked for. So if anyone complains about not having any core games on Nintendo, they can shut up. The quality or quantity of them doesn't dismiss the fact that they are there.
  20. Wow, there's a part where you get all those Kirbys and the grow in size, so you get a massive Kirby army stomping on everything. Plus the snowball things was kind of cute. 2011: Kirby's revival?
  21. * Darksiders 2 * Batman: Arkham City * "Tekken" * Assassin's Creed * Ghost Recon Online * DiRT * Aliens: Colonial Marines * Metro: Last Light * Ninja Gaiden 3: Razer's Edge THERE ARE YOUR FUCKING CORE GAMES, SHUT UP NOW!
  22. Yes. They obviously should have the Wii U out next month, if they want to keep up.
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