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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. The album has been featured on Destructoid! http://www.destructoid.com/the-bad-dudes-take-on-oc-remix-in-epic-musical-clash-193667.phtml
  2. Actually, I was talking about Chrono Trigger. Also, I agree with the sound test. It's been so long since I've seen one in a game, I had forgotten about it entirely. Had I seen one in the last ten years, I might have suggested that instead. I miss sound tests...
  3. Yeah, I have some doubts about that happening. At worst, Sony will settle in-court with a fuckton of money and carry on as usual. They got a new portable coming and strong sales continuing to this day. Most likely, Sony will use it large team of lawyers to figure out a way out of it, and then stall like a son of a bitch.
  4. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Unused_Pok%C3%A9mon_design_revealed_in_magazine_interview Someone please find this issue and scan it or something. I want to see if they included any pics of these designs. Also, a cloned sheep was considered "controversial", but a cloned monster cat thing, fire-breathing hell hounds, gods of Time and Space, the anti-world and God of all Creation, not to mention cats having sex with whales, are all fine. OK, Game Freak, if you say so.
  5. I haven't really looked into the whole Dream World aspect of the game. It seems odd and kind of complex. You have an account on some WiFi system and you se it entirely through your PC. Why couldn't it have been done entirely on your DS instead? I guess we'll see when it goes online around late April or early May. Oh, didn't you hear? The US Dream World system is going to start at least a month after the games come out. Add another for the trying to get it to work.
  6. Testing has shown it's not that bad. SE attacks still fuck it up good, and his movelist only has a few moves that that Ability would benefit. Its beneficial moves, like Growth, are reversed as well, so all of its boosting moves are fucked over good. That means no Coil to boost Attack, Defense and Accuracy. All those moves are now useless, and it could use them a lot. So really, it's not that bad. It can hit hard, but it's still kind of fragile. As a Serperior (final stage evolution), 75 base HP means that even with 95 base defenses, it's not going to stand up to much damage. STAB Ice Beam = GG.
  7. Oh come on, guys, leave the poor bastard alone. Some people don't like the same things as you do, big deal. Let him be. EVEN IF HE IS STILL WRONG.
  8. For RPGs that use hidden stat systems like bonuses and things that affect how stats are boosted or lowered, have some more transparency to it. Give a proper list of how it works and what does what. Show the player how they can adjust things to their liking. Let the player know about this stuff, and let them use it to their full potential. People that don't care about that sort of stuff... well, they don't have to bother with it, so they're good. Just make it optional for the player.
  9. My German is incredibly.... well, non-existent, but I think the videos are telling me that they are having technical problems and the video is not available at the moment. That or I've ordered a shipment of German underwear.
  10. What do you call a bunch of "Fe+2" symbols arranged in a circle? A ferrous wheel.
  11. Well, kind of. It turns out that any game that got the GameSpot/EB Games Beasts can't download the Wonder Card for this event. They count as the same, so if you already got your EB/GameStop ones, you can't get these ones. I checked on my game a few hours ago, and it gave me a message stating I already have already received this event pokemon.
  12. I don't know, he did have sunglasses and did turn a guy into a ball of goo once. And on this one, he's fighting crime and killin' dudes. Oh god, another example of his edginess. In this one, he and his animal buddies BEAT UP BIKERS. This is some hardcore shit Kirby's throwing down.
  13. Old news. Good thing I had that GameStop Raikou for you, huh? Oh wait, turns out you didn't really need it. Mind you, I still got the three Japanese ones, and the Suicune from Saturday before they stopped giving it away. I still wish someone that gets the games early can test to see if the Japanese ones will work, and if it's a one-time event, or if it can be used three time with each Beast. Doubtful, but you never know.
  14. Those are serrated edge circ blades. I meant the fine edge ones that are used for detail and fine materials. But still, round things do have edges!
  15. Circular saw blades have one edge, all the way around. And they will cut yo shit UP!
  16. HAAA HAAA HAAA HAA you're a terrible human being.
  17. I remember that from years ago. I can't believe anyone could take it seriously. But then, if they ever played Half Life, they should have clued in as soon as he mentioned Barney, from security.
  18. OK, it seems that everyone that has a remix for this project needs to give a consent statement to make it all legit... er. More legit. So, everyone that is on this list needs to write something up and say they agree to let their work be used on the album: Fishy Rozovian Willrock ProtoDome Level99 Prophet Tweek halc Cerrax Jaroban chthonic pu_freak ANother Soundscape Glsicer DragonAvernger The Orichalion andyjayne Chrono26 Pixel (album cover) Expect PMs shortly to make sure you get this message.
  19. I know that Nights and Vault Boy aren't up yet, and having gone through the list one by one, it seems that there aren't any other ones that need a write-up. But are we expecting any other ones in the future? I'm asking because I'm actually kind of looking forward to doing another one. It was actually fun to write.
  20. Jade! No one has posted on your page in days! How can this be?

    Now I shall save it from stagnation! Lolly-ho!


    So... how ya doin'?

  21. Yes, but it will only work as long as he isn't a Tauros. FUCK YOU TAUROS! I'LL GET ONE OF YOU IN SILVER! And I eventually did.
  22. On a DS, you have one hand that is both holding the system and also using the d-pad or other buttons. This isn't the case on an iPad/iPhone: you only use that hand to hold it. You aren't trying to use anything other controls at the same time. With the iPhone, it might not be so bad, but on something as big as an iPad, it is. Of course, some people just put them on tables, or on their laps. Problem solved.
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