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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. No. No, I think he's all tuckered out now. It's not easy spewing that much bullshit, even he would have to take a break now and then. But since this is an actual discussion about an actual topic, let us continue to proceed with genuine enthusiasm and vigor. DLC is not bad. Valve has great DLC for most of their games. Even with the recent TF2 crate key thing, where you pay to unlock items that drop in-game, it's still not that bad. You can choose to not get the key, and (I have to go b what I read, feel free to correct me if I have this wrong) you aren't missing out on anything that will affect your ability to play the game, ie: better weapons or stats or something. In fact, I heard that you can sometimes get normal weapons instead, so it's kind of random. If i have this wrong, please correct and elaborate.
  2. All-Top-Medications DeliveredDirect - ZeroHassle NoRxNeeded!‏ We have all of the topBrand andGenericMedications atSeriously GreatPrices! Give us a try today and save up to % off ofRetail! /actual junkmail
  3. They're nice to look at, but my favorite companion was Donna Noble. She was brash and kept the Doctor on his toes in a lot of ways. Plus the cameos and eventual team up with her grandfather, the old man from the Christmas specials, was just fun to watch.
  4. You can. Just edit the first post, go to Advanced, and it will let you change the title. Mostly. What I mean is, the core part of the game has all the required plot, items, characters, whatever, that is needed to complete that part. The optional DLC is not required to complete the core game in any way. You can get them to be part of the overall experience, but the are not required to do so. I guess it's like the optional side quests in RPGs. You don't need to do them, but it can be fun by themselves. Maybe not the best explanation, but I hope you get it.
  5. In all likelihood, it would add up to the same amount as a full title would cost. I could see it as being a variable alternative for people that want to play but can't afford the whole game. Get the parts you want, when you want, how you want. But they have to make sure that none of the separate parts are required for anything game--breaking or important. Purely independent and optional sections.
  6. I've never paid for DLC, but I have gotten the free stuff that Valve put up for Steam games I have. Also, title looks like "d i c", not D L C. I thought this would be about something very different.
  7. I have never MDMAed, ever. I'm not one to hang out in the sort of places where the do that.
  8. The subject is so deep and complex, only lots of extra sidelines and tangents can explain everything. Sure, a simple, direct reason is possible, but how else can he have an out when someone asks something he isn't prepared to respond to? I mean, come on, he's only one man! Ease up on him.
  9. I still say we need a Mega Man album. But not just any album. No. A MEGA album. All then games, each level with it's own unique remix. Yes,it would take the entire site's talent pool to do it, and it would take years to finish, but god damn it, it would be the single most impressive remix album ever made.
  10. I do have plans for extra tacks for the CDs, should we go that route... I already have two in mind, and a third wouldn't be unwelcome. Hint hint. Hint.
  11. Gollgag, that is a terrible argument. I can see it on my screen. If seeing = truth, and truth = real, then that number = both TRUE^REAL squared. It's really big, with lots of zeros in it. By stating it's factualness , I can understand it. Therefore, I can comprehend it. You are wrong. Your entire argument is based upon false assumptions of my understanding. My arguments are sound and valid, because I have spent years practicing this exact sort of thing on video game forums! Ergo sum cum laude, and other latin phrases I picked up on wikipedia in my spare time from other video game sites. I'm not going to respond to Charlie's post because that's IRRELEVENT to the topic, and not worth my time, but I will still keep going on about this because I don't have to work right now. Sorry for the double post, I'm on an iPad.
  12. Did you know she was one of the temple girls in the episode "The Fires of Pompeii"? She had a hood and make-up on, and wasn't there or that much of it, but she's not actually new to the series. How interesting.
  13. Oh yes, that one. I still have the last version somewhere. It was that one with the pop-can percussion thing.
  14. Boooo, you just ruined Doctor Who for me by making that association. It will take many viewings of the last four seasons to to fix it.
  15. Yeah, I vaguely recall that as well. I don't even remember if you submitted a WIP now.
  16. You are the most not-unhip dude to ever be bad enough to rescue the president. I think it is fine if you did. In fact, everyone start being ALL COOL AND HIP. NOW, I DEMAND IT.
  17. Like an older, slightly weirder Captain N without the jacket?
  18. He has taught me so many things about so many subjects, but the one thing he has truly educated me on is how to love. Love myself, love others, love the earth, EVERYTHING. Thank you for teaching me love, kylejcrb! For you, I wish you all the great things related to birthdays.
  19. But if it's just your basic stance of the subject, it doesn't need to be full of detail and information. It just needs to tell everyone reading it what you are talking about. The statements afterward are what gives them the full discussion.
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