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  • Location
    Casper, Wyoming
  • Occupation
    USPS Contract Highway Carrier
  • Interests
    Same as it ever was

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    1. Not Interested or Available

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  1. oi! Are you still around?

  2. Actually it was my friends' stepmother's total ignorance of gaming that introduced us to Armored Core (we wanted her to get one of the Ace Combat games...don't ask me :/ ). Maybe I'm just lucky.
  3. DRAKAN DRAKAN DRAKAN DRAKAN DRAKAN DRAKAN. The ONLY decent parts of that game were flying the dragon.
  4. I want to decide who lives and who dies.
  5. Thanks, Aninymouse. I've been looking for new music, and you've given me a lot to look into. I read a lot of Light this City's lyrics, and HOLY CRAP. The subject matter is similar, but it's a cool subject and all of the songs are well written. Some of them really stand out. (The Eagle and Like Every Song's our last I loved) Within Temptation... I disliked. I hate when women sing in falsetto, and they just kind of sound like a Evanescence clone. Or vice versa, whomever came first. Anyway, falsetto bad.
  6. Killing someone while drunk driving is murder. Everyone knows that your judgment and reflexes are impaired when you drink. Nobody gets drunk by accident. Anything that happens while drunk, that could have been avoided if in your right mind, is not an accident.
  7. Is it that game everyone loses all the time?
  8. (Getting ready for work, so I haven't read the whole thread or researched this organization.) This sounds like a more focused Toys for Tots. It would be a good place to funnel used games. So you're not just putting money into games that could go into research. The money has already been spent, the games are just going to a worthier cause than getting 2% of their original dollar value from EB and collecting dust on the shelves.
  9. I wish Frylok\Mystico were here to sing the requiem for UnMod...:'( I'm much too new\addle-brained to properly describe it. I'm glad I was here for at least the tail-end of that place. I had a lot of fun there. I still have that free-form poem Kingpun wrote about it(Warning explicit content I guess just making sure!): Being original is great And free verse is awesome Because you don't have to rhyme and shit ... It's got no rhythm, they said, it's got no rhyme You write in free verse all the time You need no structure for your song But then you go back and prove yourself wrong dammit Mumble mumble ramble on and on and on and on and on and so on Bla bla bla What I'm saying is very important It has great meaning But you don't understand it Because you are a STUPID BUTTFACK LUESER FAG LOLLOLOLOLOL Unmoderated They named this forum that Oh, how I long for a better name Like Steve I like Steve I meant the name Steve, not that guy called Steve No, you're the fag Unmoderated The place you go when you're far too tired To think . . . . . . straight I can think of better things to do with my time But I'm far too lazy You're not supposed to commit intellectual property crime But the lines are hazy Unmod Your white walls are in stark contrast To the red of the blood here And the carbon black of my retinas But they go well with the semen And there certainly is a lot of that You know, they called some here elitists Mixin' with the beatists But hey, it's all really community When they bomb with impunity Let's go Goatse Now available only in personal or goat form Tubgirl The return of the faceless Identity lost in the wash Pain Collage posters such as this are very educational Quote Quote has the power Of stealing the pins under BBCode's tower Of cards; So fragile But then you attack and don't cut it no slack while Everybody gets down KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN ! Everybody get down and break dance Break the brakes for the dance and everybody get KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN ! *dances*
  10. Jesus, you're right... I remember my parents let me stay up past my bed-time in middle school to watch the first episode together when it aired. They ROFL'd hard at the "Somebody's baking brownies" joke.
  11. I find this hilarious. I haven't watched TV in years. Excepting of course the snippets out in public places.
  12. This is the type of game that should have an insane amount of characters. It kind of goes with the whole...theme...I guess. I don't know. More characters just seem like more chaos. Which is good in this case.
  13. See, I personally dislike the Halo series, but I played through Halo 3 with my friend and had a great time. It's not groundbreaking in any way, but it is a solid game. I, too, hope Assassin's Creed can pull off everything it's been boasting. If it does, then there's hope for the stealth genre. My favorite series being Thief, but the AI in those is so retarded. EDIT: Huh, I just noticed I said the same thing as Bigfoot.
  14. I've finally decided to just sell this game and relieve myself of this torture. I know that if I keep it I'll get nostalgic about its good aspects and forget its bad, then start playing it and go through this cycle of disappointment all over again. So, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is good you say? Maybe I'll get that. I remember playing FFT on the PS1 and disliking it. Then again it was for about fifteen minutes, so I'm sure that opinion was made in haste. I just want a good handheld game I can have fun with. I've beaten all the ones I have.
  15. Ok, I know this is not a new game, but I still need to talk about it. Did anyone enjoy this game? I've tried,and tried, and TRIED to like it, but every time something good happens, I see something that completely ruins it. And all this is ignoring the retarded uninspired "story". -Sweet, a game where I can cast magic the by actually drawing runes...wait...why do I have a limited amount of time to enjoy this in battles? -Cool! I can collect monsters, too! I can only use three, ok...wait...why am I also handicapped with Usage Points? -Hmm, this is a pretty challenging game. Good thing I can level up to get more powerful...wait...Even at level thirty I have very little mana, life, and UP. -I'll just level up my magic then...wait...my magic levels are lowered if I don't use that type for the battle. -Wow, the storyline just genuinely branched...wait...now the wizards are impossible to beat. I don't know why I feel so strongly about this game. Maybe I'm in love with its concept, so seeing it executed so terribly hurts me somehow. I just hope they make a sequel and fix everything. Your thoughts?
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